3 Energetic Blockages That Can Lead to Physical Heart Pain

The best way to keep your energy field clear as well doesn’t involve any kind of divination or spiritual tools.  It ultimately comes down to the way you process and deal with your emotions in the present moment.  When you bottle up thoughts and feelings, it gets stored in your energy centers (chakras) and can cause physical complications in the body.  The negative health effects of stress and anxiety are endless.

In fact, 90% of all disease is either caused by or aggravated by stress.  Heart attacks, blood pressure,  hypertension, and even strokes have all been strongly linked to stress.  What we are going to explore briefly in this article is how stress is caused on a spiritual/energetic level, and how you can prevent it in the future.

I’m not suggesting you stop taking your heart medications (if you are on any), but I have learned through experience with my own heart issues that the cause is often not physical but emotional and spiritual.  Here are 3 extremely common energetic blockages that cause heart pain and heart issues.

1) Suppressing emotionsshutterstock_121986982

There are a lot of people who teach that letting go of emotions is a sign of spiritual advancement.  In reality, embracing, experiencing, and learning from emotions is the most healthy way to deal with them.

Don’t let your mind convince you it is more “conscious” to pretend like something doesn’t affect you, and don’t let your ego put up a wall that convinces you it’s not a big deal.

Let your emotions be there, and look to see what the cause of them is.  Fully feel them and analyze them. The cause may turn out to be something silly, but it’s always important to look and see instead of disregard and bury.

When you bury emotions, they store up in your physical body and cause things like depression, anxiety, anger, and stress, all of which impact the health of your heart.

2) Not communicating

When you don’t communicate what you mean, those thoughts get stored in your energy field and cause tension and stress within your body.  


Stress and tension in the body leads to nervous system burn out, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and adrenal fatigue, which puts extra stress on your heart.  Don’t hold on to thoughts that are making you stressful and anxious.  Communicate them fully.When you communicate, don’t beat around the bush.

Say what you mean.  When you don’t say what you actually mean, you are actually hurting the other person by lying to them.  You are hurting yourself by holding on to your true feelings, and you are preventing the situation from being resolved because it’s not entirely clear what it is that has to be resolved.

Say what you mean, but say it for the purpose of providing energetic clarity.  Don’t use this as an excuse to be abusive, but give yourself full permission to communicate how you really feel.

3) Not forgiving

Holding on to feelings and resentment aggravates the energy center of your heart because it is the center associated with compassion, understanding, and love.  For your own sake, find it within yourself to energetically release any resent or hate you have towards people who have wronged you in your past.


You may not realize you are still holding on to it until you feel the weight of its release.  Maybe it is something a teacher said to you in high school, or something one of your old friends did to you back in elementary school.

What it is, either communicate it to them (if you can) or set aside some time to fully allow yourself to feel it, see it, set any pride aside, and forgive them for it in your heart.

These solutions may sound too simple to be true, but try it out for yourself and see how it works.  If you are holding a grudge against someone, tell them right away before it causes you health problems.  If you are experiencing an emotion, don’t convince yourself that it’s better to not feel it or to not give it attention.  And if you resent someone who has hurt you in the past, release yourself from that.

These are very simple solutions to daily stress and anxiety, and therefore of heart issues.  If you feel something bottle up in the energy center of your heart region, don’t ignore it.  Take a look and see what’s there. 

NASA Discovers Planets And Stars Give Off Music – This Is What It Sounds Like

Did you know that planets and stars actually give off music?  Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space.  Sounds still exists in the form of electromagnetic vibrations and can be detected using specially designed instruments developed by NASA.

These amazing ambient space sounds come from electronic vibrations of the planets, moons and rings, electromagnetic fields of the planets and moons, planetary magnetosphere, trapped radio waves bouncing between the planet and the inner surface of it’s atmosphere, charged particle interactions of the planet, it’s moons and the solar wind, and from charged particle emissions from the rings of certain planets.

Looking into outer space, we often assume it would be absolutely silent. Little do we realize that the universes is teeming with planetary music.  The sounds these planets give off are absolutely breathtaking:

Hope you enjoyed this!

Steven Bancarz,

Team Spirit

Here’s What You Do When You Feel Like You Can’t “Find Yourself”

I understand the feeling, not being able to find yourself. It does make total sense, and also… It doesn’t, if you really think about it.

There are a lot of canned phrases out there that mean something other than they say.

For example, find yourself”. Where did you go? Are you somewhere other than where you are?

Where are you?

Higher-Self-and-the-LightbodyWhat’s usually happening when someone feels that way is that they are doing something that they have no idea how it benefits them…. It doesn’t feel like it does, and either you can’t see the pathway to it actually benefiting you, or it actually doesn’t.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, especially when you are ‘subject’ to someone else’s control… Like a job, or even sometimes a young person living with parents, room mates, or the like.

When you become ‘dependent’ on something, as opposed to ‘interdependent with something’, it has a tendency to control as a means of extracting the equality that the universe requires.

Interdependence requires proactive able response from both sides of the equation, like two brain surgeons working together: Both are able. But the person under the knife is dependent on the surgeon, even if he is a brain surgeon, because his response is not able (i.e it’s hard to operate on your own brain)

dependenceNot to confuse dependent with anything wrong so to say… in a dependent environment, there are things asked of you in participation of your support, like a parent insisting a child take piano lessons. The expansion is super important and supportive, even if a child can’t yet see the value in it.

The determining factor then, in a dependent enviornment, is not you though, it is the quality of the intention of the one(s) you are dependent on…

Choice at that point becomes creating the transferring of dependence or creating interdependence. Incidentally, there is no such thing as independence, and that is most often what people mean when they say “struggling to find myself”.

What is ‘the self‘? Understand that you are made up of the same fundamental geometries that weave the very fabric of consciousness itself. There is nothing separate from you; only different expressions of the same energy.

With love,

Ray Kamille

Chakras 101: The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra:

Seeing, knowing, transcending.

This chakra is seeing reality for what it truly is – a hologram, a mental program. It is connecting the dots to understand the illusionary nature of our reality and knowing how to see beyond it.

This is the stem of our psychic senses – our pineal gland. Located right in-between both our brain hemispheres, it is the link to unify them.


Jordan made a great video and article on how to create an energetic triangle with someone.

This means connecting with their third eye, making a triangle by focusing on both their eyes and the middle of their forehead at once. It’s kind of like zoning out by you’re actually zoning in.

So much information is passed back and forth between people when they eye gaze. When you’re doing this with someone and a flood of thoughts come into your head – pay attention for it came for a reason.

Your third eye is the seat of wisdom, understanding and multidimensional exploration. Our pineal gland connects us to Source, just as our heart does. Sometimes when you astral project you can see a silver strand connecting to your pineal gland going up into infinity.  Continue reading

7 Qualities of An Open Minded & Aware Thinker

We all have a certain degree of admiration for those forward-thinkers who were ahead of their time or for those free-spirited individuals who had the courage, the will and the foresight to speak out their minds despite risking being labelled as non-conformists and cast to the outer fringes of society.

Well, truth be told, that is never a real threat for free thinkers. Actually, that is where they belong and makes them what they are. Free-thinkers breathe and thrive at the margins of society where structure and chaos cross at the borderline. If you want to be a free thinker, embrace chaos, novelty, disruptive change and non-conformity. Free-thinkers live on the brink of social breakdown. They live on the edge, away from the anesthesia of normalcy and institutionalized control.

They are not held captive by the rigid walls of the dominating worldview. They do not fear change, poverty or conspiracy. If you want to free your thinking and become an agent of change and novelty, there are a few things you need to recognize and understand.

1) Creativity is your natural birth right

We stereotype creative thinkers as artists or bohemians who are different than the rest of us. Well that is plainly false. We are all endowed with the gift of creativity.


Education, or rather schooling, has successfully stripped us from that natural disposition. It has moulded us into mechanistic and reductionistic images of humanity – into cogs in the wheel. The schooling system is designed to make people think within the same parameters – those laid down by the dominating view of society and culture.

Students are discouraged to deviate and think freely outside of those parameters. They just have to follow curricula which channels them to examinations, higher institutions and eventually become part of the workforce. Yet creative thinking is your natural birthright. They only taught you how to unlearn it without even noticing.

2) Beware Group thinking & Herd Morality

Group thinking is the silent enemy of free-thinking when we unconsciously follow the rhythm of the crowd. When the crowd shouts, we feel compelled to shout. When the crowd panics, we panic. Emotions, sentiments and ideas can be very contagious. So is thinking. It’s quite easy to follow the line of thought of your peers and those in authority. Yet as we become sedated with group thinking, we lose the power to claim the authenticity of our own mind. Continue reading

How to Make The Best Natural Turmeric Face Mask

In India, turmeric is called the yellow gold and is one of the most valuable and most healing spices in the world. But not only in the kitchen. Ayurveda recommends turmeric to be used in cosmetics as well. People already now a lot about the benefits of the herbal powders for face beauty and in Ayurveda we call them UBTAN.

Turmeric is a common ingredient in Ubtan and I will tell you a very simple recipe for Turmeric face peeling which is more effective and healing than any expensive peeling from the store.


Exfoliation with turmeric will deeply clean your skin, remove all dead cells and other dirt from your skin, it will help the blood circulation and relives acne, your skin will glow and it increases the natural Ph value.

Why buy expensive exfoliants with artificial additives when you can make a much better one at home. This is why I love having workshops on the topic of Ayurved beauty because I want to inspire you to make your own products for skin care, at your home and very cheap.

And skin care should not only be practiced for beauty but also for keeping our  organism healthy. Because whatever we put on our skin, in 20 min it is already in our blood stream.

Using cosmetics we can protect ourselves but also induce many misbalances in our body. And this is why we offer you this exclusive natural cosmetics.

Turmeric Face Peeling Mask

  • ½ tbsp turmeric
  • 2 tbsp flour (Vata – oatmeal, Oitta – chickpea flour, Kapha – barley flour)

turmeric pasteThe powder needs to be mixed with a little water before use in order to get a mixture which you will put on your face. Massage it for minute or two on your face and neck. And then wash your face. Instead of water you can use some herbal oils (almond, oat, hazelnut, coconut etc.).

Have in mind that the natural yellow color of the turmeric will give great tone to your face and that after this treatment you have to carefully wash your face in order not to have yellow blemishes. This is why this is recommended to be done before taking a shower.

People who have dry skin may add a bit of elderberry blossom. People with oily skin may add a bit of coriander powder or lavender blossom or a bit of fresh lemon juice. People who have normal skin may add a bit of rose powder.

I suggest you to try Ubtan and if it appeals to you make some more powder in advance and keep it in your bathroom and every morning take 2-3 tbsp and a bit of water and wash your face with this mixture.

Source: www.turmericforhealth.com