This will be updated soon, too busy right now… <3

So of course with cosmic discussions comes a LOT of curious individuals who more often than not have LOTS of answers. Over the last several months i’ve got a TON of questions about this, that, and the other, and I thought it might be a good time to put in a page for “Frequently Asked Questions”. Here we go!

Q1. Can you teach me to Astral Project?

A1. Astral Projection is one of those things that is both different for everyone and usually pretty hard. Ultimately what it comes down to is usually the individual him or herself, and it’s not something that can be easily “taught” to the masses, especially over the internet. Most people will just attempt to learn Astral Projection on their own, but if you can find a teacher then you’ll probably be much better off. The best place in the world I know to actually get guidance and master the art of leaving your body is the Monroe Institute (which interestingly enough, is also the main headquarters of the US Militaries Remote Viewing sect) but I digress.

If your going to be going at it on your own, you’re going to have to work very diligently, have a LOT of patience, and be prepared to spend at least an hour in meditation every day. You should also be doing meditation frequently anyways even before you begin Projecting, and get to the point where you can easily slip into a very pure, still state of mind. Of course, for many people (as we’ve seen with the comments on lesson 9 on youtube), many people have gotten astral projection easily, but it still feels like much less than are trying. I feel that the more people that continue to do it, the easier it will become. If what were learning about the new energies that are coming into the planet are true, then after 2012 it may become easier to leave your body due to the nature of the frequencies the planet holds. I can’t guarantee that though, there are several theories about 2012 itself and that’s a whole different topic.

Ultimately, I recommend learning as much as you can with your left brain about Astral Travel, and try and transition that into your right brain experiential. The thing is, your way will be unique to YOU, so you can only use all of your left brain experiences as guides and really chart your own “experiential path” into this incredible new experience like no other before. The sources i provided in lesson 9, Lucidology, World of Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection: Amazing Journeys outside the body, are but a few of the tons of resources across the web that you can find to help you learn more about it. Of course, Hemi-Sync and iDoser also have fantastic resources for getting out as well, of course I do recommend you get good at meditation before beginning to use these.

I highly recommend however, check out out our column Astral 101 by Ryan Boyd. He’s been projecting for a long time now and has assembled a collection of articles right here on this site going into detail about his experiences and how you can experience such states as well! :D


Q2. So is this like some kind of cult that your shoving down peoples throats?

A2. Absolutely not! I’m not saying anything is this way or that way, but merely trying to creatively explore and discuss many of these “esoteric” or spiritual topics that aren’t really discussed in the world. Modern society has put labels on everything, and said were only allowed to be in these particular boxes. “If your religious, science is bad. If you’re Athiest, religion is a plague on society. There’s no room for intermingling, it’s one way or the other, and anything else is a cult and should be mocked”. Tell me, does that sound healthy to you?

Spirit Science is all about just taking many of these topics which HAVE validity behind them, such as Chakras and Auras, or Astral Projection, or even our own Human History story, and saying “Alright guys, according to ancient texts and channeled beings and people who have astral projected, this is what THEY say about it. What do you think?”.


Q3. So, do you believe it?

A3. You know it’s a tricky question, but mostly because i don’t like the term “believe”. When you “believe” something, you’re basically saying “This is how I feel and i’m sticking to it”, but I believe everything just as much as I disbelieve it. When people have “beliefs”, what tends to happen  is they get holed into to sticking there, and they observe all of the other opinions through a “lens” that is their belief. For example, if a christian looks at atheism, they’re seeing atheism from a perspective of their current belief system, which would be christianity. Not only that, but they will see it (typically) biased without willing to submerge their mental understandings INTO that alternate belief.

It’s the left-brain right-brain thing. You’re right brain is experiential, and if you’re experiencing an atheistic view of the world and looking at a religion, you’re only absorbing a linear, left brain understanding of that religion. To TRULY understand the religion however, you have to completely dive in, experience it. Most people don’t want to do that, which is where everyone divides.

I guess my answer for this question is, I don’t believe anything, but I believe everything. I feel almost as if I am experiencing above belief systems, because i am able to “dive in” and experience anything. When your taking it in, take it in fully and completely and see how it makes you feel. Does it resonate with you. Then from there you can decide how YOU want be, without being in ANY belief system whatsoever…because in reality, you ARE your belief system ^_^


Q4. How do you feel about Keylontic Sciences, Ashayana, and Ashtar Command?

A4.  I want to put this delicately and also let you know that everything is exactly as it needs to be. If you find a deeper realization in my words, please take actions that you feel is best suited for continuing on your path.

I followed Ashayana for a little while, and had several profound experiences with her work. The marharic seal meditation actually saved me once, at least i felt it did when i was somewhere that i didn’t feel comfortable being.

I found a deeper truth about the information she is teaching, and about the Ashtar Command. They are a 3rd Dimensional collective of beings that say they are run by “Jesus of Christ”, with tons of spaceships, and they are trying to gather as many people under their umbrella as possible. Trying to assemble THEIR followers and legion for the next step in evolution.

This put me off, as my understanding of “Christ” and its reference to Christ Consciousness ~ The Sacred Space of the Heart ~ does not match this. I don’t feel like Jesus is an ET flying around with thousands of technological space ships is an accurate depiction of who Christ was, and why he was on this planet. Granted, i do believe there are plenty of ET’s out there, with tons of Techno-Fleets of ships all around our galaxy and solar system. We see thousands of UFO’s every month, which are continually posted on the internet. It’s not hard to find clips and video anymore of some really profound sites.

My conclusion to that would be that a collective of beings who are posing as Jesus to get unknowing people and followers under their umbrella of control, so that as we evolve and transcend into the future, disclosure, they have more “human minions” of sorts, whatever that means. It might not be sinister, or in any way harmful, i do not know their intent. It may be what they say it is. You’ll have to decide that for yourself.

I don’t feel comfortable being a part of their group. I observe and gather my own information, not all of theirs resonates with me.

Q5. What do you think will happen in 2012?

A5. Well, that’s a tricky question on it’s own because there are so many interpretations about the Mayan calendar and the aztec calendar and what the channeled beings are saying and what the scientists are saying and what the modern day Hopi and other tribes of the world are saying. It gets pretty intense when you see everything altogether, but I feel that I have something of an idea of what COULD transpire. Keep in mind that this is just a collection of my research and understandings, and everything is open for discussion.

Now, modern day scientists, many channelings alike have made it clear that our DNA is broken. 97% of our DNA is inactive and turned off, and we only use really only roughly 3%. All of the messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as other channelings such as Kryon, Adamus, Archangel Michael and so on, paint pictures of 2012 being a time of a dimensional shift. Not just for specific people though, but everyone. They say that the entire planet is just changing frequencies and its a natural thing that will transpire and not to worry. Just wait it out basically, and soon we will all be 4th dimensional beings.

Lots of scientific evidence has been supported to suggest new energies are coming into the planet, and there’s info also available on the Photon Belt which is also changing our energies.

Now, knowing what we know about the Galactic Federation of Light, they may be entities that are working on their own agenda, and may not be in our best interest if we follow those words. Remember how I mentioned that Keylontic sciences are a very exact science, and VERY detailed? Well, Keylontic science shows us how our DNA works, how it works WITH the environment and dimensional levels and connects you to your higher self. It shows us that since the fall of atlantis and even before that, our DNA has become incredibly corrupted and broken, and only allows for 3 dimensional existence, no higher. Keylontic sciences also provide a manual called the Kathara bio-spiritual healing. It is a book that aids and assists with DNA regeneration so that you can accept higher frequencies so that ascension becomes possible. Without DNA regeneration, you cannot go through ascension gates because your body will not be able to accept these frequencies.

Of course, if we look at what the Galactic Federation of Light, they’re just saying wait it out, and they for my knowledge have NEVER mentioned stargates once. They just say ‘after 2012 everything will be fine’. To me, it sounds like they’re running down the clock, but that’s just me.

Now I feel I can actually answer the original question, what will happen in 2012? I feel that the human race will split into 3 different sections. There will be the Ascension group. Many of the pure indigo children, individuals who have remained less distorted (there’s not many people like that..) The people who do their DNA reactivations and allow these higher energies into their body and anchor them there. After 2012, most, if not all of these people will be able to ascend into these higher levels. According to the guardian alliance, these ascension stargates will be open for 200 earth years, and then they will close. They are the ’emergency backup stargates’, because all of the regular stargates have been taken control by the Galactic Federation and other races.

The next group will also Ascend. They will be the group who follows the Galactic Federations teachings, using their ‘Fall-System Merkaba’ and ascend through the ‘wormhole gates’ and will move into a different level within the ‘sandbox universe (which was discussed in the FAQ). It’s not ‘True Ascension’, but it’s better than option C. Alternatively, many humans may be taken to other planets like the Biavians have suggested. Keep in mind these are all just speculations from various sources.

The final scenario I have come to see is what happens to this 3rd dimensional planet itself. The people who are not spiritually awakened, and don’t care to, or are lost in their own troubles and won’t awaken to these changes, will stay here. The illuminati government will impose their ‘hoaxed alien attack’ plans and trick the human race into believing they’re being invaded by aliens (this is another HUGE topic which will be discussed in ‘The Curious Consciousness in due time), and ultimately get the worlds military powers to ‘unite’ and defeat the ‘alien threat’. They may also bring in “The return of the Messiah figures” and have an entity named “Jesus” come down and say that he was the being who was here from long ago, which is what Project Bluebook suggests along with the mass amounts of “I’ve communicated with Jesus!” changelings that are popping out one after the other lately, which is getting oddly suspicious and weird. After which they will impose the 1 world government and continue to dominate the world. This one COULD have a different end result though, if a movement such as the Zeitgeist movement ends up changing the way humans interact with the environment and the earth could become more peaceful and happy. But ultimately it will depend on what happens with the control systems that are currently imposed upon society, such as the illuminati government and the supposed Reptilian races that are at the top of the pyramid.

Now, I realize that by writing this, many people may think ‘oh, your saying that we HAVE to follow your path if we want to ascend and everyone else is screwed’, I don’t want to paint that picture. How I feel about it is my own understanding from my own research, and I am merely sharing my opinion. I am urging everyone interested to do the research on their own and look into all of these different sources and topics and decide for yourself. If what happens is completely different and I end up dooming everyone by saying ‘this is the path I’m taking’, I can’t be blamed for it because ultimately it was YOU who chose to follow that path as well. Make your own decisions.

Of course, this is all just my current perception on things as well, and these are subject to change. Keep an open mind about it, because honestly nobody really knows what’s going to happen. It could be nothing! Ascension itself could turn out to be nothing but a lie too, so I feel it’s best not to expect anything, but be aware of the potentials that could manifest into reality.

Q6. I’m having trouble manifesting money, and that’s where i’m stuck. Help?

A6. Focusing on money, especially in the way you came from, is coming from a strong perspective of lack. The suffering that you witness and relate to the energy of the planet is real, but it also exists within you, and that’s where you should put your focus and attention first.

Notice that the money is not really the problem, but the value that you give the money. What does it mean to you? What is money anyways? It’s like this wierd value of of a measurement of another value.

saying “I have 100$” is like saying “I have 100 inches”. Inches of what? Rope? books? Ipads? Money can be a means and a tool to get what you want, but remember in a camping experience, money is only good for kindling and wiping your ass.

To create wealth, we have to remember that wealth is something we create internally first, by understanding our values.

I’m not saying you don’t understand your values, actually you probably have them very defined. However, by putting the intent on “getting money” instead of “creating value” is what will stop you from achieving and getting where you want to get.

I can’t be the one to guide you to creating all of the wealth and abundance that you want to create, for i am just a student myself. However, this is one of the most impactful lessons i have learned, and i hope this perspective can help you smile

Q7. Where do you get all of your information from?

A7. Well, lots of it comes from just studying the basics. If you do some research on Chakras or Channeling you can find out tons of information about them, the trick is just compiling it into a solid video so that anyone can understand it. However, when it comes to the more intricate info, such as the Flower of Life and and the Human History story, a lot of the info comes from a book called The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizidek. The book is intensely fascinating, Drunvalo tells his own story about how he was a physicist that felt he wasn’t getting the answers he sought, so he moved to nature and was visited by 2 angels and a being named Thoth, who began teaching and working with him for a span of 25 years or so. Over that portion of his life, he learned about the geometries of the universe and Thoth gave him his version of history and what happened. It’s a really awesome book, I definitely recommend it!

Q8. What’s going on with our DNA?  Scientists aren’t really seeing too much happening in terms of expanding the count of our dna spirals at all!

A8. My understanding of the DNA changing is more like the mayan calendar. The spiral will always look like a double helix form, however there are layers and layers of dna through higher frequencies which span overtop of the smaller ones. For example (and im sorry i don’t have a drawing of it at hand), but if you think about the days of the week. If each DNA spiral was one day, then when you reached 7 days, it would make a single larger dna span over that whole week. Then 4 of those larger “week dna spirals” together would make a month. Then 12 of those month spirals would make a year, and so on. Each of those larger ones are still fully encompassing of the smaller ones, although the accumulation of them makes for larger and larger spirals.

You could also see it in a book. A series of characters makes a word, then a bunch of words make a sentence. A bunch of those makes a paragraph, and those make a chapter, and those make a story! The DNA is the same thing, and the larger strands of DNA work through higher frequencies that we are not measuring with modern science, because we are all encompassing in higher dimensions, even if we are not aware.
I think thats what confused me when i first was doing the research too, because you’re right, modern science isn’t super aware of it. It’s not that were adding physical spirals like i originally thought, but rather that we are recconecting and activating the larger spirals and larger understandings of our collective DNA, allowing us to know and understand far more!!

Q9: I’ve read across several scriptures such as the Bible and Quran that Homosexuality is a Sin, and that “God” punished those who practiced it. On the other side of the coin, it is perfectly normal to find in Nature ~ And Nature IS God, so what gives?

A9: It is important to remember that regardless of what any doctrine or religion has written ~ Those words are written by Men. You answered your own question, it is in nature, there is no separation, we are all one. Each of us have the free will to explore whatever we desire ~ The only judgements that should be considered are your own to yourself. Worry not of the words of others, go with what feels right, and if something such as homosexuality feels “wrong” to you, ask yourself: Why do you feel that way?

To be a Whole Person is to be both Male and Female inside, regardless of the physical gender of your 3 dimensional body. You can quite literally be anything or be with anyone, you need only allow yourself the freedom to say Yes to the All.

There are those who would have you fear into submission to their will, be sure to light your fire first before diving into anothers.

Q10: I am concerned with the path I am taking. I have intentions to Join the Army (or something that my friends and family are telling me I need to do to grow), and I’m not sure I feel right about it. I also think it would be amazing to go traveling, but i’m not sure where I would start. What should I do? 

A10: You have complete free will as to the life path that you take, and you are the one who gets to make the final decisions in what you experience. The trick is having the insight and perception to SEE what it is that you really want, and also SEE what a vibration is that you are about to enter into.

The Army has a very structured and ridged vibration. It is barking orders and standing at attention, giving your full self and service to the will of the institution. If this is what you want, then you can absolutely have it – for i hear its very easy to get in.

If you so desire something else, something more open, more flowing, and something that is more suitable to the elements within you that strive for life, beauty, creation, and conscious evolution, then you too have that choice.

Ultimately, it all comes down to choice, and asking yourself what do you want? Feeling for the answer, and then moving forward in that direction, even if you’re not sure where that path will lead you. Trust yourself, trust your intuition, and trust your heart most of all.


Q11:  i was wondering if we are all emortal, eternal beings, then why is it beleived in some schools of thought that there are young and old souls, if we have no begining and no end then we should all be the same thing, old souls. please help me to understand this.

A11: Perhaps while all souls originate from the same source, they can still appear in this plane at different intervals and times. A 2 year old and a 60 year old are both infinity old, but they have been on this plane for the respected amount of time that each of them has been. Further, as they continue their lives, their understanding grows and develops, and they become more in the know and they “evolve in consciousness”.

We have to remember that all things work in cycles, and the cycles that we experience can change who we are. We can look at human history and see different cycles of our evolution. We can always say “Okay, what was this species before that? and before that? and before that?” and it works the same way in the future too, what will it be next? and next?

Old souls are merely souls who have been present in this reality for a long time, and have obtained much wisdom about how this particular reality works, and Young Souls are beings who are fresh or new to this particular plane – but that does not mean they are young to the universe. In realizing that we are all masters and all students, it allows the old souls to be in the know but open to learn, and the young souls to carry the knowledge they have and learn more about the new reality that they otherwise were not present to knowing.


Q12: What does Christ Consciousness look like, will it only happen to Indigo Children?

A12: Christ consciousness will awaken within all of those who are on a path of love. This pathway is not something that will just happen, or take hold over time, but rather something that will be discovered within the hearts of the many. The Indigo Children will have the ability to reach this consciousness easier if they are open to breaking free of any and all matrix programming that currently exists in their minds, and transition back from their heads to their hearts. The Heart is where Christ exists, that is the space to be within. 

Rather than seeing it as a *snap* suddenly everyone ascends, it will be more like *snap* everyone has the decision of what they want to create, and that snap is happening every day, every minute, and every second. It truly is happening now, the choice to move into a space of love is yours to make. 


Q13: How do I communicate with my Guides?

A13: To communicate with your guides, simply be present with them. Go into a meditation, and allow yourself to become clear within yourself. Focus on your heart, and if there is anything that continually pops into your mind, just flow with it. Allow the thought to exist, be with it, and when the time is right, when it feels right ~ Think of your guide. Ask them for assistance. Do not be attached to them appearing to you in a particular way, for they may be the very ones assisting with the flow of thought that is moving through you. They may not appear physically or even astrally, but your cosmic self will know who it is, allow yourself to listen, it is all they truly ask for.

Listening to yourself is listening to your guides. If you are listening to the thoughts of others that comes from a space of lack or doubt, then you will create that within you. However, if you listen to that vibration and then bring it into your heart, you will become clear as to the true nature of those thoughts, and transmute them into gold.


Q14: I think i have to tell you, that reiki is really dangerous. you know, i work with energy a lot and me and my team found out that dark forces have taken over the reiki network and everytime a person gets initiated an energy vampire is planted in the energy body.

I don’t know if you have the means to verify my claims, but it’s important to inform poeple about this.

A14: This is very interesting, and while I agree, It’s not something to strain yourself over. You are very right, there is a potential for a negative thoughtform to take hold, but only if the receiver allows it and is in a state where they can receive that. (And if they don’t already have one).

I think that as long as the intention is good, the space is cleared and the practitioner knows what they are doing, it can be very safe and very beneficial. This isn’t something to worry about, but acknowledge and allow ~ It’s part of what we have created on a global conscious level, and that doesn’t mean that we should stop practicing Reiki. If anything, the more we work with it, the more we can identify any strains that are being imposed.

Understanding that thoughtforms only have the ability to influence you if you allow them is important. If we no longer resonate at a lower frequency where thoughtforms can strain you, then they will have no power over you – for YOU truly have the power over yourself at your core, and you can change your vibrations to match whatever you desire.


Q15: Hello i’m in state of hopeful confusion.  With the total change in life as we know it drawing near,  should I quit my job and abandon any previous dreams I had for the future for the simple fact that they were plans and dreams based in a reality that’s on the way out the window?  

Any advice would be appreciated.

A15: Yes and no. If you are simply abandoning your job and WAITING for something to happen in the world, it might lead you to a place that you don’t want to be, with even more lack than you are currently experiencing. 

At the same time, this is an opportunity to shift into a much higher vibration than you were before. In fact, so much higher that you will naturally shift OUT of the old world and into a new one of your own creation.

So ask yourself – what is it that YOU want? Really look deep, meditate, and ask yourself those big questions. If you can find out what you truly want to create and be in the world, and then begin shifting towards THAT, then you will harmoniously shift out of what you don’t want, and into what you do.

 Do not wait, but BE the change that you want to see.  THere is nothing to DO, but everything to BE.


Q16: When I come back from meditation, or wake up after an astral experience or lucid dream, I feel heavy and sometimes my eyes won’t open… can you explain whats going on?

A16: When you come out of meditation and experience everything in greater contrast, it is because of two things; the pupils are not yet use to the light coming at them after having closed eyes for so long AND it is because after meditation (especially through breath work), you balance many systems in your body and mind, allowing your perception to become clearer in multiple ways.  This is a normal occurrence, especially in my own experience.  Now, while in meditation, the sensation of either heaviness or not being attached to the physical body is a result of another two things; you are gathering energy and focus into the astral body, and you are allowing your consciousness to not be so attached to physicality and thoughts.  These are all very good signs because this sets you up to easily move in consciousness from this physical realm to either an internal realm or a higher dimension.  Continue to experiment with these sensations and many interesting experiences will come your way!



257 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. Greetings from Brazil to all the community!

    I see how you guys are working hard to wake people up, and i’m really thankful for all the knowllege you’ve been passing through the world.
    There’s still i lot i have to learn but if i’m getting it right we evolve more in community and that’s why i’m here to ask for guidance to start a center of SpiritScience here in one of the greates cities of the world: São Paulo!

    You know, I don’t see it as a religion, i don’t see dogmas here, only the search for knowllege, expierence and the truth!
    You probably heard about Helena Blavatsky the mother of Theosophy and that’s what you are doing here!

    If someone from the community reads this and could get in touch with me by e-mail I would be really greatful!
    There are so many ideas i want to put in practice and united we have strenght!

    I’ll be waiting for a sign from you guys!
    Thanks and may the light guide your paths!

  2. i have tried to sign up but never got a email confirmation and i tried to sign up again and says my email and name are being used. Please could i get some help with this im really looking forward to being apart of your community. Thank you

  3. Anonymous – Hopefully they make enough to keep producing these excellent resources. I’m sure you were just asking so you can help. Buy the books and you’ll be a great help. ;-)

  4. Jordan,
    I am absolutely enthralled with the content of your videos. You have inspired me to begin my own research concerning sacred geometry and the flower of life. My girlfriend and I are both burgeoning metaphysical explorers, and are thoroughly enjoying every bit of new information that is added to our collective conscious. I have tried to show her the videos on the spirit science channel so that she may take in this expansive knowledge as basically as you present it, however I believe that she may be a powerful indigo who is having trouble controlling her frequencies. This causes her to be extremely sensitive to noise, sound and frequencies. She has tried to watch your videos, but the pitch of the voice used is grating to her and she cannot make it past 5 minutes. Would it be possible for you to edit the audio of the video do that the vocal pitch is lower?

  5. Hi, Jordan

    First let my congratulations for the excellent material that you guys are providing, I am very grateful.

    I wonder, if possible, what are the sacred places on the planet where naacals built the pyramids for the manifestation of Christ Consciousness? It is open to the public?

    Sorry my poor english.


    1. Dear Rafael,

      A lot of this is mentioned in Drunvalo’s work. I refer to his books: Living in the heart, The serpent of light, and volume 1 & 2 of the ancient secret of the flower of life. Also based on your geographical location there should be sacred sites near where you live, they are literally all over the world. If you are truly seeking for such a place, ask to be guided to a place that is the right one for you to go to. As we are all on different paths and on different levels of awareness and spirituality it will probably be one that works best with you and were you are at. Also remember that the greatest temple is within, all that which we seek to experience externally is internally present. All tough external places might help you experience it ‘easier’ or ‘quicker’. Remember that the energies present induce a feeling/energy state that we can experience ourself without traveling to these places. Ask from your heart to be guided to what works best for you, is my advise.

      Good luck! Kind regards,

  6. You are my ultimate go to page on Facebook whether be good, great or bad day. Love all that you post. I came across a video from another source I follow, in my path to find ones self and it spoke words and mountains with filling voids i try to resolve. Check it out, I stopped the video, never hearing of this “bashar” before but ideologically resonates with me! Let me know what u think and if you’ve heard it before. http://youtu.be/RXoNQoPoF9U
    Ryan Johnson
    754 214-5640

  7. Hello! I find many of your short videos very thought provoking and interesting to openly discuss with open-minded individuals! I am very excited that I have found your website with different references to look into myself, as well as search for opposing view points.

    Anyway, I do have a random question for the creator of the web series. What are your thoughts on people diagnosed specifically with anti-social personality disorder (commonly referred to as a “psychopath” or “sociopath” in mainstream population)? The % of people with this diagnosis is very small and often is misunderstood by people who are not in the psychology field. People who have this diagnosis normally are referred to as being “soul-less,” have no conscience/compassion/empathy, and have ‘blank eyes’ meaning “no one is home.” For lack of better words, if our physical being is basically a “meat bag” housing our soul and higher self, then what is happening with these few individuals with this diagnosis?

    Any thoughts on this topic?

    1. Yes. Love in it’s truest form is unconditional and therefore accessible to everyone at all times. Ultimately, it is that soul’s decision (because of free will) to connect to love at any time.

  8. Hi,sir.
    I read your article about 11:11,And i like it very much.
    Even i am also facing that coincidence.
    And the specially thing is my Date of Birth is 11.11.1989.i thought that because of this only i am facing this coincidence of 11:11 .And the date 11.11.11 ,year 2011 is the most special year in my life,i mean its unforgettable year for me.lot of sweet memories were happened that year.
    please tell is there any special reason behind this.

  9. I have a few questions my first if about channeling and how to do it more efficiently I have channeled with my dog several times and want to learn more about human channeling. I have not been abel to find anyone in my community who is capable of teaching channeling and was wondering if there is another name that it could be referred to as? Also smoky quarts is a crystal that helps with channeling correct? My second question is about memory I have been trying to meditate/be active on a daily basis but have a very poor memory and wanted to know if there is any thing i can do to combat that.

    And a big thank you to spirit science for helping me along my path.

  10. Jordan,

    I must say I love your posts and follow you on facebook. You are an old soul and years ahead of your time. Keep working hard!

    A quote comes to mind. “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”

    Brian, Articlesinthenews.com

  11. Hi spirit science, there was a video where you mentioned Atlantis. i wonder whether you’ve read hindu mythology and i wonder whether you’ve already made the link between Atlantis and Dwarka. do you know that Atlantis might be in India? More precisely , i want to say it might be the lost kingdom of Krishna. and considering the inconceivable huge amount of similarities between indian and greek mythology, have you ever thought that the greek mythology might be a distorted indian mythology? and since long ago all the continents were connected, story travels easily. if you are interested , you can read the bhagvad gita, the mahabharat and many many more books because they do talk about the existence of numerous other planets which are inhabited. if you have not yet been exposed to the indian mythology, then what these books will unveil to you might end your seek for the truth(especially if you have the help of a teacher)

  12. Hi guys! Nice day for everyone!

    I’ve been watching the videos of Spirit Science for a long time, and one subject that intrigues me a lot is the Sexual energy, and the realations about expanding consciousness and control the sexual energy. I guess that this can be a great subject to discuss in one of your future videos!
    By the way, there’s a great video in Youtube talking about this subject called “Sex, the secret gate to Eden”, if you don’t know yet i recommend it ;)

    Thanks for yout attention, regards

  13. I just wanted to say I really love your videos and think what your doing is amazing. I think I manifested you :)

  14. Have you, or your staff ever read the Urantia Book?..or anybody else for that matter?i think it is a very interesting book on life and spirituality. and i wanted to know know where do you think it all fit in with what you have come to understand.

  15. Hi Jordan, I’ve been told by a friend of mine that the cord connecting to your physical self and astral self can break. He has been told this by high level beings but in your spirit science video you say it only breaks when you die. So I am wondering what your thoughts on this are(:

  16. Hi Spirit Science/Jordan,

    Hey I thought of an idea I think you guys might like. So I am a Reiki practitioner/healer of many kinds of modalities and in my experience with everything so far I have herd nothing but good things about this site and it really is one of the first houses on the block that people stop by when they start down the path of spiritual enlightenment these days. Generations past it wasn’t very easy to get this kind of knowledge or even find people who were comfortable talking about it for the sake of their own life/families, so they used art work to portray messages, symbols etc…

    Anyways what I am getting is I see Spirit Science as one of the main hubs in the new paradigm where people will first find this information when the time comes for them, not only that but all the cool cutting edge metaphysical info comes from here first and has by far been one of the most vibrant/loving communities on the web.

    That being said there are many healers/teachers/guides like me and many others out there that are lacking a good resource for getting our information out those who may need it. I mean there are plenty of resources on the web sure, web sites, other forums etc… But how cool would it be to have that information available here on spirit science? I mean think about it, this world needs healing, people seeking this information are generally seeking it because well.. They are hurt on some level wither it be physically, mentally, or spiritually, so they seek help, but a lot of times they get discouraged because well… There are a lot of skeptics/people out there that don’t see how beneficial this kind of work has on people. This kind of work being everything from what you guys do to what Emoto does, to what even Hermes/Solomon were doing thousands of years ago.

    This is the age of technology, everything is found on the web, so why not have a good solid, trust worthy resource for those seeking further knowledge on the metaphysical/healing? Wither that be, finding a healer/guide in their area, or going and seeking a teacher of some kind. I see Spirit Science as being an excellent resource for everyone in that regard.

    Getting to the point.. It would be REALLY cool if guys had a section on your site dedicated to seeking further info locally, where healers could post their healing services and teachers/guides could post their classes, or those looking but cannot find resources in their area to post there. Maybe even have a section for local meet ups where people could post events/gatherings that are happening their area. I know healers all over the world, some that are seasoned vets and others that are just getting into it. It can be hard trying to find people who need this kind of work sometimes and can get very discouraging to continue doing such an amazing thing for the planet. I don’t know if this a direction you guys seeing Spirit Science going, or even want the site to get involved with, but I figured i’d plant the seed in your awesome teams ear and see what happens.

    My mission as a healer is to try and get people back to where they originally came from, and to help out as much as possible. I’ve dedicated apart of the rest of my life to this kind of work, and if I see an avenue or potential way to help spread the love and light that this work offers I’ve sworn to my self I will act on it. Which is why I am messaging Spirit Science.

    Wither this is appealing or not, you guys have not only helped me in my journeys but thousands of others, both young and old on the right path and for that I have much respect.

    Take care


    1. As a first time visitor to this site, and as a new student to this intriguing material; I second that motion. It is a fantastic idea to consider! Daniel makes a valid point about being able to find local resources all on one site.

    1. Anonymous – Hopefully they make enough to keep producing these excellent resources. I’m sure you’re just asking so you can help. Buy the books and you’ll help greatly.

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