Category Archives: Energy

Tying It Together: Ego, Souls, Karma, Twin Flames, Separation & Unification

 So when you’re looking at the big picture of spirituality, how do concepts like ego, ego reactions, souls, karma, twin flames, separation and unification all tie up?

Your emotional response in any situation is your ego.


An ego REACTION is one of the following family of emotions: guilt, anger, doubt, fear, shame, vulnerability, possessiveness, humiliation, embarrassment, resistance, envy, competition, awe, admiration, etc, etc.

An ego reaction is any EMOTION that makes you feel inferior or superior to the person in front of you.

Ego is the mechanism of creation: it allows us to take soul energy and break it into smaller, but complete, pieces, known as souls.

Ego is the idea that your little holographic fragment of soul is a complete identity. Continue reading

5 Tip For Raising Star, Crystal or Indigo Children

What does it mean to be a Star, Crystal or Indigo child? Many people see these labels as just that – simply labels that make a group of people feel special. The fundamental differences of a Star, Crystal or Indigo person is their core purpose in life.


Our consciousness exists beyond this physical realm, we’ve all experienced “life” outside of this physical reality.

When our awareness chose to incarnate on this planet, we chose a kind of template of our life. Throughout many life times, we have chosen contrasting experiences to better understand ourselves as an extension of Source or God. In this life, if you have chosen to create a beneficial, radical change through whatever means whether it be art, technology, science, writing – or anything you are passionate about; you are an Star, Crystal or Indigo child.

If you can see the blatant corruption of this world, see what’s really going on, dream of a world of unity, and think it can actually happen – you are an Star, Crystal or Indigo child.

If you think a 9 to 5 job, the design of our society and how things are going on this planet are “good” or “just the way it is”, you don’t fall into the category of Star, Crystal or Indigo people. That doesn’t mean you are less important, unique and beautiful in any way. It means your path is not shifting the state of the world.

That is THE quality all Star, Crystal or Indigo people share – it’s the intense desire for change. 

As a child, almost all of us have this inherent understanding. Over time, we are conditioned and numbed to potential of what humanity could be. If you are a parent with a baby or young child, it is vital you allow them flourish in the way they need to. Children are naturally loving, non-judgemental, and incredibly wise when they are in a nurturing environment. Give you children the water they need for their seeds to grow.


1. Don’t Cut Their Hair

According to North American traditions, hair is an extension of the nervous system, and spiritual journeyers who grow their hair experience an increase in their abilities.

World's Longest Hair (7)1

There are a number of other cultures, faiths and beliefs that also promote growing and hiding of hair, and it has long tradition throughout human culture.

Cutting hair is not like normal for us. Many of us experience haircuts as painfully traumatic and experience deep shock and a sense of loss afterwards. It’s like the intensity of breaking up with a lover kind of loss. Continue reading

The Great Antidepressant Debate: Which Side Are You On?

Let’s talk honestly about depression, suicide, antidepressants and ‘tapering off’ your medication.

Recently I wrote an article that tackled the antidepressant issue in part, and as Internet trolls do, a lady immediately came along commenting that I’m an idiot for saying that people can come off antidepressants without tapering off. I completely disagree.shutterstock_324566462

Like many people who have had intense spiritual journeys, my personal journey has been through the path of depression and suicide. My first nearly successful suicide attempt was at 14, and I have had another major attempt since then. I spent a large part of my life very medicated, from the age of 5, and have been hospitalized multiple times for what psychiatry termed ‘breakdowns’ – I now know these were layers of major spiritual awakening, the first of which happened at 4.

According to medicine and psychiatry I have two types of epilepsy, temporal lobe and whole brain, and I have bipolar with chronic and INCURABLE depression. Here’s the real kicker though – I am allergic to every antiepileptic medication except one, and that is so prohibitively expensive I’d need a job JUST to afford the medication monthly. I am also allergic to all antidepressants barring a very small handful – within weeks of starting a course of antidepressants I turn suicidal. It has the exact OPPOSITE effect on me. I’m also allergic to lithium.

So when I speak about the journey of depression, suicide and antidepressant medication, I do this from a very personal point of view. In addition I coach and help people with this journey.

In a way I was lucky that I am so heavily allergic to these medications, because first I got to see the wide range of medications out there and the long process they take you through, second because I have personally experienced stopping most of the medications on the market suddenly, and lastly because my situation meant that I HAD to look for alternative forms of treatment.

The problem with ‘Science’

As a woman of deep faith, I tend to have the same issue with ‘science’ based arguments that others do when we proffer spiritual or religious proof.

placebopillScience is a very abstract concept – a false god if you will. We speak about scientific ‘proof’, but science changes all the time, and what is ‘proof’ and ‘truth’ to them today can be totally different next week. They admit it’s best guess.

Secondly all scientific proof is based on the ‘rules of truth’ that science has currently accepted for that area. So you can prove gravity to me mathematically by using the rules of the science of gravity, but you can’t show me gravity or let me experience it.

When science comes along with ‘proof’ of something, it’s according to the rules science has made up. Science has gotten really good at this, giving us scales that tell us what we are and where we fit in.

Continue reading

Starseeds: Understanding Your Mission & Roles On Earth

What does it mean to be a starseed or lightworker, and what is the core mission? 

A shift is taking place. Humanity is changing. Around the world people are realizing that previous paradigms are not working and we must change our way of living in order to survive.

During this time, many people identify themselves as lightworkers and believe that they are here on a mission to help change the world. In simple terms, a lightworker is a person who chooses to change the world by raising the vibration of the self and others. There are many paths to higher vibration and all of them are viable: it is not the details of how you get there, but the outcome that is of greatest importance.shutterstock_420305578

An important thing to understand about this article is that, like any parable, it offers a framework to help you understand the mission and what is going on, using language and pictures that you are familiar with.

We do not presume to speak unequivocally for all lightworkers: we merely wish to create some structure that will help people understand the new world they find themselves living in, and importantly, the things they are experiencing in their lives. We also emphasize that as the creator, you have choice about which path draws you.

Understanding common terms helps us surge forward as a collective group.

When we have definitions and a vocabulary, we waste less time explaining ourselves, and the semantics of terminology, and more time talking about what really matters to us all – the issues that have brought us together as a collective.

As you’ll learn about the morphic field below, having a unified thought structure enables us to form a stronger and more united presence in the global energetic field as well – basically reading and understanding the framework allows you to connect via the morphic field to others who have done the same. Continue reading

Color Psychology: How The Color of Your Room Affects Your Mood

The colours in our surroundings can have a tangible impact on our mood, emotions and personality. Have you ever noticed how your feelings might change when you enter a light blue room, versus a dark red one? There is a science to how colours affect us.


Every room in your house can introduce positivity and overall good vibrations- if they are painted with colours that evoke healthy responses.

To better understand which colours are most beneficial in which rooms, you must first identify the room’s primary function.

After you’ve decided if this room will be for relaxation, entertainment, or several other options, you can move on to choosing a colour that fits your personality and will create the space you desire.

I’m going to explain what rooms do better with which colours, and why.

The kitchen can be a lively room with lots of activity and movement, depending on how frequently you cook and how often you have guests. Colour analysts suggest painting your kitchen red, orange, or yellow.
The colour red is known to trigger the appetite. So, if you’re on a diet it’s probably best to avoid this one.

Orange is an energetic colour and helps to raise vibrations.
shutterstock_179973509Yellow is a great colour for smaller, open-spaced rooms. It brings joy and happiness, and reminds us of the warmth we feel from sunlight.

Living Room Continue reading

The Illusion of Linear Time: Understanding Time as A Dimension

Time is one of those key spiritual concepts that you realize early on in your journey is important, but it takes time (sic?), repetition and peeling back layers to understand.

So how do you understand time as a dimension – and why is it even important to understand it?


One of the very first lessons you learn about time on your journey is that time is relative – if you’re having a blast, time tends to fly by, and when you’re miserable and don’t want to be somewhere, time can tend to drag.

Eventually this concept of relativity actually becomes a tool that you can play with: you learn to slow down time to get more done or you go into time slips, where time seems to disappear and you just seemed to race forward to a point in time that you want to be at – instant manifestation.

At first these experiences happen quite unconsciously, but after a while you begin to recognize the patterns, and eventually you learn how to trigger and interrupt these patterns.

Why does it matter?

As you play with time and any of the big concepts more and more, eventually you begin to think about them in a different way, seeing them in a whole new light.

This understanding of fundamental concepts contributes to your big picture understanding of the world, helping you to eventually put together the whole big picture of spirituality and how it fits into our lives.

The more you understand how it works, the easier it is to work the system and use it to improve your day-to-day life. Continue reading