7 Things Stopping You From Being Healthy & How to Overcome Them

 There are many methods that we can use to increase our wellness and heal the ailments that we experience on a day-to-day basis. Whether it is through meditation, yoga, Tai Chi or any other form of mind-body exercise, these are all methods that make us healthier in any and every  aspect of our lives.

Many people find instant relief and an increased overall sense of health from these practices. But there are many others who have been doing them for years and still suffer from the ailments that they were trying to cure. If you are one of these people, then continue reading to find out why you aren’t getting better.


Overall Wellness

“Wellness” is a term that is defined by a variety of factors that affect your healing process. If any of these needs are not being met in your life, then it is likely the reason why you are not healing, despite all of your efforts.

The following are all of the needs that you must meet in order to be truly healthy.


Maintaining emotional wellness is more than just being able to handle stress. It also includes being able to analyze your thoughts, feelings and behaviors whether they are positive or negative.

shutterstock_401072437Emotional wellness is the ability to accept your feelings instead of just denying them. You should be able to experience disappointment and frustration, yet still have an optimistic outlook on life. You can do this by:

  • Being aware of your thoughts and feelings

  • Having a positive attitude

  • Seeking support and expressing your emotions in a healthy manner

  • Setting priorities

  • Accepting your mistakes and learning from them


Intellectual wellness is defined as being able to constantly expand your knowledge and improve your skills through the use of learning resources as well as through scholastic, cultural and community activities.

You can increase your intellectual wellness by:

  • shutterstock_310562189 (1)Reading

  • Keeping up to date on current events (watching the news, reading newspapers etc.)

  • Developing new skills (learning a new language, learning how to play an instrument etc.)

  • Obtaining good time management skills

  • Challenging yourself to see more than one side to every issue

  • Recognizing that the concept of “learning” is a lifelong process


Physical wellness is taking proper care of your body in terms of functionality and health. It mainly consists of two components: exercise and nutrition. Exercise ensures that you are able to easily move your body, while good nutrition provides you with energy throughout your day.

shutterstock_241334875Both of these factors help ward of the common ailments and diseases that many people face, as well as make us feel better about ourselves in general. Some ways that you can improve your physical wellness include:

  • Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday (can be split up into three 10 minute sessions)

  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Standing instead of sitting

  • Making sure you get a variety of nutrients from many different food sources (vegetables, fruits, grains, meats etc.)

  • Getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep at night and maintaining a regular sleep schedule


Social wellness refers to the relationships we have with other people and how we interact with others on a day-to-day basis. Having healthy social wellness can be defined as building nurturing and supportive relationships with those around you, as well as having a genuine connection with certain individuals in your life.

You can improve your social wellness by:

  • Reflecting on yourself and your social needs (what do you enjoy about your social life? Are there any parts of it that you feel need improvement?)shutterstock_417080581

  • Making an effort to keep in touch with supportive friends and family members

  • Taking part in group discussions

  • Join a club or an organization


Environmental wellness means you are living in harmony with your surrounding areas, and nature.  Having improved environmental wellness means you are aware of the impact you have on the environment and you make a conscious effort to reduce this impact. It will not only improve your wellness, but the wellness of future generations as well.

You can improve your environmental wellness by:

  • Walking or bicycling instead of driving

  • shutterstock_245797507Respecting nature and the other species that live in it

  • Protecting yourself from environmental hazards such as noise, air and water pollution

  • Reducing waste and recycling

  • Becoming educated on environmental issues


Financial wellness is feeling safe and secure with your finances andl being able to set and attain financial goals that you will feel improve your life (buying a car, paying off your mortgage etc.).

 You can improve your financial wellness by:

  • Being fully aware of what you are spending your money on, and prioritizing your spendings

  • Making sure that you are earning more than you are spending so that you can set money aside to reach your financial goals

  • Planning for unforeseen emergencies that may require money such as medical or legal issues

  • Having an independent and trustworthy source of information that can guide you in the right direction when it comes to buying expensive products or making investments


Spiritual wellness is a very personal issue regarding the values and beliefs that provide a purpose in your life. Although the definition of spirituality varies from person to person, it is generally considered to be a search for purpose and meaning in one’s own existence.

 You can improve your spiritual wellness by:shutterstock_362979692

  • Making time for relaxation in your day-to-day life

  • Making time for meditation and prayer

  • Making sure that your decisions and actions are based off of your own values

  • Respecting the beliefs and views of others around you.

So, if you want to live your life to the fullest and drastically improve your overall health, you will make a conscious effort to improve your emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial and spiritual wellness.










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