All posts by Kirsten Cowart

Kirsten is a writer who loves to practice vipassana meditation, yoga, travel, and learning about nature, consciousness, and how to make the world a better place. Her current interests involve studying and practicing flow, staying In Flow, and recognizing the natural flow of the universe. Kirsten loves to learn about the holistic healing arts. She is also interested in ancient cultures and practices such as Druidism. Kirsten is honored to be apart of such an incredible movement of love and heart centered living in this world.

Ayahuasca Found to Reset The Brain to Allow For Deep Healing

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic substance used in entheogenic brews as a traditional spiritual medicine. Indigenous people in the Amazon region of Peru say that the spirits of the plants will guide them in their spiritual practices.

Ayahuasca is inactive if consumed without a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) plant to help it absorb and create the psychedelic experience. The Ayahuasca experience hyperactivates the brain and makes it possible for us to rewrite our old patterns of trauma in order to help us heal issues that are far in our past.shutterstock_268492997

In fact, this plant has also been helpful in recovering old memories and making it easier to understand ourselves and heal from those events.

In the early 1950s Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes was the first to talk about this substance outside of the indigenous communities. These communities were using the plant for both healing and divinatory purposes. 

The video below looks into the scientific discoveries about what is going on inside our brain when we are on the shamanic Ayahuasca brew. It also looks at how our brain patterns cling to old traumas causing almost a scar tissue effect in the neurons making it really hard to rewrite our patterns of behavior and healing from trauma.

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The 3 Main Types of Intuition: How To Know Your Strongest Sense

Our intuition is for more than just receiving psychic messages. While many of us may not identify as psychic per say, we are more intuitive than we often give ourselves credit for. Knowing what type of intuition is strongest for us and how we can access is so helpful!

Imagine having a sense of trust in your knowing about personal relationships, professional goals, and deep desires. Being fully connected to our intuition is a major factor in finding success and happiness. Not everyone experiences intuition in the same way. Here are the three most common forms of intuition to help you identify yours:

Clairvoyance (Seeing)shutterstock_168932369

Clairvoyance, which means “clear sight”, is probably the most well-known type of intuitive or psychic power.

Clairvoyants are able to access visual telepathic information about objects, people, physical locations, as well as other realms and spirit guides. Continue reading

The Connection Between The Moon Cycles and Your Mood

The lunar cycles have been closely followed and worked with in many contexts throughout history, and all over the world. The moon influences the ocean and its tides, the growth of fruits and vegetables (in a biodynamic farm, planting is done in accordance with the lunar and solar cycles), as well as our own bodies and minds.

If you think about the influence the moon has on the tides, it makes sense for it to have a powerful influence over us too since we are mostly made of water as well. But can the moon have an influence on our emotional and psychic body as well?

Here is a breakdown of the most significant phases and how they may impact our mood and our actions. Make some observations over this next lunar cycle and see if you notice any patterns and connections between the lunar cycle and your feelings.

New Moon

shutterstock_181859510The new moon is the beginning phase of the lunar cycle, when seeds are planted and intentions set.

The new moon carries a fresh energy and potency, one that may spark a clarity of purpose and being within us. This sky is darker at this time, turning us inward to our own creative light.

Darkness is associated with the divine feminine, with seeing the unseen, and heightened psychic ability. The new moon is a time to tune into your inner messages and the frequencies that want to connect with you. To cultivate these manifestations, set aside time for an intention-setting and a new moon ritual to honor your intentions for this new lunar cycle. Continue reading

Researchers Claim DMT Can Connect You To A Parallel Universe

DMT or Dimethyltryptamine is a chemical compound produced naturally in the pineal gland inside your brain that belongs to the tryptamine family.

This naturally occurring substance is produced and excreted by the pineal gland during sleep and is structurally similar to serotonin. It is found in both animals and plants and is pretty much connected with everything alive on this earth.

The reason this chemical compound gets so much attention is because it is the active component in psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca. Though scientists are still very unsure of its function in the body it is believed to influence our ability to dream visually.

How DMT Worksshutterstock_190800344 (1)

“DMT binds to serotonin receptors in a manner similar to how psilocin does. This causes neurons that would normally be triggered by the release of serotonin to fire when no actual serotonin is present.

This leads to visual hallucinations and feelings of being separated from reality. Users become more introspective, but also report seeing or “visiting” another reality or dimension, and being completely removed from this one.” Continue reading

Smart Meters Cause Home Owners Headaches, Stress, and Even Seizures

50 million homes in the US had smart meters installed by the year 2014. Since then there have been many reported cases of health concerns surrounding these new devices. While the utility companies claim they are totally safe the truth of the matter is that there haven’t been any studies conducted by these companies to determine that for sure.

What is a Smart Meter?

“Since the inception of electricity deregulation and market-driven pricing throughout the world, utilities have been looking for a means to match consumption with generation. Traditional electrical and gas meters only measure total consumption, and so provide no information of when the energy was consumed at each metered site.shutterstock_108664757

Smart meters provide a way of measuring this site-specific information, allowing utility companies to introduce different prices for consumption based on the time of day and the season.”[3]

In other words, it’s a way for electric companies to more accurately track our energy consumption in order to work on efficiency.

So with utility companies claiming that the smart meter is perfectly safe why wouldn’t people be signing up for this new money saving program? 43% of people in the US have done just that. 

What they forgot to take into account is that the two-way electric transmission going between your smart meter and the electric company can actually mess with your health.  These health issues range from insomnia, stress, and headaches, all the way to seizures, hearing disturbances, and sinus infections. Continue reading

Frankincense Has Been Proven To Be a Psychoactive Antidepressant

The Burning of Frankincense has been part of cultural and religious ceremonies for over a millennium! Frankincense is actually made out of a resin from the Boswellia tree which is made into oils, incense, and is used in everything from helping your soul reach higher spiritual planes to medicinal uses.

Ancient texts such as the new and old testament talk about frankincense as having mystical powers. Many different spiritual practices worldwide still use it to this day.

Johns Hopkins University teamed up with researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to explore Frankincense to see what kinds of effects it has on the mind.

Mind Soothing Effects

To measure the effects on the mind, researchers used some of the resin from the Boswellia tree known as incensole acetate and gave it to some mice. This test showed them that ‘incensole acetate’ effects the area of the brain where emotions reside.shutterstock_176330732

Incense from Frankincense directly affects a protein in the brain known as TRPV3. While we already knew that this protein affects our ability to feel warm sensations on our skin, it has a different warming effect on the mind. Continue reading