These Incredible Kids Have Been Taught How To Open Their Third Eye & Read Blindfolded

If you still don’t believe in psychic ability, you have to watch this video.


For many of us, it’s no secret that we all hold the abilities that some would consider “paranormal” or psychic, when it is really just an innate form of understanding we are all born with. These children are all part of a small alternative school in Essex. They are taught mainly with blindfolds which teaches them how to activate their third eye and see through their blindfolds.

These children are able to do pretty much anything while completely blind folded. They can read books, play games, draw identical pictures beside ones the interviewer drew, and it even gets more phenomenal than that.

This one girl they interviewed in that video named Lucy seems to possess a stronger sense of psychic ability than some of the others. While the interviewer is drawing different pictures for her while she’s blindfolded, she is able to tell exactly what he is drawing even before he turns the paper to face her.

She is literally able to see through her blindfold, and through the paper itself with her third eye. This right here is proof of the incredible potential of humans.

The problem is that many people will jump to an array of reasons to discredit this, and many similar videos and studies. Many people will claim that they can see through the blindfold, even though a suspicious crew member filming the interview tried it on themselves to verify that it was indeed not see-through. 

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Many people will probably assume that the entire interview was set up and these are all actors. But what is the point of that, especially when this is been proven countless times before?

As the veil keeps thinning and we can collectively understand that there is much more to reality than we think there is, these types of phenomena will become commonplace. The woman who runs the program says the best time to teach kids these abilities is between 6 and 12 years old.

This is because the children are still existing through their emotional body; logic and critical thinking are not the prevailing methods of perceiving reality yet. They are very much in tune with themselves and haven’t been programmed by society to conform to “normality” yet.

They go to describe that is it is possible for anyone to learn this, but the ages between 6 and 12 are the easiest times to learn. If someone has been heavily programmed to believe psychic ability is a hoax, they will probably never unlock the powers of their third eye.

We need to understand the fundamental concept of seeing is not believing, believing allows you to see. Believing is something children do not have trouble with, as they mostly live in their imaginations and that is why it is easy for them to tap into these hidden abilities that we all have.


You can learn more about the school here.

3 thoughts on “These Incredible Kids Have Been Taught How To Open Their Third Eye & Read Blindfolded”

  1. I would love to know the name and contact information of this school. If you have it and are allowed to give it out I would love for my child to attend.

    Love and peace,

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