Category Archives: News

Spiritual warrior in a speedo decides to start a revolution. Love is the Answer!

Have you not heard? Love is the answer! Stop Buying Stuff!! Tell your friends!

[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111567″]LOL! You have to admit, that underwear holds the secret sauce. His point rivals the greatest philosophies of all time regardless of how unorthodox “his approach” may seem. I think its about time we bring out the capes and speedos and start a revolution of our own!

 Well…. on second thought….I don’t know if I could pull it off but….
[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]If you watch the way this guy moves you’ll notice when he’s in the stores, he has to keep bouncing. I suspect its a secret technique of his to maintain his high “energy field” that must be required for moving through all those crowds of people.

You know what, kudos to this guy for being radically outstanding in such an emotionally disconnected area. Keep doin’ what your doin’ Mister.


If I was to sit and write what i was about… what would I write?

I am about the collective spiritual healing of the human race. I am about bringing people together. I am about connecting the dots. I am about building technology that can fundamentally change the way we live our lives, for the betterment of mankind.

I am about resolving the suffering of the planet, and the realization that all religions and ideologies are, at their core, about the same thing, even if it doesn’t seem like it until you get to the very bottom of it.

I am about making amazing cartoons and doing it with close family and friends who are open minded to discuss things that the mainstream world would tell you is simply not something to talk about.

Fundamentally, I am about demonstrating the truth that we are all One, and bringing together Spirit, and Science, two sides of the same coin. Oh, and that Love can change the world and make life amazing for EVERYONE!

Now, that’s all just me tho. Who am I? I am that I am, but you can call me Jordan. I’m another you, on a journey through this thing we call life, whatever that is. On it, I have met some friends who have expressed a similarity in personal reflection, both mentally and emotionally, as well as physically and spiritually, and we have teamed up in the name of the One that is All Things (call it God, Spirit, Source, Atum, whatever you like), to make the world a better place though wisdom, compassion, and creation.

Thus, this is what we are about… But the question still remains, what are we doing about it?

That’s a very good question.

The plan to change the world is a very multifaceted approach, for this is not something that can be done alone, it has to be something everybody does together, and not only “does together”, but does it willingly, joyfully, and lovingly!

You see, in order to change the world, we must live differently than we have in the past. We have to stop seeing ourselves as consumers, we have to live instead as creators. This of course, takes education and practice, and those are the two pillars of this creation.

On the right side of the brain, we have video and art! These two tools are powerful ways to communicate both loving messages, and scientific reinforcement of spiritual ideas that are fundamental to our existence.

I understand that, in the past, we have not always had the reputation of being the most scientifically literate, and this has caused some frustration amongst a variety of groupings and communities across the internet.

For this, I apologize, and take full responsibility. I am still learning, and I am beginning to understand what is required in order to communicate these ideas.

Yet, just because I have made mistakes in the past, does not discount what I am saying. It simply shows me that I must continue to learn, to communicate as best as I am able, until everyone is able to hear the song of Oneness, and we all move to the next level together.

I am most certainly not the only one singing it.

Everyone at Spirit Studio has come together as a volunteer to help make these videos a reality, we are putting into practice what we preach. Do it together, do it out of love, and good things will come your way!

The Left side of the brain, our second pillar is a tool that allows everyone to change the world together. Right now, people are limited in their connections to their jobs and group of friends. The internet can be, but is most certainly not the best way to make friends.

We want to make a tool that allows everyone to live life together as if it were a video game.

Now, part of me wants to tell you about what specifically this will look like, how it will work, what we are building it with, and all of that. The truth is, Ray loves big “lift the curtain huge surprise” reveals, and the moment we have something that we can move to the next stage together with, you will be the first to know.

Until then, stay tuned, and know that right now the Animations are the biggest thing we’ve got going on on the front end, and we’re going to be making more behind the scenes videos soon as well!


Not going to lie, i’m super busy right now with all of the new cartoons we’re making. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the above, it happened as a result of a comment made on our new behind the scenes video! I don’t really have the time right now to read over this and update it, but i trust my younger self that I had some idea of what I was doing when I wrote it, and perhaps in the near future I will come back and fully revise it!

Thanks again!


The Old About Page

In the course of my experience as the core steward of the vibe that is Spirit Science, I am pleased to say that it has endured one hell of a journey, and it’s growth and transformation and evolution inspires me.  Not only is it still around, but it’s growing. The core fundamentals stay the same, and it is constantly evolving into something new, epic, and bold.

313554_286520038055159_2067711234_nIn the beginning, Spirit Science started as an animated cartoon series. I grew up making cartoons and Spirit Science was the results after a shift and transformation that I experienced in the months prior. From there, the growth of Spirit Science expanded with new people that came on board, new people who got close to me and created something in support what I was creating with Spirit Science.

The growth and development of the website, the forums, and all of the new series that we made were a result of the communications and inspirations that were birthed through my connection with those people.

Over time, many of those old relationships collapsed. They were built on a variety of foundations, some of which were not strong enough to support the growth of the continued evolution and co-creation between two or more points of consciousness, (usually one of those was mine) and so they fell apart.

[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]Among the trials and tribulations that were faced, also came the connections that led to continued growth and expansion in the desired direction. With this, new inspirations and ideas about ways of doing things came into manifestation, and we instantly put that into practice. This began to propel the movement of Spirit Science forward, instead of that slowly sinking feeling that I was familiar with towards the 2nd half of my solo journey. Continue reading

Save the soil, save the world.

Howdy Howdy!   Today we’re going to talk about soil and why it’s so important, along with some ways you can improve it.  Soil can make or break not only a garden but entire civilizations.  Please understand I’m not just talking about dirt, but dirt that contains life, microbes, bugs, worms, water, organic matter, that’s soil and it needs our help.  

Soil erosion is a huge environmental challenge in many places and it is often exacerbated by modern agricultural farming practices.  Luckily for us, permaculture can help. With permaculture, we can reverse the damage we’ve done to the planet, as well as grow our food in a way that is actually smarter and regenerative (instead of just sustainable).
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Permaculture and Observation

If you read my last post, or are familiar with the subject, you’ll know that observation is crucial in permaculture; because of its great importance, that’s where we’re going to start today.

The designer is the recliner.   Finding a good sit-spot.

lightThe first thing you should do is get your mind right…  To do that, you should find a good sit-spot.  It might sound simple but the sit-spot is crucial for a couple different reasons.

First, you get the obvious benefit of relaxation; being in nature is a meditative and healing experience.  Second, nature can teach you a lot of things about your environment, even yourself.

My sit-spot is right outside my back door.  I make it a point to go outside every day and become absorbed by the natural world around me.  It has been cool to implement some of the stuff I’m learning in my permaculture class and see nature doing the things my teachers described, there is something truly magical about the process.
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Spirit Science 26 ~ The Big Picture

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Lets not get caught up on details, there is a bigger picture to this whole thing. This video was actually made a year ago and shown at the Sonic Bloom Festival… This is the story of man, the story that we’ve created, and an invitation to write a different one. A story of unity, of harmony, of growth, and of powerful transformative change.

Other than that, we’ll let this video speak for itself.

I would like to thank Yann Arthus-Bertrand for the creation of the movie “Home” from which the scenes in the first half of this video were created. A large part of the script from the first half was derived from this movie, and they deserve a lot of credit for putting together a powerfully honest movie about the state of the world.

Team Spirit is working hard to help facilitate the space for everyone from oil executives to high school teachers to begin directing our efforts at cleaning up this mess, and fixing the problems that we’ve made.

We believe that by doing so, we can create the most magnificent place to live. That is what we want :)

Subscribe to our new channel for more stuff :)

~ ~ ~

Thank you to everyone!

Thank you to Raymond Kamille and Kristopher Love for all of the support. Without them, this video could not have been made.

And thanks to Beautiful Chorus for being so amazing and providing beautiful music to use :)

Permaculture Can Save the Planet.

With our modern world full of rampant consumerism, pollution, and the destruction of the environment  happening at a dangerously rapid pace, it’s becoming painfully clear we need to start doing something different.  I could go on and on all day listing the stuff that’s messed up with this planet right now, but this post isn’t meant to bring you down sooo…   Let’s focus on the positives!

What we can do about these problems we face today?  What are the solutions?

wemeThat’s where permaculture comes in.   The word Permaculture comes from the words “Permanant” and “Culture”, it means what it sounds like; creating a permanent culture.   I hope to share with you the same feelings of hope, inspiration and determination that studying permaculture gives me.

Permaculture is based on the ideas that we are all connected, that we can look to nature to find solutions to the problems we’re facing today and we can conduct our lives in a better way that is not only sustainable, but regenerative; healing the planet and promoting abundance and health.

I started my permaculture journey after stumbling upon a really great website (  dedicated to the subject.  I started watching the free videos they offered and fell so hopelessly in love with the ideas presented that I enrolled in the Permaculture Certification class they offered, deciding this was the direction I wanted to take with my life.
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