Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats

The intention for this chat is for Seekers of any kind, Spiritual, Atheist, Religious, or even Agnostic to come together in a space of peace, honest, open conversation, and talk about anything! Lets be open, lets be loving, and lets be kind.

There is a room list bellow the chat window, if you want to talk about something specific, check and see what’s up in the chat room of your choosing :)

TO JOIN ROOMS: type /join #roomname

Thank you!

– Ray, Joshua & Team Spirit


 Channel/Room List
If you’re new to IRC, don’t worry it’s just like any other chat except it lets you do a few things extra.

  1. How do I Change My Display Name (Nick) ?
    Type: ” /nick myNewNickname ” without the quotes.
  2. How do I Register or Password Protect my Nickname?
    Check these instructions (good question, someone write it up and tell one of the ops in the chat and we will put it here.
  3. How do I Change Channels, or Go to A Different Chatroom?
    Type: ” /join #NameOfChannel ” without quotes.
  4. How do I Block or Ignore trolls and spammers?
    Type: “/ignore username” without quotes, replacing “username” with the name of the troll/spammer.
    Type: “/unignore username” without quotes, as before to reverse this.
  5. Can I use more commands?  Where can I learn the commands?
    for now, google…
  6. Can I Use a Different Client to Chat?
    Yes! The IRC domain we are currently using is: web.libera.chat
    The default channel is #spiritscience
  7. Room too full? 
    Try joining any of the channels/rooms listed above.
    Or you can make a new chatroom and tell your friends about it!
  8. Have any more questions?  Have a channel you want listed?
    Tell us in the comments section below! :D

969 thoughts on “Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats”

  1. In awe of your postings that sync with my thoughts at the same time. I’ve been intuitive about certain events in life or moments but never about my thoughts or questionable thoughts regarding certain subjects via Facebook or web. Please continue your flow of positive information to be exposed and to be read.
    Thank you! Have an awesome day!

  2. Umm I don’t wanna sound insensitive but is this really the chat? I mean I personally have no problems with trolls they come with using the Internet but I wanted to talk to someone seriously about you know the ethereal I’ve been a fan of spirit science since 2012 and would really like to talk to some like minded people please send me in the right direction! @mods @jordan @spirit science

  3. @#Shenanigans, Im calling shenanigens guys, these people are trolls, the list will build, Reply @#Shenanigens to be with me! THIS IS SERIOUS! TROLLS THAT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SPIRITUALITY WILL BE LISTED HERE:
    They are as followed:


  4. is the chat down or and i just stupid with a garbage computer and internet service provider

  5. I got banned again, this time for apperently trolling Actualist who managed to slip out of my ignore list, I strongly have te feeling to be trolled influenced by another member who was online at that time and got banned before.
    TBH my reasoning was That i dont like actualist, many people dont like him, i thought he was banned long ago, he calls me or other people illuminati often, oviously this is getting on peoples nerves.
    Sure i believe he deserves a chance but not if he slips out of ignore lists
    Now i am banned and the unproffesional mods pissed at me or unempathic

    1. actualist is mentally ill, which would explain his crazy and delusional ideas. he is also homeless and living off of charity which just adds to the issues with him. its a reason and not an excuse, but hey, sometimes, you just gotta ignore the hatorade, start drinking the bubble tea and stop feeding the trollz.

    2. Actualist is cancer. The reason I am banned. Egotistical maniac, and it should be noted that the mod you call “Chrono” is in bed with him. (Hypothetically, yeah Chrono, look up the phrase you twat) Ahahah

  6. Hey Your Facebook Page is looking a little different today Monday May23 maybe hacked just wanted to let someone know… dont know how to message you privately.

  7. hi babeh, i love women . women are best. we should fix income injustice.

    can i get unbanned


  8. There are hundreds of religions in the world, and thousands of gods believed by those religions. The number of opinions and differing beliefs likely exceeds the amount of stars that can be seen with the naked eye. Yet for every opinion, there is usually someone so certain that they are right and that everyone else is wrong. Everywhere in the world you’ll find groups of people who are certain that everyone else is in the dark. These groups even fight with each other. The majority of wars in the world are fought over these conflicts of ideology and religion.

    What are these people lacking? My best guess is that they do not question what they have been taught. They are completely uncritical about what the media, institutions, religion, government, and their teachers tell them. They never ask themselves the questions “how do I know that I’m not being lied to?” and “how do I know that what I’m being told is true?”

    Please do not assume that Spirit Science is any different. Much of the content on this website has issues. The writers ignore very basic facts about the world. These facts can be discovered by anyone who sincerely seeks the truth. I’m not going to go through any of the errors specifically, as that is something you should do for yourself.

    All I ask is that you question the content on this website, and do research for yourself.

    Keep seeking the truth.

    1. Pony i got banned again, this time for apperently trolling Actualist who managed to slip out of my ignore list, I strongly have te feeling to be trolled influenced by another member who was online at that time and got banned before.
      TBH my reasoning was That i dont like actualist, many people dont like him, i thought he was banned long ago, he calls me or other people illuminati often, oviously this is getting on peoples nerves.
      Sure i believe he deserves a chance but not if he slips out of ignore lists
      Now i am banned and the unproffesional mods pissed at me or unempathic

  9. Thanks for posting my earlier invite to read my true spiritual experience. Thanks all for reading my blog. I have a new post “Flood of Spiritual energy on an Indian Train” please read and comment thanks again

  10. This is a request by me to shut down the chat room on this chat. If anybody here knows any other chat room moderators who are also engaged in other chat services I am suggesting they shut those services down too. It should be prohibited under law to allow any website to engage in any other chat form than email. Chat rooms are a run by persons whose intent is to steal personal information from others with the intent to sell that information to a third party. They are furthermore involved with agressive actions towards persons who have had no criminal record. This means that if they find out that if somebody who is on chat has had no criminal record they will attack those. Which is why people are attacked on chat. It is to frame them for no apparent reason with the intent to cause them to behave irrationally. Do not buy or sell any products made by people who are actively engaged in managing or moderating social chat.

  11. Im lost and don’t know where to start. My eyes are open. Im scared for my family more than anything. Trying to bring this up or any subject related to NWO, Illuminati, fema, usa government etc. Is always met with ignorance, anger and they refuse to even look at the evidence. This scares me the most because it makes me feel like there is no hope for them or myself. My own Mother is s believer in the paranormal and many other out there ideas but she puts a wall up when it comes to the subjects at hand. I don’t where to begin to reach this christ conciousness or how to prepare myself and things I can do to help my family…please all comments are welcome…thank you. [email protected]

    1. I know exactly how you feel! I feel so alone lost in this crazy world! So many OBVIOUS signs in your face everyday AND so many cant see. I try speaking to my family but it feels like they look at me like I’m nutz! And I have such an overwhelming feeling of speaking of all these things I’m waking up to.

  12. ummm he has no girlfriend, lives in a third world country, and will still be a broke loser in a third world country his whole life, get rekt. his biggest accomplishment and source of pride is modding a chat room. he’s a big wheel down at the cracker factory.

  13. Chronomage is a fucking butt boy faggot who thinks he’s an internet tough guy. Fuck you butt boy fag.

    1. shut up
      chrono is a beautiful soul and you are a h8er because he shreds and gets all the babes and all you know how to do is crap ur pants

      1. nice try chronomage everyone knows you come and make up fake nick names and say chrnomage is awsome you pycho!

  14. For the record: Aedra is Aedra. Phaeton is Phaeton. Stop being confused and paranoid about “trolls”, you fucking trolls.

    Why, yes, trolls moderate this community with their broken perception. Genius thinking is not allowed.

    Y’know, there are cryptic consequences for things like this.


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