All posts by Lara Starr

Journalist, Activist, Conservationist, Herbalist, Reiki Master, Secret Poet and Aspiring Author

Researchers Find 1,820 Species In Just One Threatened Area of Peruvian Amazon

© White-lipped pecarry (Tayassu pecari)/The Field Museum

‘You can’t argue for the protection of an area without knowing what is there.’

If you lived in a remote part of the Peruvian jungle, under normal circumstances you might have found it a little unnerving to witness 25 Field Museum scientists lugging huge cases of equipment into your backyard, but this time it’s for a very good cause.

This remote part of the world is inhabited by nine indigenous tribes and a lot of unmolested wilderness due to the fact that it’s only accessible by helicopter. Regardless of that, it’s now under threat due to illegal mining and logging, as well as a newly proposed road. The people who live there would obviously prefer that doesn’t happen. That’s where these Field Scientists come in.

The gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira)

Over the last 17 years the museum’s rapid inventory program, like the one in Peru, has helped governments establish 18 new protected areas in South America totaling 26.5 million acres.

“You can’t argue for the protection of an area without knowing what is there,” says Corine Vriesendorp, Director of The Field Museum’s rapid inventory program.

An Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) © Tayra (Eira barbara)/The Field Museum

The field team scientists spent more than 17 days using drones and hidden cameras to conduct a quick inventory of whatever flora and fauna they could find in the area. They set up 14 camera traps and used a drone for birds-eye footage of the rainforest.


© Tayra Weasel (Eira barbara)/The Field Museum

“No scientists have ever explored this area, let alone document it with cameras and drones,” notes Jon Markel, The Field Museum’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist. “These images are the first time this remote wilderness and the species that call it home are being recorded for science.”

Giant armadillo

© Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) The Field Museum

The biodiversity they documented is absolutely incredible! They recorded 1,820 plant, fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal species, including 19 previously unknown species. The cameras revealed ocelots, giant armadillos, currassows, giant anteaters, tapirs, peccaries, and pacas among many other creatures.

crab-eating raccoon

© Crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) The Field Museum

“We discovered an intact forest inhabited by indigenous people for centuries and teeming with wildlife,” says Vriesendorp. “We want it to survive and thrive long after our cameras are gone.”

You can see more of the animal “selfies” and drone footage at The Field Museum’s Facebook page.

Astral Intimacy: Yes, You Really Can Have “Out of Body” Sex

Astral Projection is a real thing. Anyone can do it. Astral sex is also a real thing and it often goes hand in hand with Astral Projection also known as OBE’s or ‘out of body experiences’. It’s just one of the less discussed aspects of it.

For those of you who may not know, Astral Projection is the ability to have your soul consciously leave your body. Absolutely everyone can Astral Project at will, but it does require some research, practice, consistency and open-mindedness. Just like you how learn to walk, swim or ride a bicycle, Astral Projection is another skill you need practice to learn.

Every single night while we sleep, our Astral body is outside of our physical body. We are just not consciously aware of it. Astral projection is simply being able to stay consciously awake while our body is at rest. While out of body you are aware of the fact that we’re in another dimension every night while we sleep.

You will also realize you can easily get back into your body without issue. Your Astral Body is energetically connected to your physical body by a Silver Cord, (sometimes you can see it and sometimes you can’t) which ensures that you can always get back. In fact, it’s a lot easier to go back into your body than it is for you to stay out of it. Continue reading

Sexual Healing: The Facts & The Fiction

We all know the song ‘Sexual Healing’ by Marvin Gaye. But could sex really be something that heals? As with everything, it depends on the circumstances and the way it’s being used.

Sex is a big thing in everyone’s lives, regardless of most people’s uneasiness about discussing it. And yes, a lot of the time sex (particularly rape and other types of sexual abuse) does indeed do some serious damage to a person’s life. It’s not an easy subject to discuss, let alone open your mind enough to try after you’ve had a serious trauma, but you should know that Sexual Healing IS indeed a thing that has helped many people.

Depression, stress, and headaches are the most common ailments swayed by sexual intercourse. When it comes to healing the mind, things can get a lot more complicated. Although, it has been shown that mental and physical ailments are often linked.


While healing, Intimacy can often be challenging and uncomfortable for some people, especially after experiencing a trauma. But it is also highly important for the sake of building relationships.

The following research may at least encourage some of you to overlook current pain for the possibility of pleasure.

We now know from scientific research that sex unleashes a smorgasbord of chemical compounds into the brain, most notably oxytocin, otherwise known as the love or ‘cuddle’ hormone. Studies have shown that oxytocin levels in women elevate during childbirth and breastfeeding. Even fathers experience an elevation of this hormone when they bond with their partners and babies.

The more we experience sensual touch, the more our oxytocin levels rise. This peaks during an orgasm. This is also the reason whymost men experience intense fatigue after sexual intercourse and most women want to cuddle and spoon. Besides an increase in bonding and emotional connection, oxytocin, especially after an orgasm, releases the body from stress, increases calmness, improves a person’s well-being and reduces pain. Continue reading

Energy Shift in Progress: Jupiter Has Gone Into Libra For The First Time in 12 Years

On Friday September 9th, the planet Jupiter shifts into the sign of Libra. Jupiter changes signs once every year; so this is a significant shift in energy.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the zodiac and it’s energy brings expansion, abundance and good fortune.

Jupiter is blessings the vibration of Libra.

Now it’s important to understand that we all experience Libra energy; albeit in our own unique ways. This transit is good news for everyone.

Libra rules partnerships; which means it’s going to be a lucky time for love. However when we are flowing with this energy it’s crucial to understand that the most important relationship you’ll ever be in is the one to yourself.

Mayan astronomy

Self love, self acceptance and being there for ourselves is mandatory to reap the harvests of Jupiter in Libra. Unhealthy thought patterns and narrow mindedness is not going to work anymore. It’s time to nurture and love every part of ourselves; no more excuses or reasons to be self critical.

As we move into this gentle, loving and beautiful energy it’s important to take a look at yourself in the mirror and love who is looking back at you.

This may mean saying something like, “I don’t like the way my hips look; but I love myself anyways”…

We are just beginning this year long journey so it’s totally okay to feel like you have a long way to go.

Continue reading

Unwrapping & DNA Testing A 2000 Year Old Elongated Skull Baby In Paracas Peru


The Juan Navarro Museum in Paracas Peru has the mummified head of a 20 month old baby from the Paracas culture that has been radiocarbon dated at 1950 years old. When found, it was wrapped in ornate textiles, showing that it was a person of nobility.


Under the supervision of archaeologist Aaron Judkins, the baby was unwrapped, very carefully by Joe Taylor, who is a master at making castings of skulls and bones. A Peruvian archaeologist was also consulted during this process, and was the one that packaged and labeled DNA skin and hair samples that were recovered.


Once unwrapped, as shown above, the baby clearly had a very elongated head, as compared to a normal skull of about 16 months of age shown to the left. Whether the shape of the elongated head was the result of artificial cranial deformation is likely, but has not yet been fully determined.

Photo above of a very proud Sr. Juan Navarro holding the baby skull just after it was unwrapped. We were all shocked to see that it had reddish blonde hair; which was not the result of age or exposure to outside environmental influence; the baby was BORN WITH THIS HAIR COLOUR, and thus was likely genetically different than indigenous Native Americans of the area.


DNA testing was conducted by Lakehead University in Ontario Canada of the hair of the baby. The results came back as haplogroup U2e1, which is NOT Native American, but European, and more specifically proto-Germanic or proto-Slavic people. Further DNA test will be done on other samples in the near future. See more about the DNA results HERE.

Complete video of the unwrapping process can be seen HERE.

Or click this link below:


Come and see the Elongated Skulls of Peru with us, when we explore in August 2017. Full itinerary and details HERE.

Many thanks to Brien Foerster of Hidden Inca Tours for this information

People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans

Do you know your blood-type? Every human on this planet has either blood type O, A, B, or AB, and within these types, you either have RH positive or RH negative blood. The Rhesus (Rh) factor refers to a specific antigen in the blood. If your blood lacks the Rh antigen, you are Rh-negative.

If your blood has the antigen, you are Rh positive. About 85% of the population has the antigen. 15% does not, and are considered ‘Rh- Negatives’

RH Negative blood types are one of the most fascinating subjects I’ve ever researched. In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had; except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all our ancestors.

Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape had evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor.

So, if all mankind evolved from the same ancestor, their blood should be compatible. Do you get what I’m saying? If we had all evolved from the same ancestor, we would all have the same blood. Continue reading