All posts by Jordan

How to Connect With your Higher Self by Meditating with Moldavite

Moldavite is often described as an “Alien Crystal”, and for good reason, because it was created when a Meteorite crashed into the earth! It’s actually a glassy form of tektite, and the only translucent green tektite at that! It is also one of the most rarest crystals on the planet today!

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From a metaphysical perspective, Moldavite is a powerful Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Crystal, and can be used in Meditation to connect to your higher self and the Mind of God.

In doing this, you can receive insights into the deeper aspects of your life and come to understand yourself with a greater purpose and knowing! A lot of people also describe having profound astral experiences while meditating with Moldavite! What do you think? You’ll just have to try it and find out!


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Each Day of the Week and Their Planetary Origins

Have you ever thought about where the names for the days of the week came from? Turns out, each day is named after (and governed by) a planetary body. It’s generally simple to spot the ruler of the day by its name, but for the more difficult ones, you can see the relationships and how we got there by observing the names in different languages! Check this out!

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Monday, or Lunes in Spanish, is governed by the Moon. The Moon is called Luna in Latin. This is a great day for reflection, getting in touch with your feelings, and cleaning up your environment.

Tuesday, or Martes in Spanish, is governed by Mars. This is a day of energy, stamina, aggression, and achievement. It’s a great day for expressing your passion, getting exercise, and releasing pent up frustration and energy.

Wednesday, or Mecredi in french, is governed by Mercury. This is a day for study, wisdom, travel, and meditation. Mercury moves very quickly, and is the essence of consciousness represented by Hermes, Thoth, himself.

Thursday, related by the Norse God of Thunder, Thor, is the day governed by our largest planetary body: Jupiter. Jupiter in roman times was represented by Jove, the god of the Sky and Thunder. Today is a day for mercy and compassion. Donate to charity or something worthy of your care, and show your appreciation to someone’s  doing something great!

Friday is governed by the Planet Venus. Friday comes from Freya’s day, who much like the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, was all about female energy, love, beauty, and fertility. Today, appreciate the people in your life, go on a date, show your love, recognize the inherent beauty in everyone, and make some new friends!

Saturday is one of the more obvious ones, governed by the planet Saturn. Saturn was the Roman and Italic god of Agriculture. In astrology, Saturn is the task master, commanding us to get to work, and work hard and passionately. It is also related to Chronos, the god of Time, keeper of order and earthly limitation.

And Finally, and perhaps the most obvious – Sunday – the day that is governed by the Sun! Today is the day to give to God, meaning to your own healing and higher self. It is the day “God Rested” in the 7 days of creation. This is the day to take time for you and your family in an intimate, healing way. Take a nature walk, get in touch with Spirit, meditate.

By tapping into the celestial cycles and relationships from days to planets, we can begin to live our lives in alignment with the cogs of the universe all around us. Nothing happens by accident, everything is a part of a much bigger whole, and a much bigger flow than we can perceive.


To quote Hermes:

Few can escape their fate,
Or guard against the influence of the Zodiac –
For the stars are instruments of Destiny,
Which bring all things to pass in the world of Men

If, however,
The rational part of a mans soul
Is illuminated by a single ray of Atum’s (God’s) Light.
The workings of these gods is as nothing –
For all gods are powerless
Before the Supreme Light.

But such men are few.
Most are led and driven by the gods
Which govern earthly life,
Using our bodies
As the instruments of Destiny.
To my way of thinking, however,
It is our duty not to simply asquiesce in our human state,

But, through intense contemplation
Of divine things,
To detach ourselves
From our merely mortal nature.


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Reishi Mushrooms: The Mushrooms of Immortality

I only recently learned about Reishi Mushrooms thanks to a comment from you guys requesting we do an Everyday Magical Thing about it! After learning about it, I went out and got some myself, and we put it in smoothies on a regular basis! The basis behind this “Magical Thing” and what makes it so special is that it helps EVERY organ in your body function normally and nominally! It is because it helps prevent and stop oxidant damage on a body-wide scale to all of your cell membranes. Oxidant Damage is actually responsible for what we call “Aging”, and this is why they were known as the Mushrooms of Immortality.

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To learn more about Reishi Mushrooms, check this out!


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The Incredible Benefits of Using Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is amazing!! It has such a range of uses.

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The Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its diverse healing properties. The usage of aloe dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt and earlier. Aloe is mostly made of water so it’s perfect for things like:

Burns, bug bites, scrapes, and blisters.

It’s also great for: Moisturizing skin and hair, soothing acidic stomachs, removing make up, and so much more.

Not to mention, it grows in a fibonacci spiral. So, you could say aloe vera is really.. MATHEMATICAL!

What do you use it for?

To learn more about Aloe, read this!
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The Amazing Properties of Magical Mushrooms

Magic Mushrooms are becoming a very popular topic of discussion both in the mainstream world and in scientific circles as of late, as it has been proven to have more than a few remarkable healing benefits to an individual, including assisting in the quitting of smoking, battling depression, and so much more. 

Here’s a video that summarizes it for you!

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The craziest point of all, to me, is that Magic Mushrooms is probably where Santa Claus came from. Yes: Santa Claus. If you didn’t watch the video above, (and it explains it pretty well), here’s the story:

Anthropologist John Rush believes Magic Mushrooms gave us Father Christmas. Siberian Shamans would hand out the psychedelic Amanita Muscaria mushroom every December. Often, the snow was so heavy they couldn’t use the door, and would climb down the chimney. The color of the mushroom matches the colors worn by Santa Claus, and the Spirit Animal of these Shamans are Reindeer.

-Source for that


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Lotus: The Ancient Symbol of Purity and So Much More!

The Lotus is a symbol of purity and spirituality, especially in buddhist and hindu traditions. Turns out, that’s only just the beginning! The biggest revelation for me, is that you can actually EAT it!

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The Lotus is regarded as a holy plant used only for the highest of spiritual purposes, a symbol of purity in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. For meditational purposes, you can place a Lotus or its roots around a statue of Buddha as a prayer for enlightenment. It also represents a communion with the heavens, and thus if you feel you have offended them through poor treatment of yourself, others, or the environment, you can offer a Lotus as a form of acknowledgement of your higher self, and of your actions and karma.

Lotus oil, the essence oil, is also said to decrease carnal urges. A candle anointed with Lotus Oil was also believed to help the deceased elevate their souls.

In modern science, Lotus has been discovered to:

Soothe your Stomach

Stop Diarrhea

Lower blood sugar and cholesterol

Relieve Inflammation

Get rid of Acne

Ease your period

Relieve coughing

And kills lung cancer cells.

You can Boil lotus roots for 10 minutes and eat them to receive a healthy dose of nutrients. It is actually a common ingredient in many asian dishes and can be prepared in practically every way.



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