Category Archives: News

Astral Intimacy: Yes, You Really Can Have “Out of Body” Sex

Astral Projection is a real thing. Anyone can do it. Astral sex is also a real thing and it often goes hand in hand with Astral Projection also known as OBE’s or ‘out of body experiences’. It’s just one of the less discussed aspects of it.

For those of you who may not know, Astral Projection is the ability to have your soul consciously leave your body. Absolutely everyone can Astral Project at will, but it does require some research, practice, consistency and open-mindedness. Just like you how learn to walk, swim or ride a bicycle, Astral Projection is another skill you need practice to learn.

Every single night while we sleep, our Astral body is outside of our physical body. We are just not consciously aware of it. Astral projection is simply being able to stay consciously awake while our body is at rest. While out of body you are aware of the fact that we’re in another dimension every night while we sleep.

You will also realize you can easily get back into your body without issue. Your Astral Body is energetically connected to your physical body by a Silver Cord, (sometimes you can see it and sometimes you can’t) which ensures that you can always get back. In fact, it’s a lot easier to go back into your body than it is for you to stay out of it. Continue reading

This Indian Village Plants 111 Trees In Honor of Every Baby Girl Born

The birth of any child is celebrated around the world in a variety of ways, ranging from the giving of gifts in blue or pink in many western countries, to the giving of red-dyed eggs as a symbol of happiness in China. However, there is one village in India that has the mother of all new-birth traditions.

In Piplantri, Rajasthan, India, the community of 8,000 comes together every time a baby girl is born to plant 111 fruit trees in her honor and over the past six years alone, they estimate that they have planted a quarter of a million trees.

How Did The Tradition Start?

Indian village trees tradition

Former village elder Shyam Sundar Paliwal started the tradition to honor his own daughter, Kiran, who passed away when she just a young child. The tradition has continued, even though he no longer leads the village.

Historically, the birth of a girl in India was considered a burden on the family – they would have to pay a dowry when she gets married, which would cost the family a lot of money. As such, female children were regarded as lesser than their male counterparts, they rarely got a proper education, and would often be married before their eighteenth birthday.

Piplantri’s tradition does away with this and makes the birth of a baby girl something to celebrate, spreading joy and positivity to all the village’s inhabitants.

What is the Tradition in More Depth?

When a girl is born, the village comes together with the parents to create a trust fund of sorts. The village donates 21,000 Rupees, and the parents put forward 10,000 Rupees, for a total of 31,000 Rupees (approximately $500). This is then untouchable for 20 years and ensures she won’t be a financial burden on the family. Continue reading

These 10 Unnerving Pictures Show What Will Happen To American Cities When Sea Levels Rise

 Whether you believe in the global warming or not, you cannot deny the facts. The following is most definitely a fact: The temperature of our planet is slowly rising. Which means the sea-level will rise at one point or another.
According to a new study about the melting of the ice-caps, which was published in the July issue of Science, our climate will only have to rise 2 degrees Celcius above the historic norm to cause catastrophic events.
Even if the rise of the temperature will be less than the benchmark of 2 degrees the sea-level will rise. The sea-level is expected to rise approximately 4 feet by the year 2100 and about 20 feet by the year of 2200. The numbers will grow a lot higher if the benchmark is reached and/or passed. Just by looking at the past we can predict the future. It is believed that 120,000 years ago the average temperature was about 2 degrees higher than now and the sea-level was about 20 feet higher than it is today.
Many people find it difficult to imagine what the consequences will look like and what these numbers mean. In most occasions, people can be told disasters will alter our world but this probably won’t sink in until parts of the world are literally be under water. Our world was portrayed in several movies while being hit by floods but these pictures published by take part will bring everything a lot closer to home.
The research group Climate Central  teamed up with artist Nickolay Lamm. They decided to help people visualize the consequences by showing what U.S. coastal cities can expect when the sea-level will indeed rise.

Venice Beach Boardwalk, Venice Beach, California—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Venice Beach Boardwalk, Venice Beach, California—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

AT&T Park, San Francisco—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

AT&T Park, San Francisco—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Back Bay, Boston—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Back Bay, Boston—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Ocean Drive, Miami—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Ocean Drive, Miami—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Citadel Military College, Charleston, South Carolina—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Citadel Military College, Charleston, South Carolina—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

San Diego Convention Center, San Diego—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

San Diego Convention Center, San Diego—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Statue of Liberty, New York City—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Statue of Liberty, New York City—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Crissy Field, San Francisco—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Crissy Field, San Francisco—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts—Before

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts—After

Photo: Courtesy Climate Central

Many thanks to for spreading the awareness

6 Things That Happen When You Let Guilt Control You

Everyone can relate to guilt. Whether it’s from lying to a loved one, insulting a close friend, cheating on a partner, or making a wrong decision, it cuts more deeply than any other emotion.

We agonize over the misdeed, replaying it over and over in our minds, trying to rationalize it, planning what we would have done differently if we had the chance to go back to that crossroad. Yet we know there is no time machine to fix the action. We are stuck in the present, wringing our hands in angst. “I wish… should’ve… could’ve… would’ve… if…” become mainstays in our vocabulary.

When we resolve we had enough of this pain, we bury it. In other words, we throw a sheet over a big, ugly vat of guilt. The torment still exists, but we banish it so we can cope.

The guilt may be out of sight, but it is still in our subconscious mind. Then the real trouble begins.

Sign 1: Strained Professional Relationships

Suppressed guilt ruins your self-image thereby tainting your interactions with people. When stigma is flared into your psyche, you become aware that you are hiding something shameful, and you feel as if your essence is on display for others’ judgment.

The key to a professional relationship is consistency. If one employee is off his rocker, yet lovable, his peers will adapt and accept him.

However, this is not the case if you are composed on Monday, moody on Tuesday, manic on Wednesday, and anxious on Thursday.

This behavior stimulates mistrust since no once in business will interact long-term with an unpredictable associate.

Sign 2: Tired, Distracted, and Late

Subduing guilt scorches a lot of mental energy. As a result, you become disconcerted. A wide-eyed “wait, sorry, what?” becomes increasingly often until you cannot attribute this haze to a bad night’s sleep, an oncoming cold, anxiety about politics, or stress about a future zombie apocalypse. Continue reading

Questioning The Taboo: Are Humans Supposed To Be Monogamous?

When people are asked about their opinion on cheating or having an affair an overwhelming majority will answer ‘this is morally wrong’ or ‘that is unacceptable’. Yet left and right we hear stories of couples breaking up due to the fact that one of the two partners decided to look for some action from elsewhere.

It seems as if everyone is looking for their soul mate, true love or their twin flame. Yet sometimes when a relationship is established it is not sufficient and people start to look around. Especially with all the social media and dating apps, people have even more temptations right in front of them since it’s so easily accessible and discrete. This can start out extremely innocent with sending a flirtatious remark but when you’re not careful this can eventually end up in a steaming affair with all the further consequences.relationship happy habits

If sleeping with another person besides your partner is so wrong and unaccepted, how come it happens so often? Not only in one culture but in almost in every single one of them, all around the world.

About 20% of both men and women admitted having cheated on their partner. Are we supposed to be with only one person and one person only for the rest of our life? Or does our nature tells us otherwise? In other words, are humans monogamous creatures or not?

From the 5000 different kinds of mammals walking on this Earth, 3-5% of the species is considered to be completely monogamous. Beavers, wolves and gibbons are a few examples. These monogamous species tend to differ from humans in their mating behavior since they will only know one partner throughout their lives. Continue reading

3 Key Signs Your Friendship Is Toxic & Draining Your Energy

‘Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival’.

C.S. Lewis

Friendships are crucial to the shape of our lives. Finding someone you enjoy spending time with, without a hint of romance, can lead us to new experiences and give us a sense of feeling understood. A true friend has your back through any crisis, holds your hand through any tragedy and applauds your every achievement.Toxic friendships

However, friendships can feel the same stresses and strains as any of the other relationships in our life and can turn sour over time. The difference between friendships and other relationships is that they can be particularly difficult to identify as being negative.

Often the dynamics of a friendship change because two people have made different decisions in life, leaving one happier than the other or they just become two entirely different people. Sometimes these differences can be worked out over time, but for others, it’s a sign that the effort of maintaining the friendship is just dragging you down.

Identifying a toxic friendship and letting it go is crucial to your emotional well-being. If you are unsure that a friendship has gone beyond saving, check for these three signs.

They cause you embarrassment

Being embarrassed on purpose is one thing, but when the genuine behavior of your friend leaves you cringing whenever you’re in public together, it’s a clear sign that the relationship has turned toxic. Dr. Patricia Leavy, the author of American Circumstance, a novel that explores female friendship, sees it as a clear sign that ‘you’ve outgrown the friendship.’ Continue reading