People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans

Do you know your blood-type? Every human on this planet has either blood type O, A, B, or AB, and within these types, you either have RH positive or RH negative blood. The Rhesus (Rh) factor refers to a specific antigen in the blood. If your blood lacks the Rh antigen, you are Rh-negative. If … Continue reading People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans

10 Ways To Become Immortal Based on Ancient Mythology

The dream of living forever is as old as time. It’s a universal concept whether it’s due to a fear of death, love of life, a thirst for knowledge, or even the sensation of invincibility. Many ancient cultures declared different tactics to achieve eternal existence. Here are ten ideas that expanded through the passing centuries. Japanese … Continue reading 10 Ways To Become Immortal Based on Ancient Mythology

Man’s Best Friend: Your Dog Can Tell If You’re Lying Or Being Sincere

A recent brain scan done on a number of dogs by Hungarian researchers has finally shed some light on a very controversial question, “Can dogs really understand what we are saying and can they differentiate between honesty and dishonesty?” According to a study recently released on Science, dogs can indeed understand human vocabulary – but … Continue reading Man’s Best Friend: Your Dog Can Tell If You’re Lying Or Being Sincere

The DEA Just Labeled Yet Another Powerful Healing Plant As A Schedule 1 Narcotic

The U.S. DEA has just banned one of the most powerful plant medicines on the market. It’s leaving thousands of people in an absolute panic about what they’re going to do next. This is an extremely important subject so please read on and share this information as far and as wide as you can.  According … Continue reading The DEA Just Labeled Yet Another Powerful Healing Plant As A Schedule 1 Narcotic

Harvard University Finds That Having No Friends Could Be As Deadly As Smoking

We all know how bad smoking is, but researchers at Harvard University have found a link between blood clotting protein levels caused by loneliness, and are suggesting that having no friends is probably just as deadly as smoking, making you more susceptible to strokes and/or heart attacks. Being alone and not socializing activates what is … Continue reading Harvard University Finds That Having No Friends Could Be As Deadly As Smoking