6 Important “Conspiracy Theories” That All Turned Out To Be True

The Black Budget 

Prior to Edward Snowden (the former NSA employee who leaked classified information), if you told somebody you thought there existed what seems to be a separate civilization – a part of humanity that broke off in secret, and is thousands, if not millions, of years more advanced than the mainstream academic/scientific/technical world – there is absolutely no doubt you would have been brushed off as a crazy conspiracy theorist.

000_was2005030390447But when Snowden leaked the very first documentation proving the existence of clandestine black budget operations, that all changed. Despite these recent leaks, many are still unaware of the black budget world, and the fact that it had been investigated and talked about before these leaks.

 For an article that goes in depth and is well sourced regarding this topic. You can read that article HERE.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex.  The potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry, can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence, with our peaceful message and goals.” –  Dwight Eisenhower, Former Five Star General and President of the United States (source)


The tragedy that unfolded on September 11th, 2001 was horrific. To this day and despite the fact that many of the victims’ families themselves question the events of that day, many still consider anyone suspicious of 9/11 to be a conspiracy theorist. It’s important to mention that the mainstream media has played a large part in pushing this idea, that anybody who questions what happened on that day is “nuts.”

9111According to the latest polls, more than 150 million people (in America alone) do not believe the official explanation given to them by their government when it comes to 9/11, and the same amount actually suspect a controlled demolition of World Trade Centre building  7. Think about that for a moment. (A simple Google search will show you a number of polls that have taken place over the years.)

A quick Google search of polls regarding 9/11 will paint a clear picture for you. People are not stupid, so why is it that so many people believe it was a staged event? It’s because of all of the evidence that has surfaced over the years.

There is a tremendous amount of evidence to support all of these claims, and others, like the fact that the supposed “Al-Qaeda” terrorist group was in fact a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). And yet, many people have a hard time hearing about, let alone thinking about these realities.

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

This is a very big one, and as with 9/11, in the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there is not.

21st Annual UFO Congress, Arizona

A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time. (Source in article linked below.)

Why do people believe this? The answer is simple. As former Princeton professor and NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary remarked, “there is abundant evidence” (source) clearly indicating that there is something going on in our atmosphere and around our planet which, as Mike Gold puts it (Director of Operations For Bigelow Aerospace), deserves serious attention. (source)

The evidence comes in the form of statements made by high ranking military personnel, political personnel, academicians, and more. It also comes in the form of official documents released by dozens of countries officially acknowledging and disclosing the existence of UFOs. That’s not all, in fact, this subject is littered with so much information that it can be overwhelming for one to think about.

Over-Unity Energy

Despite many people opposing this idea, constantly citing the law of conservation of energy, multiple papers have been published in various peer reviewed journals showing that yes, extracting energy from the vacuum is possible. You can find these in the articles linked below.

overunity-india-702x336-672x336“The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for the last 150 years.” – Toby Grotz, engineer and researcher of new energy technologies since 1973

Collective Evolution has been lucky enough to have been covering a story, and working with Toby Grotz and Paramahamsa Tewari, to help create more awareness about this. Tewari has invented an over-unity machine. Help spread the word: tewari.org 

We encourage all those who are reading this to check it out.

Do you really think that these brilliant scientists and engineers would devote their entire lives to something that did not show potential, or something that is not real? This concept is, again, still faced with fierce resistance, but this will all change, and for the sake of the planet it has to, so stay tuned!

You can view pictures of the machine at the link to the site above. It won’t be long until we are showing you a video of it ourselves.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Few things exemplify more absolutely the fact that we are living in a world of deception, manipulation, and fraudulent science than GMOs. Over the past few years, a number of studies (both independent and peer-reviewed) have emerged which clearly outline why GMOs should not be approved as completely safe for human consumption. Despite this fact, their status has not changed.Monsanto-GMO

The truth of their danger was also demonstrated by the March Against Monsanto, a worldwide protest where millions of people around the world gather every year to peacefully protest the biotech giants.

There is a reason why so many countries around the world have now completely banned GMOs and the pesticides that go with them.

“As part of the process, they portrayed the various concerns as merely the ignorant opinions of misinformed individuals – and derided them as not only unscientific, but anti-science. They then set to work to convince the public and government officials, through the dissemination of false information, that there was an overwhelming expert consensus, based on solid evidence, that GMOs were safe.” – Jane Goodall

A Small Group Of Elite People And The Corporations They Run Own Everything

Not that long ago, if you were to tell anyone that a small group of people and the corporations they run are in control of all the world’s resources, you would have received some decidedly ‘weird’ looks. Fortunately, thanks to recent global protests like theOccupy Wall Street Movement, more people have become aware of what is known as the “one percent.”


That percentage represents the people who have access to the most wealth on the planet.

The same group of elite are in control of our health, finances, education, food, politics, media, and financial industries, and they contribute to the military industrial complex. It’s clear that there are many problems within these industries that affect us on a daily basis.

This was also demonstrated by three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. They published a study titled “The Network Of Global Corporate Control” about a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. (source)

Here is a great clip that relates to this topic by Foster Gamble, taken from the Thrive documentary.



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