All posts by Chantel JVR

Recognizing The Traits of Your Twin Soul – What Are The Signs?

We are constantly traveling on a spiritual journey. Along the way, we meet many people. What happens when we meet that person who literally understands your core?

The feeling of two people sharing the same spiritual journey is something you will not miss. When it happens, your entire universe will shift with the strength and power exerted by the two of you uniting.

Twin souls are souls which have traveled through decades together, they are the reincarnate which has seen and experienced the universe as one. Once they are reunited, amazing things happen.

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 12.12.59 PM1. There is an instant ‘spark’

There is an actual spark within your soul. It’s unlike chemistry. You will feel the difference when it hits!

Souls recognizing each other is something deeper, even on that very first meeting, you will feel like a reunion is taking place.

2. De-Ja-Vu

In many forms, things will seem familiar. Flashbacks, dreams and de-ja-vu are very common occurrences. Ever had that “I’m sure we’ve done this before” moment with your suspected twin flame? This is completely normal – your soul doesn’t forget it’s previous life experiences and never will. This comes in the form of an immense union of two souls. Continue reading

What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About Your Personality?

We always seem to give credit to zodiac signs when it comes to defining one’s personality. Did you know that your birth month also plays a huge role? There’s actual science behind this fact!

“People born within a particular month tend to share personality traits.” – Mark Hamilton, a social scientist in the Communication Department at the University of Connecticut.

He conducted a study where more than 300 celebrities were assessed, all from varying fields. One thing he fond most common was their birth months and their similarities based thereon.

Another interesting fact? Many schizophrenia sufferers are born in the colder winter months.

Click on your flip card below to find out a bit more:


Studies Suggest This New Type of Filling Can Regenerate Your Teeth

Cavities – we hate them! Who actually enjoys going to the dentist? Not many I can assure you.

What if there was an easier less painful way to treat this problem? Moreover, a way to heal cavities! Scientists in the UK may have the answer. Dentin is the hard bone-like tissue that makes up most of the tooth structure. A new material which can be inserted into the teeth is said to actually repair and regenerate this Dentin.

As fillings are inserted into cavities to block off any space where harmful bacteria may want to colonise, this new material is injected into the tooth and hardened with UV light. The major difference is, once inside of the pulp of the tooth, it encourages stem cells to proliferate and grow into Dentin, which basically means we are re-growing our teeth!


“We have designed synthetic biomaterials that can be used similarly to dental fillings but can be placed in direct contact with pulp tissue to stimulate the native stem cell population for repair and regeneration of pulp tissue and the surrounding dentin,” says lead researcher Adam Celiz, a therapeutic biomaterials researcher from the University of Nottingham. Continue reading

Why A Himalayan Salt Block Could Be One Of The Best Things You Ever Own

Hand carved and formed to resemble a slab, a Himalayan salt block contains magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese. All these minerals are responsible for it’s lovely pink hue.

Trending in many kitchens worldwide, there are many creative ways to prepare or cook your vegetables, seafood, chicken and even cold dishes like sushi.

Why would you want to own one of these?


Himalayan salt is considered one of the purest forms of salt available, mined from the Himalayan mountain range. Well known as “pink gold” to the locals, it’s pollutant free and completely unrefined, relied upon since the ancient times for the human diet.

When heated, these slabs actually change color over time, very much lie a cast-iron skillet or wok which has been well seasoned with use.

Himalayan salt is rich in calcium, iron and 84 trace minerals, making this a very powerful cooking tool. Supplying our body with much needed elements, it also contains a small amount of bio available calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. Slightly lower in sodium when compared to other regular salts makes for a healthy dose of amazing tasting food!

Amazingly, when using one of these slabs, one never over or under-seasons their food. They provide just the right amount of flavor!

Being naturally antimicrobial, this may be the safest cooking utensil one ever owns. Salt is well known to have been used throughout the ages to preserve food and kill off harmful microbes. Continue reading

This Rare Time-lapse of The Aurora Borealis Is Stunning

Maciej Winiarczuk was quite surprised when he managed to successfully capture the light show he’s been trying to film for the past three years. An Aurora Borealis lapse of the Milky Way occurred and it is absolutely stunning!

Better known as the Northern Lights, named after the Roman Goddess of dawn, Aurora, as well as Boreas, the Roman God of the wind.  For ages, this occurrence has fascinated humankind. Where does it stem from?

Starting with our own star, the sun, solar wind is the primary cause. The sun ejects particles of plasma which usually bypass our planet as the earth’s magnetic filed deflects them. This however pulls the plasma to the poles. Particles like Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen collide with these solar winds, causing these marveling colorful appearances throughout the sky.

Depending on what you seek, they occur year round, but April-August possess the longest days throughout the year, making them less visible. Most frequent during Autumn and Spring, September and March are usually their peak season. Winter can also be a great opportunity – the nights are longer and darker, this makes the colors really pop against a satin sky. Bare in mind, you are never guaranteed a show. The weather dictates this.

Thank you to The Rain Forest Site for this magnificent footage.

See more here.






Forget The Stars In The Sky, Our Starfish Desperately Need Our Help

Starfish – absolutely amazing creatures. As a child, strolling along the shoreline, digging through rock pools, my fondest memories were those where I found one of these guys. Have you ever watched them closely? “From another world”, I would always say.shutterstock_371817862

Suddenly dying at an unusual rate, one has to wonder what is going on. what would this mean for surrounding wildlife?

Are other marine species also at risk? Suspecting a bacterial affliction, scientists are calling it the “Sea Star Wasting Syndrome”. Actual findings are leaving us with some uncertainty.

Reoccurring die-offs are known to occur with Sea Stars, but never at this rapid rate and most certainly not this widespread! Continue reading