Category Archives: Healing

5 Important Reasons To Add Cannabis Leaves To Raw Juice Recipes

Besides fruits and vegetables, it turns out cannabis can be added to your juicer as well. For those unfamiliar with the juicing phenomenon, the process of making cannabis juice is surprisingly simple. All you really need is a blender/juicer and some raw material.

Juicing cannabis is somewhat of a new concept, but it has tremendous practical benefits.  Here are 5 reasons why you should add cannabis leaves to raw juice recipes:

*Note: Make sure that your leaves are washed and that they have been grown from a reliable source to avoid juicing chemical-covered cannabis.  Medical grade is a lot safer than juicing something you picked up from someone at a local trailer park.

1) Avoid the highshutterstock_331549994

While the downsides of getting high are often debated, the fact is that some people prefer their cannabis without psychoactive effects.

This is where juicing comes in handy. Since heat is required to convert the THCA in raw cannabis into THC, its psychoactive form, juicing provides a way of obtaining many of the benefits of cannabis without getting high.

While conventional wisdom says you can’t get high from raw cannabis, there has been a recipe discovered that says you can, so follow recipe(s) accordingly.

2) Ingest higher dosesshutterstock_345007262

Along the same line, not getting high makes it easier to take higher doses of cannabis and therefore more of its medical components, also known as cannabinoids.

One doctor who recommends juicing is Dr. William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation. According to Dr. Courtney, THC can be taken in doses of hundreds of milligrams when in its acid form.

However, once heated, the tolerable dose drops to 10 mg a day. Cannabis juice also contains CBDA, the acid form of CBD.

3) Versatility

Cannabis juice can be mixed with a variety of other healthy ingredients to create delicious drinks perfect for any time of the day. It’s also easier to drink cannabis juice while at work, in the car and in other places where smoking or vaporizing might be inconvenient.

4) Healthier than smoking

Juicing, like vaporizing, allows you to avoid the negative effects of smoking. Although cannabis smoke has not been linked to lung cancer, it can irritate the airways and lead to minor respiratory symptoms such as chronic bronchitis. Thus, juicing may even help you breathe a bit easier.

5) Prevents disease

shutterstock_381273322While cannabis is often seen as a treatment for chronic diseases, incorporating cannabis into your diet can be a great way to maintain health and prevent disease.

 Cannabinoids have been shown to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, making them a powerful dietary supplement.

As Hippocrates, one of the most famous physicians in history once said:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Meditation Vs Medication: 10 Reasons Why Meditation Is Better Than Taking Pills

Meditation is nature’s best healer.  It allows the body to reach a state of harmonic resonance, which puts the body into a state of regeneration.  When people feel ill, they often turn towards prescription medication without a second thought.  But what if meditation could cure and even prevent some diseases?

90% of all diseases and illnesses are either caused or aggravated by stress, and meditation is a great way to reduce the impact negative emotions have on our bodies and nervous systems.  A shift in consciousness causes a shift in biology, and when you are peaceful and calm during meditation, you release chemicals such as seratonin, oxytocin, and dopamine which help stabilize the immune system and regenerate your energy systems.  It also prevents the release of things like adrenaline and cortisol, which are completely taxing to the body.

Did you know that meditation is scientifically proven to:

1. Overcome stress (University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2003)

2. Boost your creativity (ScienceDaily, 2010)

3. Improve your sex life and increase your libido (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009)

4. Cultivate healthy habits that lead to weight loss (Journal Emotion, 2007)

5. Improve digestion and lower blood pressure (Harvard Medical School)

6. Decrease your risk of heart attack (The Stroke Journal, 2009)

7. Help overcome anxiety, depression, anger and confusion (Psychosomatic Medicine,

8. Decrease perception of pain and improve cognitive processing (Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2010)

9. Increase your focus and attention (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)

10. Increase the size of your most important organ – your brain! (Harvard University Gazette, 2006)

Mediation has also been show to  reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease by almost 50% (American Heart Association, 2012).  What man-made pill can do that?

“There is a true biological effect,” said Dr. Denninger, director of research at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, one of Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospitals. “The kinds of things that happen when you meditate do have effects throughout the body, not just in the brain.”

In a day and age where medication is not cheap, and prescription drugs kill 100,000 people each year, it’s time we embrace a cheaper and more natural alternative form of healing into our medical community.  Keep in mind, meditation is not just about healing the body.  It DOES do miracles for the body, but to be honest, the physical benefits are usually the last reasons why people meditate.

Meditation also leads people to self-discovery, inner peace, mental clarity, spiritual/emotional balance, and is the best thing you could do if you are experiencing a period of suffering or confusion in your life.  Unlike pills, meditation also contributes to mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Now don’t get me wrong.  Western medicine is a miracle, and if you need to take antibiotics or some other kind of medication for a health problem you have, then take it.  But nowadays, you can walk into a hospital and be like “I just feel like, icky and weird and I don’t know…” and they’ll sell you medications without even knowing what the issue is.  Meditation, combined with a clean diet and exercise, is a surefire way to turn your illness around without side effects.

For more information on meditation, here is a great video Jordan made on meditation!

15 Reasons You Need To Drink Lemon Water Every Day

If you’re tired of drinking plain old water and want to take your physical, mental, and spiritual health up to the next level, here are 15 reasons why you should be drinking lemon water every day:

1) Clears Skin

One of the more convincing reasons to drink lemon water for most of us is that it can help keep our skin clear. Water on its own can help flush out toxins to keep skin clear, but the added vitamin C in lemons helps purge toxins from our blood to keep skin clear of blemishes and decrease fine lines and wrinkles!

2) Balances Your PH

There’s a lot of talk about balancing the pH in your body and lemon water does just that! Lemons taste and appear to be very acidic, but they actually have a very alkalizing effect on our bodies. Keeping your body in an alkaline state also prevents diseases and pathogens from surviving, so it’s a pretty important to drink!

3) Boosts Immune System

Another fab benefit of drinking lemon water is that helps boost our immune system. Who has time to get sick these days, right? The potassium in lemon juice helps control blood pressure, stimulate brain and nerve function and vitamin C helps fight colds. If you’re already sick, try sipping hot water with the juice of one lemon and some honey.

4) Weight Loss

Aside from helping our skin stay clear, balancing and boosting our health, lemon water also aids in weight loss! That’s right, drinking lemon water helps boost your metabolism, fight cravings, flush out water weight and curb hunger. Those are some powerful benefits from such a simple drink that we can have anytime!

5) Help a Hangover

What’s your go-to drink when you’re nursing a hangover? Save yourself a trip to the store and make yourself a mug of warm lemon water instead. Yet another benefit of drinking lemon water is that it can help soothe your stomach, which can be somewhat irritated or sensitive after a night of drinking. Drinking hot water with lemon can act as an antiseptic and help detox your system from all that booze!

6) Freshens Breath

We now know that lemon water has an abundance of benefits, and another one of my favorites is that helps freshen your breath! This is really effective for those times you want to freshen your breath after having some drinks, a spicy meal or if you smoke. All these things can dry out your mouth, which can lead to sour breath, so wet your whistle with some lemon water!

7) Boost the Brain and Nervous System

Another one of the impressive effects of drinking lemon water is that it contains lots of potassium. Low levels of potassium have been linked to depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and brain fog. As mentioned previously, lemons are also chock full of vitamin C, which gets depleted when you’re under a lot of stress.

8) Helps Respiratory Problems

If you experience respiratory problems like asthma or infections, lemon water is the ideal drink for you! Lemon water has antibacterial properties and helps get rid of infections of the chest and relieves coughs. Lemon water is also said to be a helpful natural remedy for allergies as it helps keep the body alkaline and more balanced.

9) Helps Digestion Problems

There are tons of different powers that lemon water has. Did you know that it can actually assist you with any digestion problems that you are having? Trust me on this one, if you are having a lot of stomach aches, start drinking lemon water and you’ll see a huge difference in how your stomach feels!

10) Powerful Cleansing Powers

While we might clean our skin and we might actually keep our faces and hair clean, did you know that we also need to keep our organs and our insides clean? That’s exactly what drinking lemon water can do! It’s a natural cleansing agent that will help keep you extremely healthy.

11) Less Mucus

If you are a dairy eater, especially drinking milk, you probably notice that you have a ton of mucus in the morning. Don’t worry, once your start to drink lemon water, you’ll notice that it cuts through the mucus and will leave your throat uncoated and unirritated!

12) Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can actually really hurt, especially if you are noticing it all around your body. Well, one of the biggest benefits of drinking lemon water is that it helps reduce inflammation and it calms down any irritation completely!

13) Energy Boost

Do you need that cup of coffee in the morning and then around 2:30pm, you are crashing and burning with being tired? Well, if you happen to drink hot water with lemon in it instead of coffee, not only will you cut your caffeine, but you’ll notice there is absolutely no more crash!

14) Helps You to Stay Healthier

Overall, lemon water is a good way to keep hydrated and improve your health in all areas.  It’s not a taboo form of alternative treatment.  It’s a great way to up your health game on all ends of the spectrum.

15) Great Source of Potassium

Finally, the last benefit if drinking lemon water is all about that potassium I mentioned earlier! If you aren’t a huge fan of bananas, but are still missing those potassium levels, why not indulge in a few glasses of lemon water a day?

There you have it, ladies and gents, if those fifteen reasons don’t convince you to have some lemon water, I don’t know what will! Seriously though, lemon water has some fantastic benefits. It’s easy to make, it’s inexpensive and tastes great.

Note*: If you’re concerned about the effect of the lemon juice on your teeth, try drinking it through a straw.

Source: This article was written by Jesse Herman and was featured on Powerful Primates, and was used with direct permission from the author.


9 Houseplants That Clean The Air And Are Almost Impossible To Kill

Pop quiz: which is more polluted, indoor air or outdoor air? 10 times out of 10, indoor air in your house, office or apartment is going to be worse than the air outside. Indoor air pollution has been ranked among the top 5 greatest risks to public health by the EPA, and stagnant indoor air allows pollutants to build up and stick to the things inside of your home.

The things in our homes emit some nasty toxic chemicals, like formaldehyde for example. You can also be impacted by pollutants like pollen, bacteria, mold, dust and various outdoor contaminants that find their way inside.

Fortunately, houseplants can help us solve some of these air quality issues. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, these houseplants are basically impossible to kill. Let’s check them out!

1) Garden Mum

This plant was found by NASA to be a real air-purifying beast. It removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from your home’s air. It’s popular and inexpensive, plus they can be planted outside too.

2) Spider Plant

Spider plants are incredibly easy to grow, so if you’re a beginner, this is a great one to start with. It lights bright, indirect light and sends out shoots with flowers on them that will eventually grow into baby spider plants that you can propagate yourself. Before too long, you’ll have more spider plants than you’ll know what to do with.

3) Dracaena

There are over 40 kinds of dracaena plants, which makes it easy to find the right one for you. They remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air. They are toxic to cats and dogs though, so if you have pets, you might want to think twice about this one.

4) Ficus

Ficus trees are a favorite of mine as they are able to grow quite large depending on the type of pot you have them in. They typically stand between 2 and 10 feet tall and have some serious air cleaning abilities. You can also keep it outside in the spring and summer. The ficus removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.

5) Peace Lily

Not only does the peace lily send up beautiful flowers, but they’re impossible to kill and have great air cleaning abilities. They flower through most of the summer and prefer shady spots with moist but not soggy soil. It removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

6) Boston Fern

This plant likes cool locations with high humidity and indirect light. Bathrooms are a perfect spot for these little friends. They remove pollutants like xylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.

7) Snake Plant

I see this one all over the place in offices and restaurants – and for good reason. They’re pretty much impossible to kill. They need water only occasionally (about once per month) and prefer drier conditions. They don’t need much direct sunlight either. They remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene from indoor air.

8) Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palms are most effective at filtering formaldehyde. They thrive in full sun and bright light. They grow as high as 12 foot too, making them an incredible presence indoors. They remove benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

9) Aloe Vera

Aloe is a multi-use plant for sure. It has health benefits when consumed in smaller amounts, helps relieve burns, and cleans your indoor air as well. It removes formaldehyde effectively from indoor air.

Having these plants inside your house will dramatically improve air quality, and will also provide you with an increases sense of being connected to nature.  You’ll be surprised how much life a single plant can add to a room!

Source: This article was written by Simple Organic Life, and was taken with permission from the author.

How to Live Your Life From A 5D Mind

-Independence: What in nature is totally independent from the rest? We, I mean, we all, need oxygen from somewhere, don’t we? New age circus types love to preach about filling our own cup from the inside… Cool. Try breathing your own air from the inside and tell me that’s enough…

Doesn’t work.

It’s contrary to the laws of nature. You see? Let yourself be open to the nourishment of everything around you, and be filled in service to it.

-Dependence: a state of potential growth, subject to authority due to the absence of the ability to create it. A baby, the house pets, domestic plants. All of these require something from their caretakers. Those instances which illicit genuine dependence are meant to dissolve over time and become a new form of relating, and the effort and energy is rerouted in the relationship…

The dog, realizing it’s “role” is the submissive one, employs cuteness tactics to calm or enliven the owner, creating a mutually beneficial symbiotic partnership, bringing us to the final form…

-Interdependence: a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups). It is the application of the inherent authority,  combined with the recognition of the same inherent authority reflected in the world around us.

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9 Activities Linked to a Longer Life

UCLA biologists have found a gene that can slow the aging process in the entire body when activated in specific organ systems.  While working with fruit flies, these scientists activated a gene known as AMPK that is an important energy sensor in cells; which gets activated when cellular energy levels are getting low.

dna_2759155b“AMP-activated protein kinase—an energy sensor that regulates all aspects of cell function. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of energy status that maintains cellular energy homeostasis.” – D. Grahame Hardie

In the study scientists found that increasing the amount of AMPK in fruit flies’ intestines increased their lifespans by about 30 percent.  This puts them living around 8 weeks instead of the average 6 weeks.

This is like the average person who lives to be almost 80 to around 104 years.   What is also interesting is that not only do the fruit flies live longer but they were healthier as well.

Now imagine if we applied this genetic technique to someone who is already supposed to live to be over 100 years old?

There is a whole group of people, known as Centenarians, that have lived to be over 100 years old. We have found a short documentary about two Supercentenarians, from the Spice Mountains of South Western India who have lived to be over 110!  Check it out below!

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If you found that interesting there are rumors that a man in China lived to be around 250 years old! Li Ching Yuen was an herbalist who practiced Qigong and said his secret to long life was to possess the following traits in your life:

  • Tranquil mind
  • Sit like a tortoise
  • Walk sprightly like a pigeon
  • Sleep like a dog

In addition to that list here are 9 Activities that are linked to a longer life!

© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporation1. Being Spiritual–  Having some sort of spiritual practice or belief has been linked to longer lives.  You don’t have to be a specific religion or even believe in God to qualify for this category.  Having a reverence for life and believing in something more than yourself is enough to enjoy the benefits of a longer life.

2. Health or Healing knowledge– As you heard in the video above both of our Supercentenarians were known for their knowledge and ability to heal others.  Perhaps the knowledge of healing isn’t only for ourselves.  Perhaps science will find a spark of longevity in those who take the time to ease the suffering of others. Continue reading