
Welcome to Spirit Science! The following needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now. <3

This is an open exploration into the nature of the universe and our infinite connection to everything around us, and an active demonstration of that connection through our actions. 

Spirit Science started as an animated video series, and soon expanded to this website and the various social media outlets that we publish on. Today, we are still creating, to expand the discussion about what all of this stuff really means, and to come to understand what it means to be a whole (holy) person. If you want to go straight to the video collection, click here.


What is Spirit Science About?

Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of ideas that previously we have believed did not fit together. Things such as “Spirit” and “Science”, taking out all of the dogma and limitations that come with these, and unifying them together as One.

It is the blending of Male and Female energies. The natural blending of our mathematical, logical understanding, and the emotional, magical, and spiritual way of life that have been separate for far too long.

It is time for the Two to become One, once more.

We are living in exceptional times. The world around us is beginning its descent into madness. While Riots and Protests have been sweeping across the nations of the world, there are many a movements starting to take place that speaks to a different truth, ands a new way of life.

It’s the idea that we are all connected. The idea that through love, anything is possible. That you are a Creator, and through our awareness of the world around us, we can create a massive change in the way that we do things.

In fact, it is our responsibility to use the gifts we have been given to create a transformation in this world.

It is up to us. Nobody else can do it, and we cannot wait for anyone else to make a difference in the world. All it takes for Evil to triumph, is if Good People do nothing.

So how do we get started? What does it look like? Many of us are still searching for answers to those questions. What I’ve learned is the power in connection, the power in coming together with those of like heart, and mind, who share in the desire to make a difference, and the will to see to it that it happens.

bhaktiblissSeek out your brothers and sisters. Your fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in Spirit. Very simply, it’s those people who you connect with on a real level. An honest level, a level of awareness and intimacy beyond the social constructs we’ve put in place which limit communication.

It is through these connections that we begin to really make a difference in the way that we do things, we begin to develop support structures for each other, and can do things together on a larger scale than we could have individually.

As the old way collapses, we are all collectively creating the next “thing”. What will that look like?

Will We continue to fight each other, and fight against the old system, barricading ourselves with walls of separation?

Or will we move into a state of shared awareness with each other, a state of unity. A space of understanding that we are all One, and move into harmony with the natural environment all around us…?

I suppose that decision is up to you.

Welcome to Spirit Science. Thank you for being here, you are welcomed with open arms!


The Spirit Science Series

What’s happening in the world?

Say hi on the Chat!

Patch Parables

Pair O’ Dime Shift

534 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. I’m a scientist and I know all that we can see and also that we can’t see e.g. God is part of evolution at various plans. If there is heaven which only lies in our imagination and so far we have no proof of its existence but it is really there, then it too must have evolved. Our present knowledge is still primitive but after few hundreds or thousands of years we too would have progressed and have direct access to extra-territorial aliens who might not remain so much alien too.

  2. Hello Jordan,

    I am not new, as I follow you on Youtube, but I wanted to pop a couple of ideas your way. They are basically a couple of alternatives that you may want to consider, and if you are interested I could say more.

    The first is that the Big Bang is not the best explanation for the creation of the universe. The universe is not behaving as if it had been caused by an explosion in a void: if it were so, it would have distributed energy (and matter, whatever that is) uniformly, yet it hasn’t. On top of this, it would be decelerating in time, yet it appears to be accelerating.

    Physicists who support the Big Bang Theory have found themselves having to ‘imagine’ something we cannot, by definition, ever find, in order to explain why the universe is behaving like this: dark matter. Even that wasn’t enough, so they added yet another ‘dark’ thing to something we cannot have any evidence of, ‘dark energy’, and they invented black holes to explain why galaxies stay together, as there simply isn’t enough gravity. Yet, black holes would not be able to hold a galaxy together anyway, and the only ‘evidence’ given for them is flawed: stars circling around the centre of the galaxy at high speed are simply doing what a star would do in the ‘eye of the tornado’, yet, if they were being sucked into black holes, they shouldn’t just be spinning, but also receding (like water down a sink) into the gravitational funnel of space, but they don’t… they are just spinning.

    Instead, the alternative to Big Bang has been with us in esoteric studies for millennia, and is given to us by Kabbalah: the universe is behaving as if created by suction, not by an explosion. There was no ‘void’ before, yet Elohim decided to create a void within Godself (or Source if you wish) as an act of Love to allow us to exist (and have Free Will). This is a feminine birth of the universe, as you can see, while Big Bang is a masculine one.

    The next thing that comes in support of these alternatives is that studies on how magnetic tori explain very simply how galaxies hold together, and they explain all the weird shapes of nebulae as well as why light appears to behave as both a particle and a wave, but only at first sight, as it is, in fact, a solid, using the Platonic term, with its own magnetic fields.

    The next alternative, which follows a bit from this one, is that stars may not be nuclear reactors, but electro-magnetic ‘power stations’.

    Well, just a couple of ideas.

    I think I’ve already tried to post this a few minutes ago but my PC was being silly, so, apologies if it’s a repetition.

    Ade x

  3. Hello Jordan,

    I’m not actually new, as I’ve been watching your videos on Youtube.

    Well, there are some alternatives I’d like you to consider, and if you want, I can walk this path with you.

    The first is about Physics: the Big Bang does not seem to work at all. An explosion in void’ would produce a uniform distribution of matter and energy, and it would decelerate with time. What’s happening is the exact opposite. However, and here I’m giving away some esoteric secretes that have been kept for an incredibly long time (we talk millennia at least), the universe is behaving as if it were created by suction, not by explosion (oddly enough an explosion would give the universe a masculine birth, a suction, gives it a feminine one). The idea is, that Elohim created a void to allow the universe to exist within Godself, or Source if you wish. It’s a teaching of Kabbalah and it explains very simply why the universe is behaving like this. If it were an explosion, we would need dark matter and dark energy, but these simply don’t exist. I say don’t exist, meaning that by their definition, we cannot find them, and they are just excuses put together by physicists who found themselves ‘cornered’ in a theory that falls to pieces under scrutiny. First they invented black holes to tell us how galaxies stay together, then they realised that even black holes could not hold an infinitesimal part of a galaxy together, then they added the rest. The evidence provided for black holes is faulty as well, because if they were what they are told to be, so powerful as to bend space, the stars we observed circling around a black pot should not just circle, but recede as well into it (like water down a sink), yet they don’t; they just circle.

    Basically, there was no void before, the void was created as an act of Love to allow us to exist.

    The next little point is that stars may not be atomic reactors, but electro-magnetic ‘power-stations’. There are very interesting studies about how magnetic tori would explain, in a simple way, the movements of galaxies, the formation of nebulae and even why light behaves as part particle and part wave (only at first sight), it’s just due to the magnetic pull of their tori.
    Well, just a couple of thoughts.

    Ade x

  4. Is it possible for me to speak with jordan pearce or a member of the Spirit science team? I have studied your findings and have done colossal amount of research on my own. I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you that pertain to societies stability, Technologies that are being implemented against the people, and upcoming events. I know there is misleading controversial information out there which is why I would like to talk to you. I greatly respect your opinion and I would absolutely love for you to reply. My email is [email protected]

  5. Hi,
    I am from nepal . Do you have any answers that is not scientific I mean spirit science way of this natural disaster that can be interpreted

    1. In lesson 9 you told use about astral projection but you didn’t tell us how to do it. How do you do it? I’ve tried it many times but it didn’t work. Loved the video by the way.

    2. Meditate. Its actually true that we can control our feelings if we really want to (: and when that doesn’t work you need change. Stress is only felt when you’re unhappy and umcomfortable with your daily routine. Unless you’re happy and contented with what you’re doing, stress will follow you around.

  6. I recently found this page on Facebook and to be honest it shocked me. Not only by how true the information was but also hit home because 7 years ago, when I was in high school I started telling my classmates we were all connected and if we loved each other the world would be a better place. long story short everyone said i was crazy and i was placed in a mental hospital only to find myself surrounded by people with similar beliefs. It is truly a blessing to know i am not crazy, that this society is so brainwashed that anything outside of the “norm” is considered a mental illness. thank you so much

  7. Dear Jordan,
    I have been on a very liberating journey since I became a mother. Lets just call it, my husband and I, are the first people on the planet, who chose to raise our baby completely against the norm.
    You may think… ‘sure, every parent thinks that’. But hear me out.
    Of coarse this method came along with its set of judgements and risen eyebrows!

    What if I told you that there is a baby, who has never eaten any form of solid, purified or liquidised foods in her entire life.
    Nor has she drank any liquids -including water, at the age of 16 months (she only drank a sip of water a handful of times to experience a different taste)and she will continue this process until she reaches the age of two (24 months)
    What if I told you this child has only ONE source of food/liquid running through her vain’s, and that is FRESH (unformulated) GOATS MILK?
    What if this human baby is the only one of every other baby we have met, know of, or seen, who does not get as much as a common cold, even when surrounded by very sick people?

    This child exists and I am the very witness to this living testimony of a pure, healthy little human being, who grows like a weed and is evidently advanced in her physical and mental development.

    Unfortunately, the medical scientific world is not allowing this powerful information to be shared or acknowledged, due to the most Magical food on the planet, Goats milk, getting the back seat, in order for formula milk and solid food to be forced onto babies, who are not equipped yet before the age of 24 months, to hold utensils properly or have molars to refine food with, who are clearly not ready to consume anything other then natural fresh goats milk.
    There are no scientific research available, that backs up how we nutritionally choose to raise our child. There is plenty on Goats milk, but not for raising a baby/infant.
    If people with babies knew what we knew, they will stop following the way we have been taught up until now and are still being taught.
    Life is simple and doctors visits, with sick children are unnecessary.
    There are ways, other to that which we have been taught, that works and promises children/human’s, infinite health and well being, but has not yet been discovered, tried and tested and therefore are not being explored.

    God promised man, that we will always have enough Goats milk to feed our whole family, our helpers and their family members.
    It seems like, in modern times, people forgot about this promise?
    That’s besides the fact that everywhere in history in the world, Goats milk was used as food and even medicine in Greece!

    I truly wish and intend for this Magical source of Pure and Wholesome food, to be discovered and acknowledged by the human race and may every newborn baby be raised on it, and as a result live a life free of any serious or mild disease.
    That is the promise, Goats milk has to offer, after all.
    Its up to us, to trust, without scientific evidence, this ancient, original and pure magical food source. Available everywhere on the planet, with Love.

    Thank you for creating a space of sharing.
    the Healthy Bambino

    1. To Healthy Bambino… wonderful “parenting’. thank you. If only i knew about this 58 years ago.
      All the best to you, ruthie

  8. Can someone help me learn how to astral project. I was trying to do it one time and felt a strong vibration and got scared and baled now I get nothing. :(. I think I almost got it.

  9. So would you say that this belief is a form.of witch craft or what? Trying to understand completely because my boyfriend soon husband believes strongly in spirit science.

    1. It may be, But it’s a positive energy. I am a Christian, and part native indian. This sounds safe and right in time.

  10. I started following your facebook page even before visiting your website. Today I am on your site for first time and I must tell you that this is awesome. I am a truth-seeker with a strong belief in spiritual science and I got lot of such stuffs in your website. Keep it up and continue providing us such great knowledge.

  11. Dear Spirit Science team,

    Could you do a segment on Life Activation ? do the methods used in Life Activation have any ability to do what they say they do ?

  12. Dear Jordan and the Spirit Science network!

    Let´s unite!
    I´m creating a platform to unite the spiritual teachings, so it can reach and inspire more people. Now I’m trying to collect enough money to actually build it. The concept is to collect knowledge from all over the web, systemize and rate it, and then publish it to the right audience at the right time. All work done collectively. I want to help educating the world to the highest level possible, and create a system so fun and easy to use, that it also will attract the restless type that before didn’t take the time to discover this.

    Take a look at it! :

    Feel free to write me back, and I wish you all the best!

  13. Hi,
    I am interested in learning about your digital advertising. I would love to hear from you.


  14. Hey, i really did enjoy your videos….. until i got hooked on them and made me ill.. i experienced a’ psychotic episode’. I was meditating and heard my name being said in a loud and clear voice.. I started feeling as if i was waking up inside a dream.. has anyone else had a similar experience? It was scary but i just wish i knew how to deal with it instead of being taken to hospital and being told i was experiencing a mental illness
    with love

  15. All I can say is WOW!!! I have had thoughts and ideas on our origins but never thought it could be explained so neatly and effectivelly. 54 years old tried, religion, No religion, drugs, Alcohol ALL to no avail. Your Spirit Science Series truly started me thinking. I can recall as a child having dreams of flying vageuly recalling that my fear of the unknown always woke me up. Could it ne I was Lucid Dreaming or Astrally Projecting I do not know. I do know days I try not to dream as they have become tormenting frightful affairs starting about 20 years ago, Perhaps open my mind more now and explore what is going on in me and around me. So many answers and even more questions now.

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