Category Archives: Energy

5 Ways To Cleanse Your Personal Space Of Negative Energy

Energy is typically viewed in two forms: good and bad.  Good energy is seen as an empowering force, the love that exists within us all.  It is both the means and reward for us acting well or in accordance with a higher power. Bad energy is the complete opposite. Representing selfish desires and sickness spiritually, this force can not be avoided, negative energy is the catalyst for change.You can not truly live with out being effected by this damning force. How we deal with this energy dictates our growth (or lack of) and defines us as individuals. The ability to walk through hardships with our head held high, acting out of loving endurance and clear, positive intentions is the bar that everyone should measure themselves by. This is a wonderfully productive way but difficult way to live.

I realize what a lofty example this is. As you read it, I’m sure justifications for not traversing hard roads as well as possible, jumped to mind. We only do as well as we can in every moment. I’ve personally learned every lesson the hardest way I could envision. I write this not as an expert but a person tired of seeing the same deep scars on others from the same avoidable mistakes.

The playing fields for for these techniques span your heart and mind. You should never try and control these formations because they are performing the duties they are intended for. Your mind is supposed to run down every possibility, from the terrible, amazing, surprising and selfish. How else do we expand abstract concepts without looking every rock, including the dirty ones? In the same vein, the heart feels whatever it can. This is awful because it seems to be doing its own thing regardless of conscious desire. It is still YOUR heart! Have faith that it is working in your favor.

Take A Break

You are not calling it quits, or being weak in any way. Step away from the experience you’re living through. Examine the situation you find yourself. Smile, you got this! If you can’t figure out what to do breathe and understand this is momentary. You may not have the answer now but don’t worry this is not the end. With no answer apparent, focus on consolidating your resources. Do what you can and shift priorities.


Turn your focus away from anything external and focus on you in your entirety. Your breath can melt away stress and embolden your spirit if you let it. Take the time to examine your health. Thank various elements of your self for what they do.

Take A Bath

Water is a healing element in every culture across the world. Heat to your comfort level and add some oils or other desired ingredients. Feel the water wash away your negativity and enjoy rejuvenation.

Talk About It

While this one seems obvious it is often hard to do. In the age of self help and independence no one wants to rely on anyone, or drag someone down to ‘their level’. Speak to someone you trust. What level are you afraid to drag someone down to? The human level is the only one I recognise. Chances are they need to talk about something as well. Everyone is going or has gone through hardships, you may find yourself surprised by the lack of judgement.

Pay Attention To Your Physical Self

 All this metaphysic and mindful introspection does not nourish the body. A hungry or fatigued person does not handle adversity well. Eat a snack or take a nap! The problem will still be there when you wake!

The Connection Between Color & Chakras: What’s Your Favorite Color?

Colors affect us in major but subtle ways. The way that color affects human behavior and mood is harder to test than the the other senses, such as taste and feel. Color psychology is the study of the way the visible spectrum affects us. Sadly the information gathered by studies is used mainly in marketing, branding and fashion. The potential use for this type of study is much higher than that.

Cities are installing blue lights in certain areas to reduce suicide, crime and depressions rates. Such a simple and cheap solution to such complex and deeply personal problems. In placebo studies red and yellow pills thought to be stimulants had a higher and more long lasting ‘effect’ than any other color.

While there are general trends in chromatic manipulation, how a person is affected depends greatly on age, gender and a touch of personal preference. Throughout the ups and downs, ins and outs of your life, you have sought out different colors for different reasons. Many people feel calmer and better adjusted around blue and green.shutterstock_359210279

These colors would have meant to presence of attainable water and food to our ancestors, so through the ages we still subconsciously see these necessary elements for survival. Marketing campaigns have also enforced and created associations of their own. Rather than try to uncover corporate master plans or means of manipulation, I’d like to focus on the emotional and spiritual content of the major colors.

As your read forward I would like to share my own example as a template. These are statistical trends and probabilities; not all cancers like orange. I’m a cancer and I have never liked orange because I attribute it to ambulances and caution tape. I do however tend to my sacral chakra ( represented by shades of orange) the most readily of any of my chakras.You will come across anomalies to these suggestions.

Black, Red, Brown Or Gray

These colors are used to represent your root or base chakra. The base chakra connects you to the world around you and fears that you have within. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus might be especially drawn to these colors. Anyone drawn to these colors are trying to mask their pain with a tough exterior.


The go to color for the sacral chakra, it represents relationships, creativity, money and sexuality. These are all right up the alley for Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios. Those seeking or loving orange are naturally creative and tend to cultivate a healthy sex life. They enjoy adventures, new information, and try to be down to earth.


Yellow is regarded as a passive and calming color. While that may be true for certain people, yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra. Associated with breathe, energy and personal power, constantly fueling the body and spirit, this formation is most easily accessible to Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. These people make great natural leaders and sensible business people. They are action oriented  and influential.


Sometimes thought to be the color chosen by geniuses, it is certainly well suited to Aquarius, Gemini, And Libra. Green is tied to the heart chakra, the gate to all ‘higher’ chakras and understanding. This chakra holds the spark of the divine and is where we receive our sense of intuition. Agreed as a good choice by individuals with strong emotional ties, they make for great listeners and healers.


Relating to the throat chakra, it represents and houses will power and choice. Those who feel great in blue are excellent communicators. This breaks down to thorough listening and speech, high levels of empathy and may be more extroverted.


The third eye chakra governs intuition, divine wisdom and recognition of the truth. If you dig this color you are intuitive, spiritually capable, and experienced in the world of the dreams and the subconscious


The crown chakra is represented by pink. Characterized as the gate to God or the universe the crown chakra is where unseen forces provide help, intentions, and sometimes test our resolve. Pink lovers delight in making others happy. They are naturally joyful and extremely positive.

A Practical Guide on How To Train Your Eyes To See Auras

Auras are the external energy wave every living thing possesses. In humans this radiating energy is produced by your chakras. Besides the major seven there are 114 chakras in your body, so understand that we are talking about a very complex energy system. Your aura and chakras work in tandem, in a system known as the Merkaba. each chakra spins out energy seen through the aura. Your thoughts, emotions, intentions and everything in between effects the grade, hue and visible strength of your aura.

Most people can’t or won’t see them. It takes a little bit of practice and a lot of open mindedness. Below is a video nicely summarizing how to begin training your mind’s eye to see them.


The only thing I feel the man in the video doesn’t account for is humans are complex and emotional creatures. Even if you ask your best friend to stand and let you look for their aura you may not find it. There could be something in your system or theirs that blocks or greatly increases the difficulty of what you are attempting.

Take a healthy plant and place it before a blank backdrop. Staring gently at the plant’s base, use your peripheral vision to scan the edges of the plant. The plant is a living thing so it is putting off energy that can be viewed but the mental and emotional simplicity makes them easier to relate to.

The ability to see auras is not only neat but practical. You will eventually be able to sicknesses (mental, physical and spiritual), character traits, and emotional intentions in the people you meet. You will gain valuable insight into the machinations of not only yourself but those around you.

Telekinesis Is Real; Here’s A Way You Can Experience It For Yourself

Anyone growing up with super heroes, Jedi or a good science fiction novel have shared my fascination with super powers. I’d rather not discuss the lengths I would go to to attain any number of crazy powers, but I will share with you a way to train your mind into developing telekinesis.

Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate the physical world around you using nothing but your mind… You read that correctly and yes I am serious.shutterstock_196145192

I know I am not the only one that fully believes in the unpredictable and infinite nature of the universe. We know little, can explain less and haven’t explored our own stellar backyard fully yet.

Everyone suddenly has strong opinions about what is and isn’t possible. I choose to believe that the human potential is boundless as long as we can perceive it as so. If you feel this is a possibility then lets give it the college try.

To test your progress you will want to set up a ‘psi wheel’. You need to fold up a square bit of paper or foil and place it on top of a pointy object with a flat bottom. The objective in this trial is to spin the foil or paper with ONLY your mind. A toothpick or paperclip shoved into an eraser seems to be a favorite to set the folded material on.

Once you’ve set it up, hunt for cracks in windows and doors. You don’t want to accidentally cheat yourself with a random gust of wind.

Practice makes perfect

These tips are guides only. They can be done in any repetition you feel productive and in any order.


Meditation makes sense to bring focus to your mind and balance your shifting attentions. You will need 110% of your concentration so start the process now and for as long as you can. Take breaks but nothing beyond 5 minutes.

Believe and visualizeshutterstock_198915077

Believe in your potential and visualize what your trying to do.

As the process falls apart in your head just reestablish your intention and start over.

You need to have faith in what you’re doing and be able to visualize the process from when you set your intention to when you move the wheel.

Form an energy ball

As you breathe you collect energy from the air, and you can pull energy from many sources; the sun, the planet, other humans, chakras, plants and mental formations in your head. The list is endless. Pull on everything you can and contain that energy between your palms. The focus here is on containment, expansion, contraction and if you can spin the ‘ball’ in different ways.

Be Positive

You aren’t likely to get this your first few times. Stay positive and nurture your negative energies. Love and positivity have the most powerful influence. Also if you should unconsciously release energy into your neighborhood shouldn’t it be positive?

Record Your Progress

shutterstock_362979692Track your intentions, focus, what techniques you used and your successes and failures.

This is very personal and any scrap of information may help you fit it all together.

It is important for you to spot what isn’t working. a practise of you may make you feel amazing but be ineffective to the end goal of controlling

This 8 Year Old Prodigy Explains How He Uses Crystals to Transmute Dark Energy

Every generation needs to project onto the younger crowds or at least criticize them into being strong. Every so often kids come along that shut the booing masses down and reminds us that that the newer generation is more informed than we are. Adam is 8 years old and excited to share his newest crystal grid with the internet. He debuts a configuration he dubs a ‘web grid’ designed to transform dark energies into light.

It’s crucial to remember that this came along because of his first hand experiences with a well developed collection of the metaphysical stones. Adam spent ten minutes building this network of Amethyst, Apophyllite, Celestial Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz points, several Lemurian Seed Crystals, and Vogels.

Watching this reminds me of my little brother explaining the theoretical and non moving Rube Goldberg devices he would fashion out of legos. The confidence in both of their intuitive reasonings is well placed and lovely to see unfold. There is some hiccups in the explanation but I’d venture to ask you doesn’t get lost talking about existential energies or consciousness. He is very specific about the alignment, even getting into the best charging, focusing and energy unleash points.

He literally holds the crystals to his ear to figure out where they go within the network. His confidence and willingness to look into the unseen is remarkable for anyone but especially an 8 year old. He also advertises for custom crystal set ups and consultations. I’d love to see his reasoning for certain configurations if all he is listening to is the stones.

5 Ways To Get High Naturally Without Drugs

Everyone enjoys that ‘cloud nine’ feeling but do we have to resort to external chemical aids to achieve that feeling? I’ve got great news, answer is a resounding no! Any external intoxicant effects a handful of major chemicals that are mood markers for humans. These would include Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and their many derivatives. Through out your life they are in constant flux depending on what your doing, eating or spending your energy. Here are some ways to get the most umph out of really fun practices.


The meditative high is no joke, you will walk away from your practice with whatever you need. I started my practise as a matter of understanding and nurturing my darker side. As my practise grew, I started to practise just for the fun of it. This is Where I recommend beginners start their practise. Just sit and pay attention to what’s going on in between your ears. Have fun with it and experiment a little. There are so many templates it can be a little dizzying but as long as there is a central and consistent theme your very likely on the right path.

The greatest part of this habitual ‘use’ is there are no downsides. I promise you will get back ten fold whatever you put in, and you can put whatever you want i. Personally crafted high that provides medical benefits. There are a slew of benefits spread across the internet but here is a list, if a free high isn’t enough.

Ecstatic dance

There is something beautiful and unique about dancing to music that you love. The way you dance and what you dance to has a direct influence to the degree of consciousness you reach. The music moves you spiritually, distracting you mentally while your body works those endorphins up into a fury. The sum of these actions creates a positive sense of self that will stick with you at least a day or so. A few calories for a couple of good feeling days? Worth it in my book.


This option is my favorite and I try to do it everyday. Your body feels vibrant and you have a glow to you that others will notice for a while. Reconnecting with your body will help you diagnose other ways you might want to treat yourself with natural highs. I have personally seen more people’s attitudes and lifestyles change dramatically, for the better after even just 3 yoga sessions. I recommend a heated class for a ‘great body high’. But if you’ve never done on before start with a basic Vinyasa class, as the heated class are intense and injuries happen. For those searching for a spiritual experience or mental buzz a Kundalini would be right up your alley. There are times I feel I need to scoop myself back into my body afterward!

Mindful breathing

This one is kind of like my cigarette without smoking. I use it anytime I’m frustrated or overstimulated. Count your inward breaths to ten. Start working again continuing to breathe again to ten before you release your breath.While your breathing your mind will call attention to what is bothering or too up your face. It’s vital you smile to it inwardly and release it with your next deep exhale. This is far more effective than smoking for stress management and won’t give you cancer!

Conscious Love Making

Sex is great but if you’re looking for more than a work out take your time and show your love! Besides a myriad of chemicals that feel awesome in your body, your spirit is being nurtured and your mind is focused. What will set this apart is the intention you set and the way you can non verbally communicate a deep seated love to your partner.