Category Archives: Archives

Archived Posts from Spirit Science’s History

Spirit Quest 27 – Tucson Gem Show

Tucson Gem and Mineral Show! We got here! We got here! and now were eating chocolate at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show!!!

Our journey as a group of 5 begin as we head first to the worlds largest crystal show for a spankin good time! At the end of the show, we left with TONNNSS of crystals! A giant bag of rose quartz to give out to everyone we meet on our quest for the crystal movement! It’s great!

Spirit Quest 26 – The Story Thus Far…

In this crazy high frequency time were in, it’s hard to keep track of everything going on, especially if you’re new to the world of Spirit Science. Today, i take you on a personal journey through my life, the experiences i’ve had in the last year, how it formed spirit science and then the SS Council, and what were doing now.

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life PDF’s

In Love and Light!
Jordan Duchnycz

Music Quest – the introduction

music |?myo?zik|
ORIGIN Middle English : Latin from Greek mousik? (tekhn?) ‘(art) of the Muses,’ from mousa ‘muse.’

quest |kwest|
verb [ intrans. ]
search for something : he was a real scientist, questing after truth.

Hi everyone. My name is Vanessa (aka, ShePatch). And I’m going on a music quest.
What this means, I’m not entirely certain. But I think that is what’s best for a quest. Add ‘ions’ and you’ve got questions. You can help me find the answers or simply watch as I try to do just that.

When I was very young and would listen to a song with a friend, I would ask sincerely, “Do you feel that?” My friend would reply, “Feel what?” And I would say, “when this song comes on the radio, I feel like my heart is pushing up against my ribs.” I couldn’t explain the feeling well back then, and though I’ve come to a better understanding of the sensation of love some songs provoke, I still can’t really explain it now. Music is in my heart, on my mind, many times coming out of my mouth and through my fingers. And though I discover the music inside me through singing, playing piano and listening, there are still many things about music I want to uncover. Continue reading

Practice and Practicality: Altered states!

Why is this important?

Altered states of mind allow you, not only to see the world from an alternate perspective, they allow you to tap into a formerly unused aspect of yourself. This is a very useful, as projection, visualization, and sometimes the aspect  on it’s own helps unravel life’s mysteries. I could also venture to say, through experience, that an altered state can easily give you knowledge just from it’s activation.

There are many ways to achieve an altered state of mind.

Ritualization (to make a ritual, or to make into a ritual) is the most effective way. It involves a long set of tasks and a good amount of time. Usually, a group is involved. Most people just down have a coven waiting around, making this option very nonviable for the majority. We all know what a ritual is, I’m assuming.

A ritual is a set of tasks or steps to draw power to, to draw power from, or to honor an idea, idol, symbol, or spirit.

This ambiguity means, that from a singular standpoint you can revere your own idol, and to create sanctity for your own experience. Making it effective in mass. Also, there is a uniting effect of a ritual. When the same people perform the same ritual, there is a spiritual and psychological unity. This unity can be felt, it is tangible within your mind. You can observe this within ministries and orders the world over. Once one person is united within the group, in mind and spirit, there is no separation, from the person’s own will. It is truly an awesome experience.

However, there are very viable alternatives.

For the most obvious, there is meditation. It is a mental exercise, to rid the mind and charge it for use. It does not contain the benefits of a ritual, but it can be ritualized to be more effective than it’s brethren. Within meditation, there are certain practices which allow for many different altered states to be achieved.

There is sensory altered states. These include the uses of: excitation, stressors (a stressor is any outward influence that causes stress), sensory deprivation and sensory overload. These are just fancy words for pain, stress, emotion, pleasure, and lack of sense. These are quite easy to obtain and materials to activate these means are free, or nearly free. In terms of two-factor theory, low arousal, high arousal, no arousal, all things in between and all stress; low, high, or no stress.

Now, there are nearly infinite ways to go about this.

But, the goal is self-actualization with the attainment a state of being attuned with gnosis, or a natural and clear frame of mind with pure knowledge unaffected by the human condition. By being unaffected, I mean a state of sentience above that of a normal human.

Now, I know this all is a little heady, and maybe even a tad bit condescending, but it’s true. I am not going to profess to be a full master at entering gnosis, but, when you have entered it, you will know. It feels like you know anything and everything at a sudden moment, and it is. It is a moment of total insight.

Thank you so much for your time, and good journeys, maybe we’ll meet along the path some day.

And, as a final foot note, I leave you a quote of Gnosis:

Plato The Statesman 258e  —
“Stranger: ‘In this way, then, divide all science into two arts, calling the one practical, and the other purely intellectual .’
Younger Socrates: ‘Let us assume that all science is one and that these are its two forms.'”


Quick Source:

Anonymous is a collective identity, synonymous with and Altered states of consciousness (ASC).

Anonymous is a collective identity, synonymous with an altered state of consciousness (ASC).