Category Archives: Discoveries

Documents Leaked By Edward Snowden Reveal An Incredible Secret Buried Below Our Feet

For those who don’t know who Edward Snowden is, it’s crucial we get you caught up to understand the gravity of what has unfolded. Snowden is a former employee of the CIA, computer professional, and former contractor for the US Government. In 2013, Snowden copied a number of classified documents from the US National Security Information. The information contained multiple global surveillance programs. These programs are the result of the combined efforts of the NSA and Five Eyes with cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments.

Snowden’s disclosure was massive: including 15,000 or more Australian files,over 58,000 files of Britain and over 1.7 million files of the NSA. Some of the information was instant message conversations and general talking points. The manner in which he took the information make it nearly impossible to tell what exactly he copied, until he releases it. Naturally he was brought up on charges of espionage, treason and theft. For more information see his website.

He fled to Russia where he was granted asylum for a year. This turned into three years, and now he has been granted asylum in Venezuela. Now that his future is looking a little more secure, he has released more information about our government’s hidden agendas.

He claims that there is not only a humanoid, sentient species living in hydro thermal vents, underground and under the polar caps, but that our governments have known about them since the 90’s.

“Because ballistic missile tracking systems and deep-sea sonar are kept as state secrets, scientists don’t have access to data about these objects. However, most of the contractors at DARPA are sure that there is a species more intelligent than homo sapiens living in the mantle of the Earth. It makes sense, if you think about it, because that is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles may live at different temperatures than us, but they have been able to thrive and develop intelligence at a seemingly accelerated rate. That’s not true, because they’ve simply evolved at the same rate, but without many of the vicissitudes which set back surface life . . .
“The president receives daily briefings about their activities. Analysts believe their technology to be so far advanced that we stand little chance of survival in any potential war. The general sentiment is that we are but ants from their perspective, so there is little chance they would empathize or attempt to communicate with us, and the current contingency plan is to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caverns to ‘sting’ the foe we have no hope of destroying in hopes it would discourage further attacks.”


This affirmation of the government keeping such dangerous secrets from the public are deeply unsettling. The fact that we have plans to attack this unknown group of sentients with out informing the public or seeking out communication with the other species is even more unsettling.

10 Must-Read Spiritual Books That Will Honor Your Soul

HEY! You clicked this link because your interested in getting smarter, living better, being more knowledgeable or simply passing an afternoon without Facebook? Well how are you do expect to finish a book if you can’t even give an article a try?

This list is a compromise between a few people who are important to me and my own searches. We hope to give you a list that will be practical and accessible, but most of all entertaining. If you don’t see something that you feel NEEDS to be mentioned please post it so everyone can see!

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Well known for his severely blunt attitude towards nonsense in every form, Rinpoche Trungpa writes in a similar but compassionate vein. This is a must read for EVERY modern spiritualist out there. When I read this my own perceptions were more finely tuned.

We can deceive ourselves into thinking we are developing spirituality when instead we are strengthening our egocentricity through spiritual techniques.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Finding Freedom: Jarvis Jay Masters

Masters wrote this from death row, the entire time he claimed his innocence. A highly emotional read for anyone, I would recommend this for anyone incarcerated, whose been through the system, or facing irresponsible life elements. This debuts the side of Buddhism in action you’ve never thought of. Masters creates his mala from Tylenol and jean fabric.

The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi: Ramana Maharshi

This book is the varied conversations between Ramana and international spiritual seekers. Ramana’s style of teaching is famously non denominational. He asks’ Who am I’ repetitiously to convey his message. This book can be shared between religious groups with reliable ease.

Be Here Now: Ram Dass

Is probably one of the most famous western author of mindfulness and meditation. Be Here Now is the most commonly read of his books, but in seriousness you could pick up anything he wrote and find it alarmingly profound. He is one of a handful of authors that literally makes me smile or laugh with the beauty of his revelations. Covering a wide set of practices and stories of travel, you are bound to learn or laugh.

A Gradual Awakening:  Stephen Levine

Levine offers very practical and accessible meditative practices in this book. Many people I know started with this book to build their initial practice. From the ground up it is an excellent guide for the development and stages of mindfulness. As a fun tid-bit, if this bloke’s name seems familiar it may be because his son is Noah Levine (Dharma Punks, Against the Stream very good traveler’s reads)!

A Brief History of Everything:  Ken Wilber

This entertaining foray into key individual’s place in history. The focus sways over a staggering number of topics, everything from multiculturalism, ecology, gender wars, environmental ethics to equality. Wilber does a great job finding hidden connections and keeping audiences amazed.

The Places That Scare You: Pema Chodron

A student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Chodron definitely has no tolerance for bull. With out fear she will help readers grip the inherent wisdom and strength we already have. She aptly points out patterns and fear that keep us ‘where we are’.

The Awakening of Intelligence: Jiddu Krishnamurti

Not the most famous of his works, this book is a wider venue of ideas. He touches on ideas and concept that apply to ANYONE living in the modern world. He is a teacher if Vendata, and presents things in a non dualistic manner. This is probably not a beginner’s book as the content is very heavy. While I am always happy to to help a person start their path, I feel I neglect those further along. This one is for you my friends.

The Heart Of The Buddha’s Teachings: Transforming Suffering Into Peace And Joy  Thich Nhat Hanh

I love this man and his teachings more than any others! My bias is due to he was the first one to explain mental concepts to me, helping me grasp the nature of the mania that was destroying my life. This book is the most basic and fundamental aspects and view points into Buddhism. This former advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King has a way of inspiring compassion in ways that made me giggle. I handed my copies of his books to many a prisoner, who normally wasn’t Buddhist. They all, with out fail came back with new insights and desires to love. This book is highly recommended to anyone trying to figure out how to meditate or curious what Buddhism truly is.

The Self-Aware Universe:  Amit Goswami.
The Disappearance of the Universe: Gary Renard

This book covers a lot of scientific ground. While slightly outdated, it makes for an accessible read for most. Mainly focused on the Vedic side of science, it helps people understand concepts behind the nature of the universe and time, with the help of well written alterations.

Backed By Science: Your Intentions And Thoughts Create Your Physical World

Dr. Masaru Emoto is internationally renowned researcher and alternative healer. His water molecule experiments were featured in the film What the Bleep Do We Know? His experiments have the consistent theme of demonstrating human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality.

This rice experiment is simple and easy to recreate. It calls focus to the different effect of positive and negative thoughts.


Dr. Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into clear containers. He then labeled one ‘you fool’ and the other ‘thank you’.

He placed the containers at the entrance to a school. The students were instructed to say the labels aloud to the jars everyday as they entered the school. The results were astounding.

After thirty days of daily communication, there was a notable change between the two. The jar labeled ‘you fool’ decomposed at an accelerated rate. The negative thoughts and intentions had a profound effect of making the rice breakdown faster.

Science-Meditation-Mind-Molecular-Zen-BrainThe jar labeled ‘thank you’, showed almost no decomposition. The positivity helped to maintain the structure and health of the rice.

This evidence of thoughts interacting with the physical plain has far reaching implications.

We have yet to begin to quantify the exact exchange that occurs from our thoughts, but the implications are there, waiting for someone to unlock it.

Studies Show Some Animals Can See Our Electromagnetic Fields & Auras

Animals have a more apt set of senses than their human counterparts. While scientists have been able to observe and quantify behavior indicative of higher senses, we’ve only recently begun to break down the ‘how’ of these phenomena.

Cryptochromes are light sensitive molecules that exist in all bacteria, plants and animals. In animals, these molecules control the host’s circadian rhythms.shutterstock_250656241

These rhythms control the animals sleep cycle. Cryptochromes are what help birds literally see magnetic fields. Specifically cyrptochrome 1a is directly involved in the light dependent magnetic orientation response and is located in the photo-receptors in bird’s eyes.

The Max Planck Institute for Brain Research is looking into the matter more intensely. Researchers have detected cryptochrome 1 in several mammalian species thus far. It is believed that any animal with this cryptochrome have the ability to visually inspect magnetic fields.

Birds, for instance, migrate with normally unerring accuracy. It’s not as though the birds have compasses in their eyes, but rather can see the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to the Earth’s surface. A key element of cryptochrome 1a is that it must be simultaneously activated by light in order to react to magnetic fields.shutterstock_376078513

In every case that cryptochrome 1a has been found in mammalian and avian species, it has been located in the blue to UV sensitive cones. Continue reading

The Secret Influence of Sanskrit On Our Modern Languages

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. Etymologists are finding evidence of Sanskrit being layered in with Greek, Latin and Germanic Languages. This is interesting because the languages on either side of a particular mountain range don’t look anything a like.

This shows that there was not only extensive travel (and probably trade to fund the travel) but mutually beneficial relationships between various races and kingdoms. For them to be communicating this thoroughly, on multiple personal and familial levels, is extraordinary. It shines more light on the beautiful differences between us all, while highlighting the unmistakable similarities.shutterstock_98494304

Language is the agreed upon sounds for mutually understood ideas and actions. Every word and phrase is a contract of understanding between the people who speak and hear the agreement. You show me an apple. I see the apple. We agree on the enunciation of the word apple. Trade, travel and war spread words and the ideas they represent across the globe.

The similarities are witha number of common words I never would have guessed were influenced by Sanskrit. See a List of Greek/Latin/English words that have been influenced by Sanskrit here. I found that the Sanskrit word ‘aadim’ (the first or most ancient man) had influenced Adam’s name pretty cool. The name Korea was influenced by ‘Gauriya’ meaning Gouri, a Vedic Goddess mind blowing.

To Break down the idea of language a little we’ll say a word has a particular meaning in England. That same word carried across the ocean to Canada, still carries the same meaning. A new agreement is made between the traveler and a Canadian. Lets say the word is ‘hunger’, and the people in England are experiencing a drought. This means, in England, the word holds unique connotations.

While a little of the history is inferred by the Canadian, as he sees the thin Englishmen talk about home, there is no drought in Canada. As this new word for hunger circulates through Canada, the connotation changes. The change in its meaning means people use it in a different context, and the pronunciation begins to vary.

shutterstock_243358807 (1)Today the Internet makes a secure intellectual net, holding together languages and ideas. Without it, geographical separation and time would have a more visible wear on our shared terms. The change in our languages now comes as a very slow movement, powered more but social stresses and attitudes toward certain topics. Any previously regional form of speech is still present but there not as much word spontaneity as there was in the past. Most language changes are influenced by technological advances.

This influence happened because of the popularity of the Vedic culture. To keep up with the most current terms and agreed upon ideas cultures wouldn’t try to create their own version of Sanskrit words. They would just use the original word. The same thing happens in modern times with words like processor, internet, and other technical names. At first there is no translations of these words, until people feel comfortable enough with their end of the agreement.

Coca Cola Funded Their Own Study, Stating Drinking Coke Is Healthier Than Water

Yes, you read the headline correctly. To be sure, Coke funded a study that did in fact ‘prove’ their product is healthier than water. Water being the most basic and fundamental element to our health, this is an astonishing claim. To reiterate, Coke funded this study.

The finest doctors from Nestle, Mars, Unilever, Pepsi and Coca Cola make up the back bone of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). The ILSI funded the study:Does low energy sweetener consumption affect energy intake and body weight?’. There was a small acknowledgement that the authors were employees and shareholders of companies that manufacture products containing sugars and low energy sweeteners.

The study did not disclose that  the co authors each received 750 Euro’s (about 850 American dollars). When asked about the intentional lack of information, the response was priceless, other organizations had supported the work and it had not provided details of funding for ‘reasons of space’.

Members of society at large argued against the study, for its conflict of interest. Members of the scientific community pointed out the fact that the document was peer reviewed and is riddled with mistakes in methodology and wild speculations. Peer reviews have a large capacity for allowing mistakes to go ‘unnoticed’.

Cardiologist and adviser to the National Obesity Forum, Dr. Aseem Malhotra said, “To suggest that diet drinks are more healthy than drinking water is laughable unscientific nonsense.

This isn’t the first time Coca Cola’s audacity has surpassed the public’c and academia’s gullibility. Last year the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine was gifted with one million dollars from the beverage company to promote their diet drinks.

The University was supposed to promote Cola’s diet drinks while down playing  the role of their drinks in the obesity epidemic.  The University declined and returned the funds very publicly.

Cola tried to make this exchange seem like a ‘hands off’ deal but email correspondence showed that the company was trying to manipulate science as a public relations tactic. Coke’s chief health and science officer, Rhona Appelbaum wrote, “Akin to a political campaign, we will develop, deploy and evolve a powerful and multi-faceted strategy to counter radical organizations and their proponents.

This is just one example of corporations influencing science as a PR tactic. It happens all the time as these behemoths try to humanize their actions and products. Its disgusting that these companies would try to pervert truth so thoroughly, to simply turn a profit.