Category Archives: News

Spirit Science Live ~ The Structure of Space part 1

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I was invited to be a part of Jamie Janover’s talk in Colorado about the structure of the vacuum of space. Jamie is a delegate of Nassim Haramein on the Resonance Project, where he goes around doing talks about the 64 Tetrahedron Geometry, the structure of the vacuum of space, and perhaps most importantly – why it’s important to us.

Here is part 1 of that talk, which is just getting started on the topic! Stay tuned, part 2 will be out shortly :)

You can check out what Jamie is up to on his Youtube and Facebook channels!

If you want to learn more, watch Nassim Harameins “Black Whole”, or check out

Edible Water Bottles

Are plastic water bottles a thing of the past? They are according to the makers of the new biodegradable and edible water bottle called Ooho.

The Ooho blob-like water bottle may be the answer we are looking for to take care of the worlds water bottle recycling issues.

Check it out for yourself here!

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This blob may look crazy but when you think of the almost 50 billion plastic water bottles used by Americans each year it starts to make more sense.

Maybe creator Rodrigo García González, and fellow design students Guillaume Couche and Pierre Paslier are heading in the right direction.  One where we humans can work with nature and leave less of a negative impact on the environment. Continue reading

10 Discoveries Unexplained by Science

Each day more discoveries are being made by researchers and scientists all over the world. Some of these discoveries are unexplained with our currently level of technology and understanding. Check out this video that goes over ten of these fascinating events that leave us wondering.

Check it out and let us know in the comments which topic you find to be the most insteresting!

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10. The Taos Hum- An unexplained Humming Noise. This strange noise confuses locals and scientists. What could be causing it? Why do only %2 of the people in the area notice this sound?

9. Sea of Galilee – Cone-shaped Underwater Monument. Weighs 60,000 tons and built over 6000 years ago. What could be its purpose & is this another sacred site?

8. Antikthera Mechanism – Ancient Clockwork Computer. Thought to be built in 150 B.C. and can be used to calculate the movement of planets? Were devises this this used to build sacred sites and or guide our ancestors?

7. Paleodictyon Nodosum – Mysterious creature in the Atlantic that creates perfectly hexagonal burrows. What could be causing these strange patterns? More awesome sacred geometry?

6. Godzillus Fossil – Fossil found that can’t be identified as a plant or animal. Could this be evidence of extraterrestrial or an undiscovered type of life?

5. The Upsweep- Unidentified noise coming from the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have tried to place the noises but have yet to pinpoint a source. What could be causing these sounds?

4. The Placebo Effect- Sugar Pills can relieve Pain and remove symptoms of major illnesses. Scientists are still not sure how the mind is able to do this. How powerful is mind over matter. What could this mean for the pharmaceutical companies?

3. Dark Flow – An unknown Force pushes matter through the universe at breakneck speeds. Scientists are not sure how or why. It appears that the source of the force is beyond the reaches of the observable universe. Is this a force we could tap into?

2. Kepler 78b – A planet similar to Earth in size and density is so close to its star that it orbits the star every 8.5 hours. The heat from the star shouldn’t allow for a planet to form that close. Does this change our understanding of planet creation?

1. The Naga Fireballs – Fireballs rise up from a river in Thailand each October. A must see that I am adding to my bucket-list! Orbs? What could be causing this interesting phenomenon? Check out the video to see what the legend about it says!

This just goes to show that there is so much more going on in this world than we thought. Its exciting to know that there is always something new and interesting to learn and explore.

Let us know what you think and what other interesting discoveries you have come across in the comments.

Thank you for reading,
& the Spirit Science Team

Photo: Bill Nye the Science Guy

The Science of the Hollow Earth Theory

The hollow earth theory is an incredible legend that is still yet to be understood by the world today. Is the earth really hollow? Well, maybe not physically, but there must be some elements of truth to this idea… Let’s explore them :)

It’s unlikely that the earth is physically hollow – and by that I mean 3rd Dimensionally Hollow. However, by measuring and observing the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum, we can see that the earth has these energetic toroidal fields spiraling all around us, which flow through the physical earth and to the center, and then radiate back out again.

earthtorusWould it be so insane to imagine that perhaps there are many levels, many frequencies and many dimensions on which this planet reside? All of them, in fact!

Now, what if there was a frequency or dimension that was almost invisible to us, at least with our current technology and awareness – and one that functioned almost as an inner earth. A space where the laws of physics as we know them don’t function the same. A place where the basic laws of gravity and practically everything was just a little bit different. At least enough to create a different representation of the consciousness that exists inside the planet.

It could appear different… Maybe it could even appear like this video describes ;) Enjoy!

Can we reset the age-clock on our DNA? Scientists say Yes!

An article was published recently via The Guardian & the NY Times describing a new discovery with our DNA, essentially alluding to our age being connected to a function of DNA – measuring the biological age of our tissues and organs.

DNA strandThis “clock” in our DNA shows that while many tissues age at the same rate as the body, some of them age much faster or slower. In addition to that, the age of diseased organs varied hugely, all the way up to tens of years “older” than healthy tissue in the same person, according to the clock.

Now, the researchers say that unravelling the mechanisms behind the clock will help them understand the ageing process in humans, and ultimately lead to some form of slowing things down.

‘”Ultimately, it would be very exciting to develop therapy interventions to reset the clock and hopefully keep us young,” Horvath told The Guardian. He studied the methylation of nearly 8,000 samples of healthy and cancerous tissue and found 353 DNA markers that varied with aging. They effectively work like little biological clocks. Interestingly, different types of tissue age at different rates. Whereas the biological age of heart tissue appears around nine years younger than it should, cancerous tissue appears to be an average of 36 years older.’

The Guardian 

Continue reading

BioPhotons ~ Secrets of the Human Energy Field Revealed!

Leading Russian Scientists believe we have the power to influence the world around us through our energetic fields, and now they have the science to prove it. Using a technology that they have developed, they are leading the worlds research in the awareness and understanding that our Consciousness is a fundamental part of our material world.

Video published by Russia Today