Patrick wrote: Dear Pheonyx, Hey. It was very nice to see you this weekend. I have a lot of questions about Merkaba but I don’t want to overwhelm you with all of them at once. Let me start by asking what happens when the light body is activated? I feel different (my skin really feels different) and I felt like I saw my Merkabra, but it seems like there are levels. What is the next step for me? Thanks, Patrick
Pheonyx Roldan Smith wrote: hey, Patrick. great to see you! here’s a good place to start to help you answer your questions… http://www.youtube.com/user/RoldanFSmith
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INQUIRY: Hey Pheonyx, my name is Nick and I’m a long-term follower of Spirit Science. Firstly would like to say I appreciate your participation in Spirit Science so much and it’s awesome that there’s a modern Shaman. I’ve always been curious about shaman since I was a kid :). I saw your post on SS’s facebook about unified meditation from the sacred geometry page and noticed you mentioned seeing 333 as well as 11:11. I’m curious as to what your knowledge/thoughts/feelings/intuition is on the number 3 and 333?
You see, a few years ago before Spirit Science was around and I was starting my spiritual journey, I had this revelation that the number 3 was this important figure in our current time. Learning about the laws of attraction and understanding how they work, the number just started popping up EVERYWHERE – and still is today. It comes in variations, (3 or 33 or 333). My interpretation of the number(s), including 11:11 is that it’s my higher self telling me I am on the right path of my journey in this life. I’m just curious if there is any other meanings that you’d be able to tell me of?
Before Spirit Science I began writing a draft copy of a book on philosophy and theories of my own. The 3rd chapter funnily enough was about the number 3 and how it links to many things in this life time and is used everywhere. I ended up losing motivation in writing the book once I discovered Spirit Science, it just took me on this whole other journey. Hope to hear from you.
Love & Light, Nick Continue reading →
Seeking Higher Consciousness