
Welcome to Spirit Science! The following needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now. <3

This is an open exploration into the nature of the universe and our infinite connection to everything around us, and an active demonstration of that connection through our actions. 

Spirit Science started as an animated video series, and soon expanded to this website and the various social media outlets that we publish on. Today, we are still creating, to expand the discussion about what all of this stuff really means, and to come to understand what it means to be a whole (holy) person. If you want to go straight to the video collection, click here.


What is Spirit Science About?

Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of ideas that previously we have believed did not fit together. Things such as “Spirit” and “Science”, taking out all of the dogma and limitations that come with these, and unifying them together as One.

It is the blending of Male and Female energies. The natural blending of our mathematical, logical understanding, and the emotional, magical, and spiritual way of life that have been separate for far too long.

It is time for the Two to become One, once more.

We are living in exceptional times. The world around us is beginning its descent into madness. While Riots and Protests have been sweeping across the nations of the world, there are many a movements starting to take place that speaks to a different truth, ands a new way of life.

It’s the idea that we are all connected. The idea that through love, anything is possible. That you are a Creator, and through our awareness of the world around us, we can create a massive change in the way that we do things.

In fact, it is our responsibility to use the gifts we have been given to create a transformation in this world.

It is up to us. Nobody else can do it, and we cannot wait for anyone else to make a difference in the world. All it takes for Evil to triumph, is if Good People do nothing.

So how do we get started? What does it look like? Many of us are still searching for answers to those questions. What I’ve learned is the power in connection, the power in coming together with those of like heart, and mind, who share in the desire to make a difference, and the will to see to it that it happens.

bhaktiblissSeek out your brothers and sisters. Your fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in Spirit. Very simply, it’s those people who you connect with on a real level. An honest level, a level of awareness and intimacy beyond the social constructs we’ve put in place which limit communication.

It is through these connections that we begin to really make a difference in the way that we do things, we begin to develop support structures for each other, and can do things together on a larger scale than we could have individually.

As the old way collapses, we are all collectively creating the next “thing”. What will that look like?

Will We continue to fight each other, and fight against the old system, barricading ourselves with walls of separation?

Or will we move into a state of shared awareness with each other, a state of unity. A space of understanding that we are all One, and move into harmony with the natural environment all around us…?

I suppose that decision is up to you.

Welcome to Spirit Science. Thank you for being here, you are welcomed with open arms!


The Spirit Science Series

What’s happening in the world?

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Patch Parables

Pair O’ Dime Shift

534 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. The Beginnings

    In the beginning before there was even a concept of man, woman, or even the universe there was only a vast empty void like a never ending canvas where an entity with incredible imagination resided. The entity had so much imagination that anything it wanted to create could be done just by thought. With having the complex ability to think, it would ponder on thoughts of where it came from and what the purpose of its existence. However, the entity has a strong desire to create wonderful, color, and lugubrious ideas just to keep it entertained for even the entity has emotions that needed to be satisfied. After a while of struggling with intense thoughts of where it came from after a while it decided that it did not matter for it could create anything to keep itself satisfied.
    After continuous amounts of creating, it wondered what it would be like to converse with another made in its image. With that the entity created another and granted it the name Lucifer. Upon being born, Lucifer had so many questions to ask just as the entity that created Lucifer did. The entity granted Lucifer with all the answers that Lucifer desired.
    Lucifer and its creator had a wonderful time creating thoughts into “reality”, playing with one another, and even discovering love. Once this love was discovered it became like a drug and Lucifer’s creator wanted more love to obtain and share. The entity had proposed the wonderful idea to Lucifer that if we are having so much fun with just the two of us, can you imagine a place where a community can live together as equals to love, share, and to have fun amongst one another. Lucifer rejoiced in the idea and gladly accepted it. They both started working on the vision that the entity presented to Lucifer which became known as the heavens. However, there was one thing that the entity did not foresee for it was not perfect and emotions can cloud ones judgments.
    All the angles that Lucifer and the entity created praised only the entity for creating their existence and referred to their creator as God for if God also created Lucifer and themselves they deemed God to be perfect. While Lucifer was accepted to be equal amongst all the other angels for he was also created by God. They asked God if you created us and Lucifer then who created you. God could only reply, by saying, “I have no idea for I have always been.”
    With the lack of understanding of all the other angels and being so grateful for being created they agreed amongst themselves that God had to have created itself for God was perfect for it was the creator of the angels and the beautiful heavens. Lucifer became hateful, resentful, and jealous for this is not what God had said what was to come and desired to be praised and worshipped just like God for Lucifer helped create the heavens and the angels.
    This was not what God wanted at all. The angels had a great lack of understanding of what was told unto them for they were just born. God tried to explain that understanding takes time to understand. With the angels not being able to comprehend what God told them the angels just ignored that fact and kept on bowing, worshipping, and praising for they were just so grateful towards God.
    This caused great grieve amongst the heavens for Lucifer felt lied to by God. Lucifer vowed never to create again, to only destroy everything in his wake that God has created for he portrayed God as a manipulative evil being who betrayed him. Lucifer shouted at God, “This was not what you foretold and I will do everything in my power to become better than you! Everything opposite of what you do will make me better then you! If you raise you right hand then I will raise my left like as if you were looking into a mirror!”
    Lucifer began to start destroying whatever he could which made all the other angels become fearful of the destruction he was causing within the heavens for the angels were just created and did not want to be turned back into nothingness. The angels turned against Lucifer and charged after him with relentless force but before they could reach Lucifer, God imagined a clear wall between them to prevent the destruction of one another. Not only that but a wall between the angels and itself.
    God announced to all of them, “Destruction will only be described as the symbol of 6 for a line starts at a point and then crashes into itself, which makes it come to an end. While the symbol of 3 will stand for creation and diversity for the looping of it can continue and will never end each point will be aligned but never be the same.” As much as God wished for the heavens to be perfected with happiness and love he knew that it would take time for Lucifer and all the other angels to understand his teachings. God declared, “I will not abandon anyone of you; however, the heavens can just not be until you all share the same understanding as I do. Therefore, I shall make the angels live amongst one another to grow and learn a better understanding of this moment of time. Lucifer when you shed the same tears that I have, only then will the heavens become reunited for your teardrops will prove your understanding. Therefore, I shall make you watch, observe, and even mingle amongst the angels as shall I within an unknown presence for I am about to separate the heavens and put them in a place where the symbol of 6 and 3 can be together and either the angels will destroy themselves or they will prosper with creation. I will leave the decision of creation and destruction to the angels for neither is good or evil just a matter of choice. Lucifer that wall I placed between you and the angels shall be your world and I will not tread into it as you cannot tread into mine. We can meet in the middle to converse.” With all that said God shed tears of sorrow for this was the most painful decision in which God had to make. Upon his first teardrop hitting the ground it caused a big bang that split the heavens into three which created what we all know as the heavens, hell, and earth. Thus the Universe was born and the notion of understanding.

  2. hi im rlly new here but i agree with most of the stuff you guys speak of since well i didnt knew all of the stuff you guys talk about but i feel its pretty much true =D

  3. Hello!
    I find this website very interesting. I like it a lot. This may be a silly question, but I see that you mention many different religions throughout your series. Which one is Spirit Science based upon? I’d like to learn more about it. Thank you and everyone have a lovely day!

  4. Wow, you guys…. just amazing. I can’t believe I only just found out about your stuff!! Like many people have already said, I knew a lot of this stuff already, but often had missing links that now make so much more sense thanks to you. I have already shared a few of your videos, and I’m sure I will continue with more.

    Now to find where to post up my crystal set up :D

  5. Hello! And Thank You for changing my life. I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes.
    It took some time… And a lot a research to come to term with myself that what most you guys are talking about in your videos actually make sense.
    At first glance it was all happy crazy hippie talk. And I decided to leave it alone cause it seemed crazy to me.
    Chakras, third eye, astral projection, the fall of Atlantis and the Emerald Tablet. It all seemed… So… Weird…
    But then… I started to watch more of the videos and looking up some things mentioned in them just for fun.
    Sacred Geometry, The Flower of Life, Merkabah, Thoth…
    And in some weird way after late nights staying up watching your videos and researching things. Everything started to fall into place.
    I started to see things from a more open minded side of life. That things weren’t just black and white, good and bad.
    Things just were.
    And I started to appreciate nature more. In other words… You got my lazy ass out of the bed and out into the woods!
    And now I love the forest! It’s so green… And quiet… And I can talk to the trees without anyone questioning my sanity!

    And one last thing… Thank you. Now I’m off the forums to see if I can help with something! :D

  6. I have watched all 21 episodes of Spirit Science and have learned so much from them! A million thanks to you! Spirit Science is really helping me on my path as a Crystal person, and I cannot wait until you post a 22nd episode! I could watch every episode many times and still learn something new each time! :)

  7. I’m so happy that I found this info. I want to change the world and I know errbody here does too. I strongly believe we can make a difference so let’s do it ;)

  8. Finally! a group of people that at least consider this theory, when I go around and try to imply things described in series 1-20, people ignore me or judge me as a lunatic, its nice to know there’s other lunatics in the world :)
    Thank you for taking so much time out of your life to provide us with a visual image that I’m sure it will spread like a virus awakening the rest of the world!. Also you are right, we are luckily were living in the shift to Aquarius, I can feel it coming ;)

  9. Hey! I’ve watched parts 1 – 16 so far and I must say my friend, you have done a fantastic job putting all of that information together and making a complete picture out of it. I, like many others, have had the pieces to the puzzle for a long time, just haven’t been able to put them together. So thank you very much for putting in the time and effort to create such a wonderful documentary. Light to you my friend :-)

  10. ich bin neu hier
    Heiße Rasmus Krüger bin 17 und komm aus Deutschland
    ich guck auf youtube spirit science habe ein profil auf
    thrivemovement.com und lese im Internet viel über allgeimein seelewissenschaften leider kann ich noch nich so gut englisch
    EINE FRAGE. Ich HABE mir ein Buch bestellt es kommt aus Spanien und es heißt. hercolubus oder roter Planet
    hab es mir duechgelesen.. Unter anderen stand in diesem Buch auch ein Mantra um bewusst astral zu reisen
    trainiere es jetz täglich richtig funktioniert hat es noch nicht aber es kann ja nicht immer alles sofort funktionieren
    Hat hier ihrgendwer etwas davon gehört oder weiß etwas darüber?

  11. Having just watched the spirit science serious(fucking loved it!(am i allowed to curse here? Well if i have to ask ill refrain)) and a bit of ask Teal, i found myself too excited to keep from posting. I have found sites that urge against posting until all material is read and i may just manifest why. To begin, let me say thank thank you, THANK, that word cannot express my gratitude. The videos spoke to me greatly, some of the information I have heard before and was a nice reminder. I was given many pieces to a puzzle that was as of yet undecipherable. Furthermore new information was presented that I am tingaling to explore. I would like to present my theroy on space travel to the council. To present my theroy I must explain both part, my and theroy. Theroy is rather simple, now my. I was excited to hear of the indago children, and was surprised when they resembled me more than my son. This also excited me as it opened a new doorway for him. The other aspect I was touched by was chaos. The acceptance of many of the ideas found in spirit science has come rather easy to me over the last 10 years, when I applied my energy. Then and only then did it come, it was never given as an intuition or some other form of reincarnation. Not my idea on space travel is this, space is without gravity. We can live without oxygen for a time, that we deem it fit. Gravity is not a mandate on life, but rather something we have attached to. When i realised this i felt myself hurled through space. This is different than astro projection as it was my physical body experiencing this. Never have a heard a theroy to go with this. Please point me in the right direction or contact me to further play with this idea. Thank you, much love!

    1. Please excuse the spell check errors and unfocsednessmessicity of the thought, its late and like I said i have a son. He is one and still sleeps through the night even with me running around the house full of wine.

  12. i just watched spirit science on youtube.
    I’m so happy, you just put every thing in to place.
    I knew all the parts only thing u guys did where make it whole and explained it in a very easy way.
    I want to thank u for this!

  13. I want to thank you all for sharing this wisdom………
    The Universe is Glad toy have you all here……
    By discovering ourselves we´ll discover the Spirit Science of the Universe, the wisdom is free…
    I am inspired by all this work you have done here..
    Believe me, this is just the begining.
    Namaste Everyone.

  14. Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to say that you all have done a wonderful job on Spirit Science. It is enlightening and awe-inspiring and is helping me open myself up to the wonders of the universe. The information given on these lessons resonate in my soul, and for that I want to say thank you.

  15. I’ve been watching a lot of your video’s lately, they’re very helpful and enlightening.

    One thing I did find I disagree with though is in video 5, you say at about 5:00 that the Qur’an says the earth is only 6,000 years old which is incorrect…

    The english translation of the Quran states that “Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days” (7:54). While on the surface this might seem similar to the account related in the Bible, there are some important distinctions.

    The verses that mention “six days” use the Arabic word “youm” (day). This word appears several other times in the Quran, each denoting a different measurement of time. In one case, the measure of a day is equated with 50,000 years (70:4), whereas another verse states that “a day in the sight of your Lord is like 1,000 years of your reckoning” (22:47). The word “youm” is thus understood, within the Qur’an, to be a long period of time — an era or eon. Therefore, Muslims interpret the description of a “six day” creation as six distinct periods or eons. The length of these periods is not precisely defined, nor are the specific developments that took place during each period.

    So in for a muslim, there is no true way for a human to discern how old the Earth is, only Allah knows.

  16. Greetings,
    I just want to compliment on a job well done on Spirit Science and sharing the information of it. In recent days I just stumbled across your lessons on YouTube and the info on Spirit Science made sense. Thank You and I appreciate all of it.

  17. I have tried repeatedly to log in to the forums to be part of the discussion, and despite intelligence and perseverance, I cannot do so. Must I create a separate account to post on the forum apart from the one I have created on the Spirit Science website? This is easily the most frustrating registration experience I have EVER encountered on my many years of participating in forums. I love the videos and resonate with them and I want to be part of this community….am I wasting my time?

  18. Hi Jordan, The Spirit Science people, everyone!

    I work for The Venus Project India and have been recently made the co-ordinator fo the Delhi zone.

    Seeing reference to The Venus Project and the work of Jacque Fresco in one of your many interesting episodes of Spirit Science series made me write this post.

    The Venus Project is not just about eradicating the concept of money but ascension of the human species since it aims at creating an environment which is free of hatred, competition, bigotry and tension which would help us, not just a few but all, ascend to the higher level of consciousness Spirit Science and other spiritual people talk about. At the moment, since we live in a massive political-monetary-socioeconomic system, people don’t have the time, and unfortunately, the will to look at the beauties of life, nature and most of all, the universe. We have a very aberrant and distorted value system that has been inherited through the ages which is detrimental to our social, mental and spiritual well-being. So before doing anything, even before trying to build this environment, we need to change our value system, which has a lot to do not only with our mental state of being but also our spiritual state of being.

    Think of it this way- If we pick up people from our society and put them in the newly built environment (which we call a Resource Based Economy), it will take them no longer than 5 days to turn it into filth, pretty much as our social environment is today.

    So the point is, as you have been saying in the Spirit Science series, the problems we look at (the financial, economic, political, psychological and ecological collapses) are not separate things but parts of one whole, most of which originates from our mental and spiritual understandings of the world. A species’ environment is the reflection of their thought processes, their consciousness.

    Hence, to create an environment that is benign not just for the human species but for other species and the planet itself, we must change our value system for the real revolution is the revolution of consciousness.

    Therefore, I MAKE AN OPEN REQUEST to all of you and your associates to spread the ideologies of The Venus Project and Jacque Fresco in any and every way possible. These ideologies are the ones which would help us ascend, help us make the transition to a better world. The Venus Project is everything religion and in a sense spirituality talks about-
    1.It is a brotherhood of man.
    2.No one needs to steal.
    3.No one needs to kill
    4. No one needs to lie.
    5.No one needs to fight.

    And the ideology we talk about are not invented by Jacque Fresco but are simply things that make sense put together by him for the benefit of everyone.

    So please help us propagate the train of thought that would create an environment where people actually want to appreciate the spiritual aspects of life, unlike today where there are only a few who do.

    I would recommend the following website


    and the following movies (in sequence)


    to help you understand the introduction to this wonderful direction. Other than these, there are a number of videos by Jacque Fresco through this link


    which would help you understand this direction in a deeper sense.

    Thanks a lot

    Shiv Hastawala

  19. This is a great idea, Jordan, to have a welcome page, and your sentiments are beautiful as always. :) I would suggest on a few tiny details, just for the flow of things to perhaps change “mass amounts of individuals are collecting in masses” to something like “vast amounts”, or “tremendous amounts”, as it will read better with “masses”.

    “and we can share the information were learning at light speed.” to “and we can share the information we’re learning at light speed,” as were = past tense, we’re = we are.

    Finally, “the information that has been suppressed and hard to come out,” reads awkwardly when approaching the end of the sentiment… Perhaps something like, “the information that has been suppressed and hesitantly released,” or “stubbornly/tenaciously withheld”, anyway… You get the idea on that note. :)

    Keep up the amazing work, Jordan… My gratitude is boundless for your continuing efforts and contribution to the growth of humankind on both the macrocosm and microcosm.

    In lak’ech ala’kin,

    Joshua Z.

    Note: Please take down or dis-approve my comment after reading. I just wanted to offer a couple suggestions for you to consider in regards to the flow of your welcome page. :) Thanks.

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