All posts by Jeff Wilson

This Blackboard In New York Asked For Their Biggest Regrets. It’s What They Had In Common That Broke My Heart

Everyone has at least one regret. With our natural desires, comes fear. Fear that we don’t deserve  what we want, fear of loss, fear of judgement; the specific fear stems of desire and if we don’t address these by products of desire they will lead to regret.

A black board was put up in New York city, on it was written, ‘Write Your Biggest Regret’. All that day people strolling by wrote on the board. People of different ages, creeds, races and cultures wrote their regrets on the board. The variety of comments were definitely expansive . The pedestrians listed everything from relationships they never pursued, to loved ones they never forgave to never making the time.

Fear grips all of us at times. Leaping to the next level of our lives can be scary. For instance: new relationships can seem full of uncertainty and time can fool us into thinking we have tomorrow to make things ‘right’. That’s just fear propagating and justifying its own existence.

If we let fear control our now, warp our version of tomorrow, then we have to carry those justifications with us forever. They will warp over time and become regrets.

Don’t let fear weigh you down for the rest of your life! Make mistakes, love and cry, forgive those you love and chase your dreams. Its better to fail in your pursuit of your dreams than carry around the possibilities and failure for the rest of your life! You can only change the present…

This Lady Started Cutting Up Her Old Leggings. When She Finished, Amazing!

Everyone I know has clothes that doesn’t fit them or they don’t wear. During the recent yoga and athletic wear craze leggings take up a hefty percentage of my friend’s unused clothing. Well we got the perfect solution to breathe life into these old leggings that you still love!

This idea comes from Handimania. The Handimania channel on Youtube is a do-it-yourself resource that everyone should look into. They have great, fun and cheap ideas for sprucing up your life and home. This process turns your old leggings into a form fitting short or long sleeve shirt! A couple of quick snips and you can customize the length of the fabric and how deep the chest cut will go

So to complete this transformation you will need the following: a way to view the video below, a pair of scissors, and the leggings you’d like to re-invent. The entire process (including watching the video) will take about 3 minutes of fairly stress free work.

Fold the pants so the seams are touching and lay them on a flat surface. Take your scissors and cut out a half circle originating from the uppermost seam of the crotch. Try it on and see how it fits. Take it off and trim to your comfort level!

For more great ideas check out Handimania on Youtube!

Mysterious “Alien Probe” To Pass By Earth In 2017. What Is It?

An objected was sighted moving through our solar system in early November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti of the University of Arizona. There are many objects and phenomena to observed in our celestial back yard but this one had enough irregularities for the scientific community to take note.  It has been designated as 1991 VG and  is 10  meters (a little over 30 ft) in diameter. The object has an heliocentric orbit that spans past the edge of our galaxy.  This orbit is unusually similar to our own spinning orb, objects in space as small as VG don’t normally behave like this. The continued speed 1991 VG doesn’t make any since either. It continues to move at a varying speed which is baffling.

The mysteries continue to stack up. After we predicted its orbit, it was realized that VG had passed Earth in 1975. The changing increments of time are anomalous. The object had a strangely high rotational spin and seemed to fluctuate in brightness. The luminescent variance is probably the most confusing element of this mystery. This unusual number of anomalies in a single event makes identifying the object nearly impossible. No mutually agreeable theory has been offered.

Theories shot up like weeds after the news of 1991 VG hit the public. Its size, orbit and speed strike the normal suggestions off the list. One theory was that it was a part of Apollo 12, the second rocket to land on the moon. The timing and size don’t fit though. Scotti stated that there were few man made space vehicles that could fit the size and the window of time the object has been known to appear.

The other theory says that its a Russian rocket body or other secret accident. The Russians were attempting to get the moon with rockets as powerful as ours. If anything went wrong then the Russian government was quick to cover it up. With no comment from Russia we can only guess.

The most popular theory is aliens. 1991 VG is a alien ship or probe that is keeping tabs on our neck of the woods. Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson are two mathematicians from University of Edinburgh that are attempting to prove that there is the possibility of alien craft operating in our galaxy. They published all supporting evidence in the Journal of Astrobiology. They surmise that the aliens use gravitational sling shots to quickly travel about the universe. This is the same technology the Voyager probes used.

Science has progressed since the last time we saw 1991 VG. We have found meteoroids with unusual rotational spins of similar size. We have also been made aware that certain chemical reactions can occur that cause light fluctuations. Until we see VG in 2017 scientists are left to speculate.

New To Yoga? This Is The Perfect 20 Minute Video To Get You Started

Breaking into the yoga scene is difficult. You have to be willing to put yourself out there. Many may equate their first yoga experience to dancing to a song you don’t know, surrounded by strangers.This judgement isn’t necessary,though it is perfectly natural. Remember your reasons for investigating yoga and set the intention to experiment! Building a strong awareness of your body and it relation to your mind and spirit is a beautiful thing. Please don’t let your fear or insecurities stop you from developing every humanizing skill you can.

Yoga is an umbrella term for many practices of meditative movement. There is a wide range of specialties and points of focus. The consistent theme in every form of yoga is the focus of breath attached to specific movements. As you breathe inward you preform a movement and as you breath out you do a different one. This idea of ‘one movement, one breath’ should be the focus of every beginner. After you feel comfortable with the concepts then it will be productive to look into the different types.

Don’t feel bad about starting out in the comfort of your home. It’s important that you feel comfortable as you explore if yoga is right for you. If you find that you enjoy the experience I strongly recommend you go to a studio eventually. Yoga studios can be powerful places of intentions and provide a wealth of information. Once you make the leap to a studio pay attention to how you feel. Does this studio make you feel good? Is it a productive experience? Making a strong personal connection is key to finding YOUR studio. Don’t feel in the least bit crazy for not wanting to be at a certain studio! No one is wrong, it just isn’t for you, and that’s fine.

The video below is a great place for new people to start. The focus isn’t on the technical side but enough attention is paid to the specifics to stop you from hurting yourself. If you can’t reach or bend or bow as far as the instructor take a moment and thank your body for what it can do. Regardless of mental hang ups and judgments, your body is amazing! Do your best and try to have fun.

The one element i found lacking in this twenty minute session is that no intention was set before hand. At my studio this is a common practice. Setting a reason or dedicating your practice to someone or something takes a lot of pressure off yourself. As you don your yoga outfit think about someone who could use some of the positive ju-ju your about to create. As you build yourself relate that experience to the world around you.

Incredible! This Guy Takes His Dog On The Most Epic Adventures

Dogs really are man’s best friend, for so many reasons that they make astounding travel partners. I live in Colorado and Coloradans bring our dogs everywhere for just this reason! Aspen, the mountain pup, is no exception. Hailing from Colorado, his owners are more than your typical adventurers. Seeming to go deep into very scenic locations his owners take plenty of photographs hallmarking the events. Aspen gets more than his fair share of the shutter including his own Instagram page!Taken from

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Dogs make great companions, learning better and better manners and skills as you take them into new situations frequently. Dogs won’t complain when the going gets rough and I’ve found their bountiful attitudes always worth their weight in dog food. In a safety since its great having a dog around to scare off or notify you of animals. Please be careful as you take your dog into the wild though. The dog needs to be trained to trust and obey you. It would be awful if anything happened as you create your own memories with your puppy!


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This Beautiful Village In The Netherlands Is Famous For Its Lack Of Roads. Check It Out!

Paul Almasy brings us incredible images of Giethoorn, a lovely village in the province of Overijsse, northern Holland with an internationally renowned distinction. It has no streets only waterways! In lieu of streets is a system of canals 90 kilometers ( about 56 miles) in its entire length. With no aggressive noise pollution, visitors and inhabitants enjoy lush green scenery and the sound of lapping waters. People use row boats, gondolas, and dinghies driven by electric motor called ‘whisper boats’. In the summer musicians are invited to play on a gondola that circles the town.

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Tourist agencies have dubbed this magnificent place the ‘Venice of Holland’. While the canal structure is similar, this village’s calm pace does nothing to beat the bustling Italian city. A perfect travel location for shutterbugs, water enthusiasts and those in need of a sincere nap!
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