All posts by Jeff Wilson

5 Ways To Cleanse Your Personal Space Of Negative Energy

Energy is typically viewed in two forms: good and bad.  Good energy is seen as an empowering force, the love that exists within us all.  It is both the means and reward for us acting well or in accordance with a higher power. Bad energy is the complete opposite. Representing selfish desires and sickness spiritually, this force can not be avoided, negative energy is the catalyst for change.You can not truly live with out being effected by this damning force. How we deal with this energy dictates our growth (or lack of) and defines us as individuals. The ability to walk through hardships with our head held high, acting out of loving endurance and clear, positive intentions is the bar that everyone should measure themselves by. This is a wonderfully productive way but difficult way to live.

I realize what a lofty example this is. As you read it, I’m sure justifications for not traversing hard roads as well as possible, jumped to mind. We only do as well as we can in every moment. I’ve personally learned every lesson the hardest way I could envision. I write this not as an expert but a person tired of seeing the same deep scars on others from the same avoidable mistakes.

The playing fields for for these techniques span your heart and mind. You should never try and control these formations because they are performing the duties they are intended for. Your mind is supposed to run down every possibility, from the terrible, amazing, surprising and selfish. How else do we expand abstract concepts without looking every rock, including the dirty ones? In the same vein, the heart feels whatever it can. This is awful because it seems to be doing its own thing regardless of conscious desire. It is still YOUR heart! Have faith that it is working in your favor.

Take A Break

You are not calling it quits, or being weak in any way. Step away from the experience you’re living through. Examine the situation you find yourself. Smile, you got this! If you can’t figure out what to do breathe and understand this is momentary. You may not have the answer now but don’t worry this is not the end. With no answer apparent, focus on consolidating your resources. Do what you can and shift priorities.


Turn your focus away from anything external and focus on you in your entirety. Your breath can melt away stress and embolden your spirit if you let it. Take the time to examine your health. Thank various elements of your self for what they do.

Take A Bath

Water is a healing element in every culture across the world. Heat to your comfort level and add some oils or other desired ingredients. Feel the water wash away your negativity and enjoy rejuvenation.

Talk About It

While this one seems obvious it is often hard to do. In the age of self help and independence no one wants to rely on anyone, or drag someone down to ‘their level’. Speak to someone you trust. What level are you afraid to drag someone down to? The human level is the only one I recognise. Chances are they need to talk about something as well. Everyone is going or has gone through hardships, you may find yourself surprised by the lack of judgement.

Pay Attention To Your Physical Self

 All this metaphysic and mindful introspection does not nourish the body. A hungry or fatigued person does not handle adversity well. Eat a snack or take a nap! The problem will still be there when you wake!

When You Stop On This Rural Oklahoma Road, Something Inexplicable Happens

If take your car to the bottom of a certain hill of Springer, Oklahoma you will experience one of the strangest phenomena. Cars in neutral and bicyclists will start rolling up the hill in clear defiance of gravity. This is known as a magnetic hill or mystery hill and there are hundreds of related phenomena across the globe. It is up to debate whether the causes for this lapse in gravity are all the same.

There are many theories as to how this can happen, including aliens, ghosts, and optical illusions. The optical illusion theory is interesting. The layout of the surrounding land confuses the viewer into seeing a downward slope as upward. The illusion is consistent with a obstructed horizon. With out a reliable reference the eye can be easily fooled. Sometimes, for varying reasons objects like trees may be leaning but viewed as perpendicular to the earth. This would tilt any perspective. Like I was saying there are many of these hills throughout the world. This means you may not have to go to Oklahoma to experience this event.

My friend has been to one such in the Philippines, and reports that he saw water flow up a hill. I explained to him the optical illusion theory of why this occurs. He replied that this hill was surrounded by nothing besides a few houses. He could clearly see the horizon. I have no explanation to this. The experts seem to be similarly stunned.

This Autistic Genius Realized His Full Potential Only After Being Pulled From “Special Ed”

Jacob Barnett was diagnosed at two years old with autism.  Specialists told his mother (Kristine Barnett) that he was going to have to work hard to be able to achieve life’s basics like tying his own shoes or reading. Naturally his concerned parent followed the advice of the specialists and ‘experts’, enrolling him into a special education program designed to teach and develop the young man’s short comings.MAC35_SPARK_KIDMERGE

Upon entering him in this program Ms. Barnett noticed a dramatic change in her child’s behavior.  He was quickly withdrawing from everyone and speaking less and less.

It takes a strong person to break off from social norms and do whats best for them and their’s. Ms. Barnett  did exactly this, took her son out of the states care and prepared him for kinder garden herself. This bold action would spell unforeseen success for Jacob.

She catered to his interests and watch him develop with an unheard of speed. His intellectual progress and thirst for knowledge continued to build as he advanced past anyone his age. An IQ test showed him to be at 170 higher than Einstein’s (165)! Continue reading

11 Documentaries Currently On Netflix That Will Change Your Life

Find yourself staring at the home screen of Netflix more often than you watch movies or shows? Well have no fear, you are not alone! The diverse and plentiful collection of visual media can be overwhelming! Psychologists have shown that when people are offered more than seven choices, the individual as a marked increase in difficulty making a choice. These options are not only big deals in building awareness about problems but very entertaining. Educate yourself while passing away an afternoon!

Hungry For Change

Revealing the truth behind the diet, weight loss and health food industry, this film reveals the trap set by  corporation and marketing teams to keep you in a vicious cycle. Few of the plans and products are in earnest pursuit of health or fitness. Hungry For Change will show you the way to the body you deserve.

Fed UP

Everything about the last three decades of food and exercise is a lie, that director Stephanie Soechtig ( Oscar winner of An Inconvenient Truth) uncovers. This film focuses on the lack of healthy practices and products found in today’s ‘health crazed’ society. It also covers the lack of oversight in the products people use to lose weight. The body reacts to many of these as it would a poison or steroid.


The idea of home is a constantly shifting term as social pressures change and terms of ‘wealth’ flux. This film showcases a couple building a small house from scratch. Diverting from the couple periodically we get to see families that have successfully downsized their homes to be able to fit inside an average parking space. This film raises questions about what good design could mean, the nature of an home in the 21st century and how it all relates to the American dream.


A reboot of Carl Sagan’s award winning and iconic Cosmos, this one takes my vote as my favorite.  This docu-series takes viewers through out the universe exploring scientific theories in fantastic detail. It’s like Planet Earth for the stars. Science buffs and those not scientifically inclined will enjoy this series. All the information is clearly explained in very simple layman’s terms by famed astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson. Tyson’s unique insight makes him a prime guide to revealing our universe’s mysteries. The creative collaborator for the original Cosmos, Ann Druyan, is an executive director. Seth McFarland is also an executive producer which marks an interesting break from his accustomed work.

Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead

Joe Cross suffers from a rare auto immune deficiency, and the treatment looks like a collage of steroids that only help in short term and the cost of his health.  Years after his diagnosis Joe looks up from his heavy regiment of pills to see he has turned into a 310 pound depressed version of himself.  He starts exercising and looking for applicable replacements to the pills. This documentary is part road trip, part self help as Joe travels the country talking to people about nutrition. Along the way he meets people in similar situations. The film showcases how these people take back their lives.

Forks Over Knives

This film has a profound claim with far reaching implications. Most if not all degenerative disease can be controlled if not stopped. Focusing on you are what you eat, the move away from meat based and processed foods could save lives. The protagonists in this journey are pioneering researchers: Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

Follow director Kip Anderson as he travels to uncover secrets of one of the most ecologically damaging indurties of today. A very comprehensive film that covers everything to GMO’s, malpractice in farming and processing of food, to the implications and why world leaders are afraid to address these problems head on.

In Plane Sight

This 2004 documentary focuses on ‘conspiracy’ theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Thoroughly dissecting available information (eye witnesses, photographs government reports and scientific research), this films points out holes in the ‘official’ story.


If you aren’t aware of the extent of America’s fuel addiction or how we got to this point in history as famed codependents this film is for you. This film provided eye opening information about the politics, monopolies and various illegal tactics that control the oil industry. The film finishes saying how to end this vicious cycle with some very plausible ideas.

The Human Experiment

Be careful when you watch this one. If your anything like me, I got very upset over the cruelty of corporations and the ignorance that allows them to negatively effect us. Award winning writers and journalists Sean Penn, Dana Nachman and Don Hardy reveal not only the thousands of mystery chemicals found in common everyday products but shed light on the connection to the hundreds of diseases plaguing the average person. Follow the ins and outs of researchers trying to find answers and activists trying to make a difference to the people who have fallen ill.


This documentary is an eye opener for anyone watching it. Confronting widely agreed upon social constructs;  religion , the 9/11 attacks, and the financial system. A well thought out film, it provides new view points on life’s general truths. Everyone can walk away from this experience with new information.


Study: Cheap, Mass-Produced Candles May Contain Toxic Ingredients

The more I investigate even the most innocuous house hold products are proving to be absurdly hazardous to my health. I know I’m not the only person that thinks of candles as being a brilliant addition to a home. I knew most candles used scented paraffin or paraffin blend. I did not know that as these petroleum derivatives melted they release carcinogenic chemicals similar in structure to exhaust from a diesel engine!

The worst compounds are acetone, Trichlorofluoromethane, Carbon Disulfide, 2-Butanone, Trichloroethane, Trichloroethene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Tetrachloroethene, Chlorobenzene, Ethylbenzene. Researchers in California found up to twenty toxins in various waxes. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have officially recommended limited exposure to these fumes as they are known causes for lung cancer, and tumors in the kidneys and livers.

Candle manufacturing has been revealed to be a surprisingly shady process. For some strange explainable reason you will not find any list of chemical compounds or potential hazards on any candle container. In 2003, the US banned lead from being in wicks. The metal made the wicks stand up straighter. Burning these wicks puts five times the amount of toxins that the EPA considers toxic. American companies have been accused of continuing to put lead in candles by Australian scientists.

Other potential countries to watch out for are Mexico, China and Taiwan. The cheaper a candle is the more you should try to research that brand. Researchers suggest looking for a thin wire or metallic sheen in any candle you intend on burning. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this is. People with a weak immunity or asthma will be effected the severely and quickly. Healthy adults can develop serious hormonal,  respiratory and other health issues breathing this poison.


There are alternatives to paraffin wax candles. One of these is soy candles. While a longer burning, clean, and soot free solution, I don’t strongly recommend them. They spoil unless they have been treated with preservatives which can range from bleach to hardeners.

My favorite option is beeswax candles. Non toxic, non allergenic, soot free, burn the brightest and up to 5 times longer than the paraffin ones. Beeswax also has the interesting property of naturally omitting negative ions found to invigorate the body. The down side is they are normally very expensive. They can be made very easily if you have some free time and at a fraction of the cost.

A Solar Powered Automatic Water Condenser For Under $100!

Fontus is a revolutionary water collection device that will be within most budgets. A solar powered water condenser, this light and portable device will pull water right out the air and put it into a water bottle.

That’s right, a solar powered self filling water bottle!

On average the device can gather half a liter of water in an hour (depending on humidity) and will work in any climate including deserts. Adventurous explorers will now be given more leeway in the distances between water sources. It is built to strapped to a bike, but that isn’t the only method of its use. Attached to a bag or car or a boat this simple contraction uses a heating/cooling unit (called a Peltier Element) to speed up and direct natural condensation rates.’

Kristof Retezar invented this device with the people in mind. While very cool, it could seriously benefit the 2 billion people all over the globe who experience water scarcity. That many people and countries are experiencing water scarcity currently. This cheap and easy to use device could be a game changer for so many people trying to survive.  On average 3,100 cubic miles (mi3) or 12,900 cubic kilometers (km3) of freshwater is untapped in the atmosphere. That will put a serious dent in many country’s water needs.

Production, costs, and shipping arrangements are still being worked out. The device is expected to be under 100 American dollars.  Keep an eye out for the release of Fontus for yourself and be ready to participate in the expected Fontus donation programs!