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The second topic is about the Age of the Sphinx. This one parallels our first topic by simply opening up the question – do we REALLY know everything there is to know about early man? The answer, of course, is no. We simply don’t, and there is a grand amount of evidence to suggest that what we think we know about our early civilizations is just plain wrong. The evidence discussed here is the Age of the Sphinx… which reminds me, I want to share a book with you all about this. This is a resource that I found to be super inspiring and helpful to me as i’ve been growing the past few years. The book is called “The Fingerprints of the Gods.” and chronicles Graham Hancock’s adventures across the world to discover the ancient mysteries and clues to our past that have for a very long time been swept under the rug. From the mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. Part adventure, part detective story, this book is a mind-blowing adventure that will invite anyone who reads it to re-evaluate everything they think they know. You can check it out here ^_^
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The final part of this Spirit Science video discusses the Precession of the Equinox. This is something that was written about long, long ago in ancient times, which modern astronomers only rediscovered in the past 500 years or so. It essentially is the “wobble” that the earth goes through every 26,000 years.
It goes 13,000 years pointing in one direction, and 13,000 years pointing in another. It was written and described in ancient times to point towards and away from the center of the galaxy, which had a direct relationship to the rising and falling of consciousness over time.
In fact, it’s exactly flowing through that geometry of the sine wave. The exact same one that the Dogons described in the first part of the video! How crazy is that?
By looking at the precession chart, you can see that we are beginning to move in the direction towards the center of the galaxy again, we have gone through our falling down phase. Just please understand that this is a process. The end of 2012 was a point of transition, but it’s one of many, and the changes are still subtle.
As we continue to progress forward and grow and change, we will become more and more connected, more powerful creators, and we will create the world that we want to live in.
I hope you enjoyed this weeks Spirit Science episode :)
See you next time, Jordan
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