Patch Parables

Patch Parables is the second “Spirit Science” Series by Jordan. While Spirit Science was the left-brain understanding of “intro to spirituality”, Patch Parables seeks to develop the right brain, the “knowing” and “doing” and “being” aspects of understanding. I feel that this side of ourselves must be developed before we can move forward. We can question and look at ancient history and the emerald tablets and ponder about the sphinx, but unless we look within our hearts and learn to co-exist in a state of now-ness all of the time to live and love with everyone in abundance, we will ultimately keep pushing forward on this downward spiral of destruction and no true peace shall come of this chaos.

Patch Parables focuses on philosophies on life, new understandings about self, and ways of living that are different than our own present understanding about life. Enjoy!

Parable 1 – The Parable of the Sandcastles

The first Parable is all about life as a whole. What does it mean to live on earth, have material goods, and live a life of abundance.

Parable 2 – The Parable of the Lute

This Parable is about tuning your bodily frequencies, and keeping yourself energetically balanced. Your body is your most important instrument, so keep it tuned!

Parable 3 – The Parable of the Raft

This Parable is about moving into healthy states of mind, free to let go of what no longer serves you and moving into more harmonious states of being, with nature and yourself.

Parable 4 – The Parable of Good or Bad

This Parable is about seeing everything not as good or bad, but just seeing it as it is, something that exists. When you let go of unhealthy states of understanding the reality you’re experiencing, you can go with the flow, and move into a state that’s better for everyone!
You can also download the Flower of Life background as a wallpaper right here!

Parable 5 – The Parable of the 84th Problem

This Parable is about looking at your life as a whole. Not seeing a large mountain of problems that you’re facing, but rather being in the present, and moving forward in your life one step at a time. Don’t let life weight you down!




43 thoughts on “Patch Parables”

  1. Hello JOrdan – Spirit Science,

    I have been listening to your Youtubes for nearly 2 years now and recommending you to others. We love your stuff

    My girlfriend has an online Radio Show, called The Matrix of Perception where we interview authors of all kinds, whistle blowers, spiritual healers and teachers etc.

    We would really like to contact you and Spirit Patch for an interview! Could you please write us back?

    Through our online Radio Show and in our personal lives it is our personal Missions are to seeking, uncovering and discovering TRUTHS of of our world and of this plane of existence, and to bringing that to the world through our show. We are devoted to helping awaken and enlightening others around the world and opening their minds to see the greater possibilities around them. –

    How can I contact you and Atlantis?
    I need a way to send you my personal contact info. I sent a similar message to Atlantis and sent him my contact info on Facebook.

    I look forward to hearing back from both of you!

    Don (Jazz)

    1. I think there is a pole shift because time flows through ups and downs. There must be downs to experience to ups and to move forward through time.
      The Martians attacked Atlantis because there was a comet and the people in Atlantis wanted to let the comet hit the earth, while the Martians wanted to shoot the comet out of the sky. The people in Atlantis won the discussion and the comet hit the earth and killed a lot of Martians. They were angry…

      And above all: for God everything is perfect and holy, everything is a perfect part of creation.

    1. Dit eux (Dieu) le savoir et les connaissance que je t ai apprise, J’ai sus (JÉSUS) que ton frère étais bon et qu’ils s’attend (SATAN) a aider son frère et le défendre conte ses ennemies.

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