
Welcome to Spirit Science! The following needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now. <3

This is an open exploration into the nature of the universe and our infinite connection to everything around us, and an active demonstration of that connection through our actions. 

Spirit Science started as an animated video series, and soon expanded to this website and the various social media outlets that we publish on. Today, we are still creating, to expand the discussion about what all of this stuff really means, and to come to understand what it means to be a whole (holy) person. If you want to go straight to the video collection, click here.


What is Spirit Science About?

Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of ideas that previously we have believed did not fit together. Things such as “Spirit” and “Science”, taking out all of the dogma and limitations that come with these, and unifying them together as One.

It is the blending of Male and Female energies. The natural blending of our mathematical, logical understanding, and the emotional, magical, and spiritual way of life that have been separate for far too long.

It is time for the Two to become One, once more.

We are living in exceptional times. The world around us is beginning its descent into madness. While Riots and Protests have been sweeping across the nations of the world, there are many a movements starting to take place that speaks to a different truth, ands a new way of life.

It’s the idea that we are all connected. The idea that through love, anything is possible. That you are a Creator, and through our awareness of the world around us, we can create a massive change in the way that we do things.

In fact, it is our responsibility to use the gifts we have been given to create a transformation in this world.

It is up to us. Nobody else can do it, and we cannot wait for anyone else to make a difference in the world. All it takes for Evil to triumph, is if Good People do nothing.

So how do we get started? What does it look like? Many of us are still searching for answers to those questions. What I’ve learned is the power in connection, the power in coming together with those of like heart, and mind, who share in the desire to make a difference, and the will to see to it that it happens.

bhaktiblissSeek out your brothers and sisters. Your fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in Spirit. Very simply, it’s those people who you connect with on a real level. An honest level, a level of awareness and intimacy beyond the social constructs we’ve put in place which limit communication.

It is through these connections that we begin to really make a difference in the way that we do things, we begin to develop support structures for each other, and can do things together on a larger scale than we could have individually.

As the old way collapses, we are all collectively creating the next “thing”. What will that look like?

Will We continue to fight each other, and fight against the old system, barricading ourselves with walls of separation?

Or will we move into a state of shared awareness with each other, a state of unity. A space of understanding that we are all One, and move into harmony with the natural environment all around us…?

I suppose that decision is up to you.

Welcome to Spirit Science. Thank you for being here, you are welcomed with open arms!


The Spirit Science Series

What’s happening in the world?

Say hi on the Chat!

Patch Parables

Pair O’ Dime Shift

534 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. I have been following you folks for quite a while now and even though I feel that you don’t “need” to hear it, I want to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy your postings. I love your spirit series and postings on Facebook. You are delightful, creative, extremely knowledgeable, and excellent at teaching with your cartoon series. I have already researched and become aware of much of what you teach so I am confident in the credibility and honest intentions you have. I am so encouraged to see your following grow – I am happy to see more and more people awaken to our new way of “being.” You are a vital player in this process. Bravo!

  2. How far will you go to distort truth and raise improvable and indemonstrable points as ‘facts’, lacking the very basic forms of evidence. This website asserts a lot of nonsense, and proves nothing.

    Any wonder this ‘Spirit Science’ nonsense has been so heavily debunked – at least Scientology and other ridiculous notions alike attempt to prove what they assert – this is just drivel.

    1. U seem like a person intelligent enough to find supporting data for Jordan. Can you commit time to team up with him and maybe he can update his videos with the appropriate links. Its just a suggestion as I can feel the passion in ur message.

  3. I just want to thank you for making these videos. I’ve only watched up to 16, but the first 15 I watched with my friend. We were pretty close to the edge. Suicide was an option and really, we just thought we were going crazy. He and I were at a bar on the 21st of Dec during 2012 and that’s the day we changed. That’s the day our life plan disolved in front of us and we spiraled into the depths of depression, re-living all of it as we came back to the surface. There were certain parts where he and I would cry because we have thought some of those things our entire lives and to hear someone else say it…it was beautiful. He and I are very strong empaths and we have a mental connection that we have just always had. It’s a deeper connnection than anyone I have ever met. We both feel like our souls have been together for a long time. Quite possibly our favorite part and it made both of us cry was in episode 7 at the end when you “show” us astral projection. It all made sense…I do it all of the time. We LIVE our dreams. All of our dreams are lucid. Honestly, it changed ours lives…I can’t thank you enough. We’ve just returned from a very dark place and this helped me tremendously. As I said, we thought we were going crazy. For you to say things we have KNOWN our entire lives is very invigorating and uplifting. Well, Thanks for you all you do. You guys are awesome. Namaste :-)

    1. I use to have a School that I founded called Our Lady of Enlightenment. I taught this as part of a class. But it would be hard to do like this. If your still want to learn and send me your e-mail and then we can talk. If you need more help maybe we can exchange phone numbers. All my best to you and your Quest. Maybe you could post your F.B. page for me to find you.

    1. Sadly this is real. That’s what scares me. Most of the people don’t need more ways to hurt each other. Not all do things for good.

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Seeking Higher Consciousness