Category Archives: Spirituality

3 Reasons Why Our Future Feels So Uncertain

Around the world spiritual peeps are worried that their future feels uncertain. Why does your future feel uncertain – and why isn’t this a bad thing?

If you’ve been on a spiritual journey, there’s usually a sense of direction and movement – a sense that you’re going somewhere. When do you get the odd moment that you feel directionless and unsure, it’s quite unsettling, usually part of a shift cycle, and it usually passes very quickly.

So you’re not wrong to feel uncomfortable about the fact that the future seems so uncertain – and you’re in good company with many of the spiritual peeps around the world who have the same question.

Why does your future feel uncertain right now, and what’s the lesson in all this?

Paradigm blindness

Have you ever had that experience where you’re trying to explain something to somebody, and they can’t understand it because they don’t have a frame of reference to understand it with? Continue reading

The Fundamental Difference Between Empaths & Unempathetic People

The word empath is a hot trend in spiritual and personal growth circles, and we have an idea of what an empath is… but what does it mean to be an empath?

So yes… don’t know if you’ve all heard, but there’s this shift and awakening thing going on around the world. Have you noticed that?

So why is that actually? Why has your personal journey been so hectic and what is the point of all this empath stuff?

Pain makes most people angry and hateful

What sets empaths and lightworkers apart from most people is our ability to bounce back from pain and traumatic experiences.

Simply watching any of the famous serial killer detective shows will testify to that – almost every serial killer has a story of abuse, abandonment, rejection, hurt and trauma behind them.

shutterstock_334468931What distinguishes you, as an empath, is that no matter how much pain is aimed at you, you always bounce back.

Yes you may get angry and you may be held down for a while, but almost inevitably you will bounce back – you won’t still be living this pain actively five or ten years from now, and you won’t let one negative event stall you for your entire life. Continue reading

How to Know Which Type of Energy Healing is For You

All around the world you find various kinds of energy healing practitioners practicing a smorgasbord of disciplines. So what are the different kinds of energy healing & which one is right for you?

Unlike modern medicine, energy healing aims to release the symptoms by curing the cause of the ailment – whether that cause is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. What’s more, energy healing work can be applied to any area of your life, from health to finances to relationships to emotions; you name it and the issue or challenge can be cleared permanently from your life.

The choice of modality is really about you and what you are comfortable with. Good practitioners will be able to help you regardless of the modality they practice – they’re just more likely to be an expert navigator in their chosen field of application.

At the end of the day though, almost all roads lead to Rome, and you should be able to use most of the available modalities out there to achieve inner peace and joy in pretty much any area of your life. For the rare instances that you aren’t able to find relief, the list below may give you a better idea of the type of healing help you want to seek out. Continue reading

How You Can Raise Your Health And Consciousness With Fulvic Acid

Perhaps you’ve heard of the health and consciousness promoting supplement being talked and written about in the holistic health community called fulvic acid. One of the foremost experts in organic soil science is Dr. William Jackson, said, “If the Creator felt that it was necessary to design something to solve multiple problems, and if this Creator wanted to show us the magic and miracle of pulling ‘rabbits from a hat,’ then an outstanding job was done with the design of fulvic acid. ”

Fulvic acids are created by soil-based microorganisms to help make nutrients available to the roots of the plant to uptake and utilize.


Fulvic acid has 14,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons it can donate.

For human and animal health, fulvic acid helps in an incredible amount of ways. It is the most potent anti-oxidant known as it has 14 tetratrillion (that’s 14 with twenty-one 0’s behind it) electrons that it can donate.

Interestingly, it can both donate and accept electrons- something no other compound is known to be able to accomplish.

According to Supreme Fulvic, fulvic acids are also the richest source of electrolytes, helps to chelate metallic minerals (and transmute them into bioavailable forms), helps with vitamin and mineral transportation and absorption, catalyzes enzymatic activity and helps dramatically with neutralizing radioactive substances within the body as well as catalyzing the breakdown and elimination of herbicides and pesticides. Continue reading

Daily Divination 4/21/16 ~ Fire & Ice

No doubts on this one, this is the ultimate meeting of two very powerful, very opposing runes. Before we dive in, let’s consider the day that we are talking about. Yesterday we celebrated cannabis day and tomorrow we move on to Earth Day, and with a full moon to top it off. Mars is officially in retrograde and soon 4 other planets will join. This is a powerful time with powerful forces at work. Be weary, be sharp, and be well. Taking care of yourself during these uncertain times is paramount.

rune42116 doneFirst we draw Kenaz, the rune of the torch. The beacon light, or torch light, is what leads the way in time of darkness and uncertainty. We travel with a torch to light our next few steps ahead, illuminating who and what is immediately around you. Kenaz suggests the burning flame of creativity, vision, and inspiration that is necessary for new growth. The fire of life fuels you, giving you a reason to get up in the morning and meet the day with fervor, skill, and passion.

Compare this fire energy with Isa, the Ice rune, representing stillness and the slowing of movement. Isa calls on us to draw inward during these times and seek clarity through patience. This rune will often come to us when it is time to slow down and take care of ourselves, perhaps after a long period of hard work or excessive fun. In either case, the rejuvenation that accompanies periods of rest is what prepares us for what’s ahead. This gives us the chance to review our intentions and how they compare to our habits. Hopefully, we use this energy to elevate ourselves to live the lives we truly want, and truly deserve.

Together, we see Ice acting on Fire. This time of year, spring in full swing, spirits and kinship high, we see time speeding up and plans coming into fruition. We see connections being made, paths becoming fulfilled. The time is ripe to make great strides ahead in your mission. Whether you achieve this or not will depend on your ability to adapt to the circumstances and maintain your composure in the midst of a whirlwind of opposing forces. You will see emotions run high and you will see relationships strained, especially when they rest upon half truths.

Keep in mind that this time is powerful. We are all powerful beings full of light and intention, and we are all ready to bloom. Keep your head up and be strong, positive changes are coming to you. If you are feeling rushed, overwhelmed, or like you might need a minute to catch up, this is your day. Where we see delay we also see preparation. Consider all of the activity around you to be of benefit to you. Consider it to be the breath of fresh air that you need to forge ahead. Breathe it in and be well on your journey.

Alistair & Forest

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So We’re “Awake”… Now What?

The great window of 2012 to 2015 or so was a period of time in earths history when a vast number of people said “I want something else with my life!”, and made a change in their lives. Some made smaller steps and some made bigger ones, but nevertheless, there was MOTION!

But now that we’re on the other side of that window, and all of us are feeling like we have a pretty solid grasp on the world and its ways… We are “Switched ON”, so to speak… Where do we go from here?

What is next for us?

There are a lot of conversations we NEED to have. Conversations about the environment, conversations about the state of our current systems, about the health and basic necessities of mankind and the earth.

It’s obvious the current systems don’t work, economies are collapsing all over the world, there is so much war and malice both on a global and inter-personal level… why don’t we all just change direction?!

That’s ultimately the question, isn’t it? Because no matter how many of us seem to get together and communicate… At the end of the day, we’re still voting for liars, putting up with mind-rape advertising, giving our money to the government every year to go to WAR with…. and spending our days working jobs we don’t want to do! Raise your hand if you fit into that description in any way, shape or form?

Now look at all of the hands.


And yet, despite all of the efforts of brave and powerful souls all over the planet, the IRS doesn’t seem to be shutting down anytime soon. That’s not a revolution, that’s the OPPOSITE of a revolution… It’s a quicksand of energy-sucking that brings EVERYONE down and makes EVERYONE feel bad.

A lot of people will tell you that it is up to YOU to decide how you feel, but that is only half accurate, because I promise you that if I we didn’t have to deal with problems relating to the existence of dollars, and could spend our time making things that we were passionate about, we would be having a very difficult conversation now, wouldn’t we?

And yes, by We I mean You and I. 

But seriously, what are we all supposed to DO?! Bringing it down to the ROOT, like one of the last daily divination suggested, is the concept that brought me to this article today. There are so many of you out there, reading, watching, listening or looking in some way, shape or form. You’re seeing this, it’s entering your field of consciousness, that’s gotta say something right?

Why my voice? Why not someone else’s? Why this moment? For what purpose do we share this communication? What are we meant to do?

A lot of people would then end it here with a plug for their book, kind of like the ending of The Cove. Did you see that movie? They show you an hour and a half of dolphin slaughter and then once you’re all reared up about one of the most purposefully cruel acts humanity has done since the murder of Christ…. Your solution is, go and buy the DVD.

Come on. I secretly plugged my book paragraphs ago, and we’re only just getting started. 

We can’t do this anymore! And hey, I’m even suspect of doing it myself! We’d work really hard on something, put it all together, launch it, and then crash and bail because the vibe wasn’t right, and back to the drawing board. The only difference was, we genuinely tried. This time, We means me and my closest and most cherished of companions… Who you have yet to formally meet.

“Hey, crash and burn what?” You may ask…

Why, building a community of course! You know, it’s not as easy as it sounds… Mostly because, we were doing it differently than we’ve seen it be done before, and had to figure out a lot of things just about the energy between people before we could begin connecting with anyone else.

In the end, it will be the very connections themselves that bring us together, and even that, (making connections) is easier said than done.

But think about it, what is the other option? Are we supposed to be satisfied with the way the governments of the world treat us? Slavery didn’t go away you know, it just changed its form. Are we supposed to be happy with the way people treat each other? And For this, we all need to look at ourselves. WE are the ones treating others the way we are, and we are accountable for that. When we judge, or insult, or insist something be your way without a clear understanding of anothers, it brings the whole vibe down for everyone! WE do this too, it’s not JUST the governments… It’s all mixed together. They perpetuate that behavior, and we perpetuate them existing.

Because we COULD get slightly more conscious jobs but is that the bridge from here to there? If we’re still submitting to a group who claim they are there for your best results and then syphons all of your energy away…  Ugh, not cool! And no, I don’t think it is the solution myself.

It feels to me more like the answer is to translate your JOB into being something that you’re passionate about doing. And sometimes, the pathway from where you are, to “there“(where you want to be) is not clear. Sometimes you have to make a flying leap. That’s a huge step and sometimes scary for people. So scary, that why risk it when you’re safe, despite perhaps, overwhelmed and uncomfortable.

Doing something differently like that WILL change your life, no doubt… But sometimes the direction of the cosmic winds are far more powerful than you can imagine… and lifting thyself from where you were may land you in somewhere you hadn’t expected…

For the truth is, each and every one of us is born with a special, radiant gift. Something we can do, something we are passionate about, it is our own element of FIRE. It is what you live for….

And when LIVED FULLY – That gift creates incredible things here on earth…

We just need the freedom to actually go there, and be it. That takes courage… and strength… Embarking on a new journey is not always easy, as you enter the world of unfamiliar.

This is a world of growth, and a world of magnificence.

And a world where you are the creator along with everyone and everything else.

When everyone steps together, into THAT… will really see things change. If we wait too long, we will undoubtably see some disasters take place first.

This is the conversation we need to have.

What is next for us? What do we want the world to look like? What are we willing to do? How are we willing to change? You will say “I am ready! What can I do!?!” and then you must listen. Not to me – but to You. Not your ego or your thoughts…. but beyond that… the higher self through your Heart…   They, that part of You, are your guiding star, and it only takes listening to your own heart to hear what they say.

Sure, it might sound funny. Of course, it might sound ridiculous. Science will ridicule it, despite my earnest explanation that it is the wavelength of thought and emotion woven together through the center of your being and radiating to a macrocosm inside and outside that creates ripples in consciousness through time and communicates through the same channel. Thoughts and Emotions are non-linear just the same way Atoms are non-linear, and one day a passionate scientist will demonstrate this, in fact, some already are. 

But really, this is all a part of the big conversation we need to have as a species. I say species because the barriers of countries are just… well, they are really separated and that needs to open up a bit, and I know that’s like a HUGE task to even try and discuss how we could all do that would be like… Wow. Huge. That would take someone ascending and then flying around shouting at everyone that things are not the way that they seem! 

And truthfully…. where are we going to have it?

Facebook? Google? Twitter?

Or do we need to build something new?

Because quite frankly the comments section of the Spirit Science website is laughable as a place for beautiful and real conversations that shape the way we think about the world. I’ll be suprised to see comments on it, because mostly its spam!… Regardless, that is something I am very interested in participating in.

At the end of the day, there’s a great big beautiful future right around the corner if ONLY we choose to go there! And we have to go there TOGETHER. It’s not a solo journey… it is unified with All!

Thanks for reading!

With love,