Category Archives: Spirituality

10 Common Habits Of Spiritually Conscious People

While no two people are alike, many people who are pursuing a spiritual path end up adopting similar habits and behaviours.  The spiritually-minded tend to do things differently than the rest of the world, and their actions and lifestyle end up reflecting their new level of awareness.

When it comes to habits, being able to relate to others on a level like this is important.  It allows us to see that we are not alone on our journey, and that we aren’t so “weird” after all.  It takes a lot of courage to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else, so it can be comforting and reassuring to know that there are millions of others out there who can relate to you.  Don’t be afraid to allow your actions to be an extension of your free spirit.

Here are 10 common habits of spiritually conscious people:

1) They often practice meditation or yoga

One of the most important aspects of a spiritual path is having a deep connection with the universe through one’s own consciousness.  Many people use meditation or yoga to increase their sense of unity with the universe and to receive energy from Source.  Some use it to simply separate themselves from their thoughts and emotions.

It’s not uncommon to see them sitting on a park bench or at a bus stop meditating.  Or maybe even at their job.  Some people may think it is weird, but for those who are pursuing a route of higher consciousness, they see them in a much different light.

2) They often have organic, gluten-free, or vegetarian diets

Many members of the global spiritual community are up to speed on current nutritional knowledge.  It may rub some friends and family the wrong way, but speaking about GMOs, the danger of pesticides, and the environmental destruction of animal agriculture is something that should be of great concern to everyone.

Spiritual conscious people may find themselves sticking up like a sore thumb when going out to dinner with their friends.  The body is a vessel for Spirit.  It’s only natural to be super aware about what you put in it.

3) They typically reduce, reuse, and recycle

Another habit of spiritually conscious people is that they generally like to be resourceful out of their concern for the well-being of the Earth.  Using less plastic bags, recycling more often, and using natural cleaning products are some of the habits spiritually conscious people get in to that others may think are a bit quirky.

“Biodegradable” is a term they are most likely familiar with.  Some even go as far as to live off the grid.  I mean, who doesn’t dream about having a property that is 100% self-sustained?

4) They practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude frequently is something that stems from an open connection with the Universe.  Being grateful for life on a daily basis is something that never slips the mind of who is spiritually centered.  Thanking the moon, the sun, the food you are about to eat, and the universe are things which you may find yourself doing that others may find weird.

5) They might own gemstones and crystals

It’s not unusual for spiritually-minded people to be seen wearing a gemstone like clear quartz or amethyst.  Some have geodes in their home and even carry crystals in their pockets and purses.  For quite some time, crystals have been widely accepted as a took for working with energy, and many people feel they offer them a connection with something beyond the physical.

6) They have a positive attitude

Spiritually conscious individuals have their bad days, but generally speaking, they are much more likely to spread love over fear.  They don’t ignore the negative, they just choose not to dwell there.  They tend to avoid drama and fighting as much as possible.  This is why when people begin to wake up, they notice they have nothing in common with their old friends anymore.

7) They are less likely to watch the news and/or television

Many spiritually conscious people feel that watching television is a waste of time. Time is much better spent outdoors, reading, exploring, or researching.  It is a general belief among people who are awake that the media is a machine put in place to promote fear and consumerism.  Some people may not have cable or satellite, and some don’t even own a television in their house.

8) They prefer cooperation over competition

While many people in the modern world believe we live in a “dog eat dog” world, most spiritually minded people tend to disagree and adopt a “we’re in this together” mindset.  When the ego is less of a priority, competing with one another doesn’t really seem to make as much sense.

It’s unlikely that they will lie and cheat to get ahead.  Knowing that Karma returns to you what you give out, spiritually minded people are eager to cooperate and get along.

9) They sometimes use unusual greetings in letters, texts, and emails

“Namaste”, “Love and Light”, and “Blessings” are sometimes the sign-offs for people who are ending a discussion in email or letter.  If you see someone close a conversation like this, there’s a good chance they are a little more activated than the average individual.

10) They usually avoid clubs and bars

Getting wasted every weekend just isn’t something that interest people who are on a spiritual path.  While other people spend all week looking forward to Saturday night to get drunk and party, spiritually minded people may instead look forward to having group meditation or chanting.  Personally, I look forward to having deep conversations with good friends over some tea.

The choice of drugs also differs greatly.  Ayahuasca, psilocibin and other “medicine plants” are sometimes taken for the purpose of expanding ones consciousness, as opposed to just feeling intoxicated.  When drugs are taken, they are taken ceremonially and with purpose.

It’s important to note that not all spiritual people do these things.  The point of recognizing common habits of spiritual people is not to see how many you can check off, but to allow people to see that they are not alone on their journey.  For every quirk you have that other people call you weird for, thousands of others can relate to that same experience.  You are part of an entire community, although you may not always feel like it.

Some of these habits may cause you to be ridiculed by the general population, but don’t be apologetic for allowing your spirit to guide you where it needs to go.  These aren’t just individual habits, but community habits.  The more we can be true to who we are and allow our lifestyle to be extensions for our true essence, the more the world will begin follow suit.

Thanks for reading!

Steven Bancarz

Team Spirit

The 4 Most Common Psychic Abilities. Which Ones Do You Have?

Psychic abilities come in many different forms and varieties.  Though it is common for many people to believe that all true psychics must be able to tell everything about the future, psychic ability rarely works this way.  Instead, there are a number of different ways that a people with psychic abilities and intuitive gifts may be able to receive information.

Chances are, you are at least a little bit psychic.  We all have souls, and all have intuition.  It can be something as simple as having a “gut feeling” about something, or knowing somebody will call you right before they do. Though not all of us have highly developed psychic abilities, everyone is hardwired with a sixth sense.  In fact, this may even date back to pre-historic times where it would act as an evolutionary advantage.

Here are 4 of the most common psychic abilities:

1) Claircognizance

Claircognizance translates as “clear knowing.”  Someone with claircognizance will simply know, with certainty, things that that they would have no logical way of knowing.  They often get flashes of insight, such as having a profound feeling that danger is up ahead.

Example: You know for certain that you will have a new job be a certain period of time, or know that you should take a different route than you normally would and end up avoiding a car accident.

2) Clarivoyance

 Clairvoyance translates as “clear seeing.”  A clairvoyant is someone who is able to see intuitive information visually.  A clairvoyant may simply see a number, a symbol, or a name written on a piece of paper.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be anything too complex or dramatic.  But the main ability is that they are able to receive information visually through their minds eye.

Example: You are able to guess if a coin landed on heads or tails at a rate significantly greater than would be expected by chance.

 3) Clairaudience

Clairaudience translates as “clear hearing.”  People with clairaudience receive information by literally hearing it in their head.  They often feel as if there is a little voice telling them what they need to know, kind of like how we can hear our own voices in our head while we are reading.

Example: You receive information about an unseen event or future circumstance audibly, such as “Tuesday you’re going to run into an old friend”.

4) Clairsentience


Clairsentience translates as “clear feeling.”  Those with clairsentience are often times referred to as empaths  or intuitive empaths.  This one is probably the most common psychic ability, as a lot of people can relate to having a strong empathic connection to others.

They can literally feel the emotions of other people, which is not always fun and games. When the people around them have negative emotions, it can be very physically and spiritually draining.  Because intuitive empaths can feel what others are feeling, they are also often highly aware of when people around them are lying or being deceptive.

Example: Someone around you keeps telling you they’re “fine”, when you can feel literally feel that they are sad or angry.

Psychics Vs Mediums

It’s important to note that physics are not mediums.  Psychics are about to receive information around them outside of the 5 senses, where as mediums are able to communicate with spirits who have passed over.  When we hear the word “psychic”, we often think of someone who claims to be a fortune teller, or someone claims to have supernatural abilities that allow them to communicate with deceased relatives.

But the truth is, we all naturally have psychic abilities.  It’s not some New Age concept or a pseudoscientific issue.  It’s simply a matter of looking to the data of our human experience and comparing it with others.  Our souls and biological organisms are hardwired with a 6th sense, and every single person can testify to having at least some instance experience of their own psychic ability.

Which of these four do you have?

Thanks for reading!

Steven Bancarz

Team Spirit

5 Common Growing Pains Of A Spiritual Awakening

For those of us who find ourselves travelling on a spiritual path, it can be very common to experience a few “growing pains” on our journey.  Things which hurt beyond belief, but which always result in more clarity, wisdom, and a deeper perspective.  Identifying these common struggles of the spiritual path can be helpful. It makes us realize we are not alone, and that there are certain archetypal energies that all people on a spiritual path end up encountering.

If you are experiencing some of these struggles, have faith. The change you are experiencing is occurring because you are becoming a more authentic and connected person.  The pain you feel is just a temporary catalyst that will propel you into your new self.

As you change, it’s natural to grieve the loss of aspects of your former self.  Don’t be attached to your old identity in your mind.  The key to deal with growing pains on the path to spiritual ascension is to accept the flow as life and to work with reality, not against it.

Here are 5 common growing pains of spiritual ascension we all experience:

1) Losing friends

This one can be especially traumatic for those people.  Becoming more spiritually connected can change a lot about you very quickly, and this can affect some of your closest friendships.  It may cause some of your friends to turn on you, distance themselves from you, and even bully you.

Before hand, perhaps you were willing to engage in behaviors that now just seem wrong to you, such as gossiping, complaining, or competing for the top position in your pack of friends. It’s also likely that the topics you used to discuss with your friends now make you feel empty, and that you now prefer to discuss issues that your friends don’t understand or are uninterested in.  They may even call you crazy for it.

Unfortunately, these differences in perspective and behavior can sometimes be enough to rip apart friendships that have meant a lot to you over the years.  Realize that all you can do is be true to yourself and allow the cards to fall as they may.  You do not have the power to convert anyone to your way of thinking, and you don’t have to.  All you can do is be genuine and sincere, and the universe will connect you with people who are more aligned with your new vibration.

2) Misunderstandings in the family

While most family members are less likely to walk away from you because you are on a spiritual path, they are still quite likely to be confused by your change in perspective.  If you have parents who are religious, they may even accuse you of being lost and separate from God.  Everyone knows that meditation is just another way Satan can whisper in your ear, right?

Stay authentic, and take responsibility for the energy you bring into each conversation.  Just keep being yourself and the “new you” will become more familiar to your loved ones.  In my own journey, my family members actually started to become curious and started asking me questions, and now their minds are so much more open than they used to be. Remember, it’s better to be misunderstood for being who you are than it is to hide yourself for fear of what your family may think.  It’s your life to live, not theirs.

3) Being mocked and ridiculed by society

While many people are on a conscious spiritual path in the world today, there are many who remain in the dark about their true nature. Becoming more spiritually minded can expose you to quite a bit of ridicule for being different.  Being mocked, made fun of, and bullied is just a part of being away in a world that is asleep.  This is probably the most common growing pain of spiritual ascension.

This why you often hear people making jokes about people who eat organic food, meditate, lucid dream, carry gemstones, or talk about spiritual issues and philosophies.  If you were to talk about these things thousands of years ago, crowds would gather in the street and people would be excited to share their experiences. Because of the emotional consequences of not going along with the herd in our day and age, it can be difficult to even come out of the closet with your spiritual beliefs.

The judgement that you may feel from being “out” can be uncomfortable initially, but trust that as time progresses it will become less frequent and easier to deal with.  As we become more comfortable with our differences, we project that comfort out into the world, and we receive less judgement as a result of our confidence.  The universe stops sending us experiences which hit on our weaknesses once we turn them into our strengths.  Stay authentic, sincere, and in integrity.  And when people make fun of you when you are in a space like that, it just makes them look mean and silly.

4) Career changes

When perspective changes, sometimes what worked before just isn’t a good fit for you anymore.  Suddenly, the job that you may have leaned on for many years feels empty, or even worse, damaging to your soul.  During a spiritual awakening, you may come to the realization that your job is not acting as an extension of your soul.

With some, a career change may be intentional and planned out, but with others, it may come in the form of being suddenly fired or laid off.  When you are a vibrational mis-match with how you are spending most of your hours during the week, it’s only a matter of time before either you or your employer decide it is in everyone’s best interest if you leave your job.

It can be very painful to have a sudden transition like this.  But have faith that it happened for a reason. Much more happiness and fulfillment lays ahead for you.  Life is too short to spend anything other than doing what makes your soul come alive.

Surrender to the universe, and it will carry you exactly where you need to be spiritually as well as professionally.

 5) Loneliness

Loneliness is a natural byproduct of spiritual ascension.  Naturally, as our relationships, jobs and lifestyles change, so will our ability to confide in the things we used to confide in.

In times like these, it’s good to reach out to the spiritual community.  Take a yoga class or attend a meditation retreat.  The universe will set you up with new framework to support your new lifestyle, but you have to make an effort to create that for yourself and meet the universe half way.

The good news here is that when you do find people on the same path, you can rest assured that they will provide friendships and acquaintances that are genuine and uplifting, where as before you may have been settling for some relationships that were fueled on competition and negativity.  You may notice you have less friends, but more of the right kind.   An increase in quality, and a decrease in quantity.

In the mean time, practice getting to you yourself.  Start practicing meditation, and learn to be comfortable with being on your own.  Learning how to be alone with about being lonely is essential to dealing with any sense of loss that has arose since you started pursuing your new path.

Although finding your spiritual self can be a fulfilling and enlightening experience, there will be some changes that will be challenging to adjust to.  Not everyone will experience all of these adjustments, but if any of these apply to you, just know you are not alone.  Be patient with the universe, and stay in integrity to the new version of yourself.  The rest will take care of itself.

If you are experiencing spiritual growing pains, realize that at the end of the day they are simply signs that you are growing and evolving.  All of the things that are listed in this article are actually signs that you are on the right track.

So don’t think that you have done anything wrong or that you are making improper choices by adopting a new lifestyle that seems to make people around you confused.  Stay true to yourself and in time, you will mature into a more comfortable and stable position.  When you align your emotions, thoughts, and intentions with bettering yourself and exploring your true nature, the universe always conspires for you to give you the life you need.

Be patient, and trust the universe.  In order to grow into new skin, you have to first shed the old one.

Thank you for reading!

Steven Bancarz

Team Spirit

How to Connect Your Root Chakra With Your Partners

This morning, I find myself contemplating some really big concepts and trying to wrestle and wrangle how things are supposed to fit together properly…

yinyangIt only makes sense that our supreme form beyond the physical is both a combination of Male and Female energy, in complete union with each other, able to ebb and flow freely with each other in a dance of cosmic light.

And while this concept may seem airy fairy, let me bring it down to the earth and make it physical.

I see relationships failing everywhere I look. It has got to the point where I am truly coming to recognition with the state of the world, there are not many lasting relationship that happen beyond the borders of “Partner and Lover”, that realm of intimacy where two souls collide and become one.

Typically, the most stable relationships that are formed are in the realms of the casual:  “Brother, Sister, Mother, Father, Daughter and Son”. When I say those, I mean them more as descriptions of the energy. Two best friends could have a real brotherly energy without needing to be brothers. Sometimes you might find a mentor and the two of you have a healthy parent-sibling relationship without actually being genetically related.

So when two come together to be partners and they do cross into that realm of intimacy, it seems to me like there is a chaotic struggle that happens in the root chakra at some point.  You see, this is a shared intimacy with another being that is shared at the root: The base foundational level of existence.

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How to Live Your Life From A 5D Mind

-Independence: What in nature is totally independent from the rest? We, I mean, we all, need oxygen from somewhere, don’t we? New age circus types love to preach about filling our own cup from the inside… Cool. Try breathing your own air from the inside and tell me that’s enough…

Doesn’t work.

It’s contrary to the laws of nature. You see? Let yourself be open to the nourishment of everything around you, and be filled in service to it.

-Dependence: a state of potential growth, subject to authority due to the absence of the ability to create it. A baby, the house pets, domestic plants. All of these require something from their caretakers. Those instances which illicit genuine dependence are meant to dissolve over time and become a new form of relating, and the effort and energy is rerouted in the relationship…

The dog, realizing it’s “role” is the submissive one, employs cuteness tactics to calm or enliven the owner, creating a mutually beneficial symbiotic partnership, bringing us to the final form…

-Interdependence: a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups). It is the application of the inherent authority,  combined with the recognition of the same inherent authority reflected in the world around us.

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9 Activities Linked to a Longer Life

UCLA biologists have found a gene that can slow the aging process in the entire body when activated in specific organ systems.  While working with fruit flies, these scientists activated a gene known as AMPK that is an important energy sensor in cells; which gets activated when cellular energy levels are getting low.

dna_2759155b“AMP-activated protein kinase—an energy sensor that regulates all aspects of cell function. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of energy status that maintains cellular energy homeostasis.” – D. Grahame Hardie

In the study scientists found that increasing the amount of AMPK in fruit flies’ intestines increased their lifespans by about 30 percent.  This puts them living around 8 weeks instead of the average 6 weeks.

This is like the average person who lives to be almost 80 to around 104 years.   What is also interesting is that not only do the fruit flies live longer but they were healthier as well.

Now imagine if we applied this genetic technique to someone who is already supposed to live to be over 100 years old?

There is a whole group of people, known as Centenarians, that have lived to be over 100 years old. We have found a short documentary about two Supercentenarians, from the Spice Mountains of South Western India who have lived to be over 110!  Check it out below!

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If you found that interesting there are rumors that a man in China lived to be around 250 years old! Li Ching Yuen was an herbalist who practiced Qigong and said his secret to long life was to possess the following traits in your life:

  • Tranquil mind
  • Sit like a tortoise
  • Walk sprightly like a pigeon
  • Sleep like a dog

In addition to that list here are 9 Activities that are linked to a longer life!

© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporation1. Being Spiritual–  Having some sort of spiritual practice or belief has been linked to longer lives.  You don’t have to be a specific religion or even believe in God to qualify for this category.  Having a reverence for life and believing in something more than yourself is enough to enjoy the benefits of a longer life.

2. Health or Healing knowledge– As you heard in the video above both of our Supercentenarians were known for their knowledge and ability to heal others.  Perhaps the knowledge of healing isn’t only for ourselves.  Perhaps science will find a spark of longevity in those who take the time to ease the suffering of others. Continue reading