All posts by LJ Vanier

6 Signs It’s Time To Focus On Your Own Well Being

Its rather easy to get caught up in “the system”, also known commonly as the matrix, and we kid you not… it will bring you down.

This is why we’ve put this list together. To expose some of the common traits that happens to people who live in urban jungle. Thank you for reading, we sincerely hope this is helpful!

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“The only thing you can take with you when you leave this world are the things you’ve packed inside your heart”- Susan Gale

It doesn’t take much to be a spiritual person. Being spiritual really just means putting the emotional and psychological needs of yourself and others, ahead of the material and physical qualities of the world.

shutterstock_316177406-300x200Being spiritual is about showing compassion and helping others versus a continuous self-serving rhetoric that puts others down, while it catapults you to the top. Being spiritual is about being selfless in material gain and selfish in soul progression. But, when we lose sight of this our energy turns towards these material illusions that can lead us down a path of greed, jealousy and envy all of which lower our vibrational energy.

Because the power of our thoughts are so potent, the energy that accompanies them then radiates from our being like sounds waves. Quite literally, what we think holds its own vibrational frequency and when we align ourselves to what is true to our soul, we find peace, acceptance and harmony in our existence.

6. You worry too much.

care-self-1000x600Worrying and over thinking stems from lack of trust. When we don’t trust ourselves it’s hard to trust the world around us. But really, it’s like slapping ourselves in the face. When we aren’t confident enough in ourselves to trust our path, we end up undervaluing our own existence. Which leads us to…

5. You undervalue yourself

The best way to describe your higher self in this circumstance is to think of yourself as a child with hopes, dreams, creativity and all of the confidence in the world. When we are young our worlds seem small, and yet our imaginations are ten times greater. When we grow older, our worlds have grown bigger and the opposite for our imaginations. Your higher self knows that you have purpose, your dreams are important and your mind matters. Don’t sell yourself short, you are just as valuable as the next. Thing big, dream bigger.

4. You hold onto things too long.

me1At the fabric of our being we find energy and energy is always in a constant state of vibration. That is to say, energy is always in a state of flux. So should we be. We can allow our minds time to process, this is healthy however, when we get stuck on things and can’t let go of them, they become weights that we carry around.

Not to get me wrong, I get it. Life can throw us some hard balls, and even more curve balls when we aren’t expecting it. Allow yourself time to process and time to feel. Feeling all of the emotions that we can really makes us feel alive. Embrace your sadness, celebrate your joys and then move on to the next.

3. You ignore your own needs.

It’s easy to get stuck in repetitive energetic cycles which do not serve our higher good. Whether it’s a lifestyle, a job, or a relationship, when we fall into these cycles we feel trapped, all the while knowing it was time to get out a long time ago. Usually at this point emotions begin to stir just below the surface as your inner voice is being neglected.

2. You drown out your inner voice

“Everyone who wills can hear their inner voice, it is within everyone”- Ghandi

alone-sad-girl-waiting-someone-broken-heartWe have all experienced intuition in the form of what we call an inner voice, but the degree of intensity will vary dependent upon the level of ones consciousness. Known as a flash of insight, this natural instinct can go unnoticed if someone has been ignoring it for too long. But when we trust our intuition it allows us to be more consciously aware of situations and activities in our life. Never be hasty, always take a moment to listen to yourself, trust yourself, trust your heart.

When we listen to our hearts, we are in tune with our intuition. This connection reveals the once hidden truths about ourselves, and our current situations in life, allowing us the opportunity to stay in touch with our subconscious mind; releasing us from limitations and removing aspects of the restrictive ego. This then leads to tremendous growth, creativity and an evolution of conscious awareness.

1. You are stuck in the past.

bellesprit.comThe only way to keep the past alive is to recycle the memory. When we recycle memories, we are unconsciously regenerating the old energy of these experiences, in order to “keep them alive” in our cells and when we do this, our ego then continues to feed off of the attachment. This repetitiveness causes our energetic body to become stagnant and stuck without forward progression.

When you release the past, you raise your vibration and the old energy will die off allowing for new more positive energy to flow through. New energy brings change and change always brings new opportunities for growth and harmony.

by LJ Vanier, Team Spirit!

7 Things That Happen When in A Relationship With a Gemini

Many Gemini’s are quick witted and sociable. Like many of us, they are two sides of the same coin, where they can be very serious and shift quickly. They are communicative and ready for fun but also do the hard work that needs to be done.


1. They are emotionally intense

No other sign in the zodiac can match the intensity of a Gemini. Whatever they do, they do it with reverence or they won’t do it all.

2. They can be self-destructive


From an outsiders perspective, it may appear to be self-inflicted abuse however a Gemini knows that it may take a melt down in order to build themselves back up again and this time, stronger than ever before.

3. They can be hyper-sensitive

As Gemini’s are highly intuitive and naturally empathic, they tend to absorb the energies of others and reverberate them into their being, let alone trying to cope with their own emotional dealings.

Therefore Gemini’s can be highly sensitive and it is important to support a Gemini, they way they need to be. Reassuring a Gemini “that everything will be o.k” and that there is no need to worry can do wonders for emotional stability.

woman-14. They are introverted

The extroverted introvert, a Gemini loves to be the center of attention when at a vibrational high, yet will become recluse once the energy is either attained or dispelled.

They are naturally gifted at “small talk”, and know how to be charming without letting outsiders see the real authentic part of them.

5. They like fairy tales

Gemini are magicians by nature and they are keen at reading between the lines. Love stories like The Notebook or fairy tales like Cinderella, conjure their inner knowing that miracles are real. A Gemini loves to search for these hidden meanings laying just below the surface and will scratch until they break the veil. Continue reading

The 3 Universal Truths That Will Blow Your Mind

“Karma is a dish best served cold”. I am sure you’ve heard this before, among other phrases. The word karma has become so common in our vocabulary that we seem to accept it as a normal functioning part of reality. For instance, when someone is rude to another and then immediately following walks into a pole, we don’t hesitate to point out that “they had what was coming to them”.

This is the understanding of day-to- day karma, as we have accepted. As every action has an equal and opposite reaction, we have adopted this understanding and called it karma, but this to me, is not the true meaning of karma.

3033077-inline-i-1-iris-scans-and-reincarnation-filmmaker-mike-cahill-spills-origins-story-for-i-originsNow, on the other hand there is a karma that many have adopted, that firmly rests upon the belief of reincarnation. As I am sure that many of you are well aware of this fact, I will keep it light. The basis of this doctrine to put it plainly, is that as we incarnate from lifetime to lifetime we gather “karma points” good and bad for past actions.

Each lifetime you live ,you will be paying off karmic deeds, as well as reaping the benefits of good karma (either in this lifetime or a previous) until all karma has been settled and you will no longer need to reincarnate.

Now I don’t know about you, but something just doesn’t sit right with me about all of this.

1. Guilt

What are the two best ways to control a population? Fear and Guilt.

When we insinuate that karma translates to deed, we instil an automatic emotional reaction which usually transgress as guilt or unworthiness. Karma, is not to be equated with guilt. Karma is to be equated with action.

I can’t help but refuse the idea that we are here on this earth until we finally “get it right”, or pay off some kind of debt. We are here to learn, to grow and to experience life as a soul incarnate, in the divine creation of human existence.  We are here because we choose to be here, no guilt, no strings attached.

So what is karma then?

shutterstock_291501230Recently, I was thinking. And in this thinking… I started thinking… about over thinking…. and had the realization that over thinking, while many understand is the “art of creating problems that were never there to begin with” I saw more clearly that lack of trust, was the true cause of creating problems that were never really there to begin with and that lack trust initiates over thinking, which becomes the sole “cause of action” or karma. Continue reading

3 Life Changing Experiences You Undergo When Your Sensitivity Increases

“What you are seeking is seeking you” – Rumi

I knew that I always liked this quote, without really knowing why. To be honest, for the longest time I never really understood what it meant. Then, everything changed.

1. Discovering the Light

In Daosim, it is believed that the journey to enlightenment starts by turning the eyes inside out and there is an african proverb that states “when there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot touch you”. As we have all learned by now, the way that view the world around us, is a projection of our inner world, and so our quest for happiness, enlightenment and satisfaction lies primarily upon filling our selves with light and love in order to then radiate it into the world.

shutterstock_316177406 (1)Sadly however, as a defence mechanism, we seek to avoid the inner work of illuminating the shadows in our minds and neglect doing what is necessary, to reach an enlightened state.

New age spirituality for instance, relies too heavily on focusing on the love and light aspect; when we seek out, search for, or try to attain this light we are essentially chasing our own tails. This may be what Rumi was portraying when he made this statement. We become like dogs and cats spinning around in circles, all the while missing the point. Rumi I feel, had a very good sense of humour. Continue reading

5 Ways to Find Yourself When You Feel Like You Lost Your Way

“We only lose what we cling to”- Buddha

Feeling stuck? Don’t sweat it. Sometimes getting lost, is exactly how we find ourselves. In one moment, you may feel clear and concise about your goals in life and the next, you have done a complete 180 degree turn and are set out on a new path. Change is never easy but it is always necessary. Like energy, if things never changed, life would become stagnant, and the more we are able to adapt and flow in a state of non-attachment, the easier we can make it for ourselves.

So, when the wings of change come sailing through, leaving you feeling lost, confused and without a clear direction. Always remember.

5. “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

travel-alone-1There is no finish line and there isn’t a destination. “We do not dance and aim at certain spot in the room because that is where we ought to arrive at, the whole point of the dancing is the dance”- Alan Watts.

Every day we learn something, and learning is the most soul satisfying endeavor we can indulge in. The soul loves growth by experience, otherwise…. we wouldn’t be here. So stay cool, calm yourself, you don’t have anywhere to be but where you are.

4. Trust yourself

You are the only one who knows what you are looking for, take your time, go inside and find out what gets your heart pumping and your juices flowing. When change comes it is always needed. Although it may feel like a catastrophe and something you never wanted to happen, in time you’ll see why it had to happen. Continue reading