Spirit Science

PatchLogoSMLSpirit Science is the animated series that started it all. The show follows Patchman, a little multidimensional patch-doll who takes you on a journey into the unknown and begins a long discussion about what it means to be Spiritual.

Thoughts, Chakras, Sacred-Geometry, Astral Travel, and even Atlantis, through Spirit Science we look at all of these topics.

Most people don’t realize that there is a very powerful connection between Spirituality and Science. All of our modern scientific fields are slowly but surely coming full circle in understanding a very cosmic connection between all things.

All of the atoms, particles, plants, animals, humans, and galaxies, all function under very similar patterns and principles of existence. Through the understanding of these patterns, we can grow in awareness of who we really are, and where our place is in the cosmos.

Lesson Guide

Lesson 1 – Thoughts

Patchman begins your journey into the unknown with the basics. Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you.

Lesson 2 – Chakras

In this lesson, we take a look at Chakras, and how your body picks up energy on a vibratory level. Last week, a few people didn’t understand HOW thoughts affected you, but did you know that your body has a system for doing so?

Lesson 3 – Channeling

We talk about one of the methods to communicating with beings of consciousness both higher, and lower than ourselves. We also talk about animal communication and how you yourself can also do it.

Lesson 4 – Male and Female Energy

This week we talk about two parts of an incredible whole, Male and Female. No, not gender, but energy. There are 3 parts to this one, First, Energy. Then we look at Brain Hemispheres, and then the Indigo Children and Super Psychics (Because i promised we’d talk about that after lesson 2).

Lesson 5 – The Keys of Our Past

In this lesson, we cover 3 topics, ranging from alien life, all the way to the precession of the Equinox. Human history is more than we know.

Lesson 6 – The Flower of Life

Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It’s the ancient secret of the Flower of Life.

Lesson 7 – Dimensions

Patchman takes you on a quest to understand the dimensional levels, and where we are on that scale. We also take a look at some Particle Physics, and touch upon Leonardo Da Vinci!

Lesson 8 – Meditation

In this video, lets get Meditational!

Lesson 9 – Astral Projection

In this lesson we look at the phenomenon known as Astral Projection, and also other out of body states, dimensions, and even life and death! all wrapped up with a nice little surprise at the end :)

Lesson 10 – Math of God

This week, we dive back into the Sacred Geometry pool to talk about spirals and sequences that all life strives towards, and at the end we look at the 2nd informational unraveling of the Fruit of Life.

Lesson 11 – Evolution

Today, we look at the aspect that Consciousness plays in the role of Evolution, and the evolution that’s happening to us right now as a species on planet earth.

Lesson 11_11 ~ DNA Activation

This is an addendum of Lesson 11, which covers what it means to activate your DNA, and evolve as a being of light!

Lesson 12 – The Human History Movie

Human History in review – 2 Years Later

The story of Human History is not what we know. Modern society tells us that we just evolved from monkeys thousands of years ago and now here we are. But if our evolution was so natural, why is everything so broken and screwed up? Through communication with Astral Entities, along with many ancient texts across all religions, as well as many other sources, we have begun to see our history is not what we know. This 5 part episode is the Human History story according to the Atlantean being known as Thoth. Now, were not saying “THIS” is what happened in our history. This is only Thoth’s perception of it. That may even lead us to ask, who is Thoth…?

– The movie was originally split into 5 individual parts, if you would like to watch them separately, these videos are here –

– Part 1 – Rise of Atlantis –     – Part 2 – Atlantean Catastrophe –

– Part 3 – The Solution –       – Part 4 – The Fall –

– Part 5 – The New Beginning –

Lesson 13 – The Crystal Movie

This half-hour special is all about Crystals. What are they, what do they do, how do they work, in what ways can you use them, what is Orgonite and the Crystal Movement, and much, much more! This lesson goes into everything! We highly recommend checking it out and getting into Crystals!

-This episode was originally 4 parts long, you can see them separately here!-

~ Part 1 – What are Crystals ~     ~ Part 2 – Crystal Uses ~

~ Part 3 – Crystal Types ~     ~ Part 4 – Crystal Movement ~

Lesson 14 ~ Insights of Ascension

This lesson goes over the 9 insights of Ascension described in the book “The Celestine Prophecy”. The book follows the pathway from Waking up to becoming a consciously ascended being of love and light. Wake up, for the time is now. Also, check out the Celestine Prophecy if you have a chance!

Lesson 15 ~ Power of the Heart

The heart has an electromagnetic field that is 4,000x stronger than the brain! It also has its own neural-network of brain cells, as well as has the ability to change the world around you! You are a powerful being, and understanding the field around the heart has a lot to do with it.

Lesson 16 – The Shift of Ages

One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked is “What do you think will happen with 2012?”. We thought the best way to shed light on the situation was simply to make a video about it! So without further ado, here is our 2012 video!

Lesson Mailbag: Meaning

Where is meaning found? What is meaningful in your life? In this episode, we discuss that very topic.

Lesson 17 – Universal Geometry

Consider this “The Flower of Life – Part 2”, we round out the Flower of Life discussion, and open up some new topics as well.

Lesson 18 – The Four Elements

In this episode, we look more closely at how the platonic solids interact with the world, parallel realities, and a really cool painting :D

Lesson 19 – Cosmic Connections

Everything is connected. You are part of a hierarchy of awareness that you aren’t even aware of!!

Lesson 20 ~ Water

What is Water? Why is it so crucial to life? Lets ask some questions about water, and see what we find out…

Lesson 21 ~ The Torus

The Torus is one of the fundamental building blocks of all reality. How does it work?

Lesson 22 ~ The Light Movie (In Production)

Part 1 ~ EnLIGHTenment         Part 2 ~ Cycles n’ Sine Waves

Part 3 ~ The God Particles           Part 4 ~ Source Energy

If Light is the first form created, we should be able to map that out both scientifically, and spiritually…shouldn’t we?

The Debunker Showdown

This is a video response to some hecklers…. :P

666 thoughts on “Spirit Science”

  1. As a film maker wading through all the knowledge that is coming to us these days, I commend the amazing job that you have done with these spirit science videos. I have just viewed your latest in the series but would like to make one comment, have you also considered the science of Dr Walter Russell? (and also Dr Mehran Keshe) they have some interesting ideas about the nature of light, electricity and magnetism, and gravity.
    I was a research biochemist, who then discovered Tesla, Steiner, Russell and now Keshe. They have reshaped my thoughts on these subjects. Keep up the great work of enlightening us all. :)

  2. I had another question if you would be kind enough to help me out with it. Could the fall of consciousness be because we did merge with the male species successfully and almost formed a super species? I mean this just completely out of curiosity but I feel like this analogy somewhat explains why our consciousness could have fallen:

    There was female and male, which then merged into male if I understand correctly:


    (in this analogy software, and the old Male species is PC and the old Female species is Mac and we are now Linux)

    So what I am wondering is if the conscious is like a software that is made to be read by a certain type of reader (“brain”) So in the past we had purely Windows on Mars after the Lucifer experiment, then we had OSX on earth for Atlantis. Then the merging of these two species formed, they battled but in the midst of the chaos no one was victor and we ended up merging. (please let me know if I have misconstrued any of this) And becoming more left brained, but genetics brought back the right brain traits as well as we are seeing more commonly now. My question is:


    What if we lost our consciousness (software for ease of communication) because our bodies (Computer developer for ease of communication) went from apple OSX programs on earth (Safari, iPhoto, iTunes etc..) and PC Windows programs (microsoft excel etc…) on Mars and at time time of the loss of consciousness we actually shifted to A linux as a combination of the left and right brain, which would leave new software needing to be coded and updated as we have gone through the last 13,000yrs and it finally now is reaching Alpha or Beta levels of development depending on perspective, updates being made by ourselves and our actions and choices while also being assisted from the higher levels of vibration to write a new code

    (like an overseer/guide for when we get stuck, then the answer suddenly is beamed to the consciousness grid and once person picks up the message and sends the signal back to the consciousness grid amplifying it and putting the final “patches” on it themselves, controlling tiny parts of how we perceive this data.)

    This also leads me into understanding Quantum Mechanics a little easier, if we did start off originally with only one portion of our brain being able to be accessed due to the code still being uploaded until we reached an evolution point (which we theorize as being 2010-2013 per Mayan calendar) where we have started opening up Pt. 2 of our brain, and the multi-dimensional theories are now being understood and processed, and then another level where we hit Pt.3 of our brain (for now I assume the pineal gland, or with all of the new brain studies I’m sure we will find new information on the brain, or more info on the subconscious, roughly theorized were only using 10-20% of our brain… leaving 80-90% of the coding to still be finished until we reach the fifth dimension, of course this is very roughly put on the brain usage and I’m sure it varies)


    Here is my question/suggestion, I feel like we have successfully merged as a left and right brain, and we still have some purely PC’s and purely Apple’s running around, then we have the new Linux

    (basing it off the estimate of early 80’s indigo children and 90’s-00’s Crystal children, which the best I can describe is they are both linux systems but Crystal children got the new update.)

    And the consciousness grid coming back into form, but wouldn’t our left brains nearly mimicked (or possibly vice versa right brain mimicked the left etc..) The consciousness grid by slowly building a man made internet, which also helps both sides left and right brain, just as the consciousness grid can by asking for help and calling to the higher vibrations for guidance? Not comparing quality of help by any means, I definitely have my beliefs on our species current stage :P.

    (And wouldn’t this actually be a duality of dimensions then that we are truly overlapping between spirituality and physical beings, proving that alternate dimensions do exist and that we are indeed living in multiple dimensions, I ask this out of a long shot, but I think with all the scientific debate, if somehow we could redo the hundredth monkey test or prove that someone called upon a knowledge from the vibrations and it was accurate, wouldn’t that totally prove Spirit Science in current scientific terms with absolutely no debate. The debate part could be knocked out by repeating this experiment and multiple people would have to be observed, with guidance being provided on multiple subjects I would assume. I am no way saying this should or needs to be done because I believe this and I know that belief is all that you need and the idea will prove itself on its own, but just I wrote this just to maybe bring up a new suggestion/perspective to have more underlying connections and to maybe help diversify the knowledge. I am very analytical and I feel that this subject was somewhat hard to follow, but I know people who are far more analytical than me and it seems that analogies (especially with it being 2014, everyone loves computers) really help explain the point to people who either deny it because they can’t comprehend, or deny it because of fear or not being able to get a good perspective on a abstract subject. Then there is the fun side also of trying to meditate or explain this to someone while keeping you’re mind and spirit calm and trying to do something you are still learning and they are trying to carve through everything you do. It really made it hard for me to align myself with someone around me who was trying to prevent it which I know doesn’t affect that this is a real thing, but it does also increase energy/momentum of disbelief/disassociation from the people who don’t believe this. I have no idea how to check if that would be true or helpful at all but I thought maybe it would help paint the picture for the more literal people)

    Abstract/question follow up:

    I feel like that was really a mutual building or a sign of a evolved species from what our past records indicate. I’m not saying its so but I was wondering if there is any way to get a response on that or if it would even be plausible. This also makes me believe the octave idea that was brought up with the Chakra’s and how our vibration goes through a cycle then you move up one octave or down, and maybe our only way to make it to the next octave was to implement another trait of another race while we are still on our way to become 5th dimensional beings. I just feel like the message really is coexist more than pick one side and try to absolutely uphold it, and I wasn’t sure if that was what was being conveyed or if the message was try to be more right brained overall and don’t worry about the left.

    I’m trying to explain it unbiasedly and show you how my brain connected the dots to understand, and also asking if maybe the left brain + the right brain = the most effective outcome? If possible please let me know I would appreciate it if I’m wrong or not, just trying to make sure I’m getting the picture that is being painted.


  3. Dude…i want to thank you so much for making things so clear.I usually don’t believe anything someone says..and usually do a lot of research for new things i’m interested in (as i did with this topic).But this just found a way to fuse everything i believed to be true but i couldn’t explain. I’m just so glad that you made these videos.May peace be upon you.

  4. Hi Jordan and Friends,

    I just rewatched your Singularity video, and at 4mins in, I was reminded of another cool video I saw. And I wondered if you had seen it yet. Here it is: http://youtu.be/C4V-ooITrws

    Pretty interesting (and the music is kinda groovy too)…I think you are both into something here and it seemed like a very logical connection to me!

    I hope you enjoy. And thanks for all the hard work. I think I’ve seen every one of your videos, except the Sacred Geometry movie…just need to make some time for that one…but always good stuff.


  5. Hi there Jordan & Spirit Science!
    I want to thank you for being an available resource with great knowledge and information.
    It amazes me, I had my spiritual awakening just before the end of 2012. I am astonished that others, just like me have also gone through the same, and we all speak of our individual awakenings like we have share the same start to a new path, same terminology, expressing same feelings, disconnecting from things which, well no longer seem relevant and connecting with things that have always mattered, but weren’t quite seen. I know this is all not coincidence. There are many topics that Spirit Science shares, that is great! And I can’t wait to see which direction the future takes us! :) (but lets settle for the now.)
    Thank you.

  6. Before I start commenting on this website, I feel I should tell you a little bit about myself. I guess the start of my spiritual awakening was in 2007 when my Grandad died. First I had an OBE where I met up with him and he gave me some guidance. This led me to go to a Clairvoyant. Very slowly I started to awaken more but had no idea about what was actually happening.
    I had worked in retail and then accountancy. Then in May 2013, I found a shop called Angelic Realms that have helped my progress further, teaching me how to ground and protect myself, meditate, psychic development etc… With their guidance, I decided to work in a bar instead of an office. I met a wide range of different people and learnt a few lessons along the way. This shop did help me immensely, but I was still making the same mistakes, following the same kinds of patterns up until December 2013. I was in need of something a bit more powerful.
    Then the Universe gave me the biggest helping hand ever!! I got introduced to your Spirit Science lessons in January this year, by a very Spiritual Friend that came back into my life after 16 years. By the end of January I joined the easyjet cabin crew training program. After 6 flights at the end of February, I got eustachian tube dysfunction in both ears. This has led me to being off sick for the last 2 months. I have had so much time on my hands but I believe this has all happened for a very good reason.
    The last 5 months of my life have seen a massive change for the better. I was totally engrossed by the lessons I was watching with my Friend. We would stay up till 4am watching them. It was like time did not exist. I have learnt a lot in my life. I liked all the creative things like music, art, dance etc… but I chose to go down the academic route. I did well at school, when I was 27 I did an accountancy course, when I was 30 I did a small business course. I have always found memorizing a bunch of information and regurgitating it all at the end quite an easy task.
    Watching Spirit Science has made me realize that none of that stuff really made much sense to me. I just did as I was told, excepted the information as fact and never questioned it. None of what I learnt previous to Spirit Science has helped me live a happy, fulfilling life. While watching Spirit Science, not once did I think, I don’t understand this, it doesn’t make sense. To me, for the first time in my life, it is something that makes perfect sense. Like I already knew it, but just needed to be awoken to the truth again. I realize that in an ideal world, I would not have gone to primary school, then secondary school, then college as we know it now…I would have gone to the Spirit Science school of Spirituality. I would have been excited to go to school. I watched some of the lessons with my Friend then recently (with all my spare time), I enjoyed watching all the 25 Spirit Science lessons, the 13 Pair O’ Dime Shifts, the 5 Patch Parables and the 4 Panic to Freedom videos.
    There is still so much to explore on your website and I am really looking forward to doing that. I am putting your teachings into practice, some consciously and some I’ve been doing without thinking about it. I do share a lot of videos and posts on Facebook and hopefully that will get other people looking at your website. I think what you are doing is such a huge favor for mankind and I want to thank you for helping me and all the other people who have had the privilege of discovering this amazing website.
    I have now completed my Reiki 1. The thought of helping people clear their chakra’s to hopefully live happier and more fulfilling lives, fills me with a satisfaction I have never felt before. I am no longer buying into the propaganda of how society dictates we should live. I am about to sell my car and get a bike, so I can enjoy nature, get free exercise, not get ripped off with car insurance, petrol and tax. I no longer watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers. I have nothing to do with mainstream media at all, only alternative online news. From now on I will only do jobs that I love, not for the money, but for my own well-being. I plan to build an earthship in the future out of tyres, earth, recycled bottles etc… so I don’t need to be ripped off with gas, electricity, water etc…
    I have never felt so much freedom. I am happier than I have ever been before. And thanks to my Friend, my Higher Self and the Spirit Science Team, fear of the unknown is no longer holding me back. I appreciate and am so grateful for the knowledge and enlightenment I have gained. Thank You <3

    1. Dangerous, the only spiritual freedom you will ever truly have is found only in the bible.

      1. I just read this comment and while I can see why someone with an organized belief system would feel this to be dangerous because it doesn’t fit within a structure they were brought up upon let me just say this with perfect love and respect….I too was brought up on organized religion and quite honestly, it’s a beautiful and sacred thing.
        Belief and faith in something larger than ourselves and shared among a large group of people is pretty amazing! Your loyalty Anonymous to your belief is commendable and no one here, I don’t think, is looking to supplement your belief system but instead give another take or perspective on the whole picture to those open to it.
        The makers of Spirit Science (and I’m not speaking for them) have acknowledged the Bible and its legends in their videos before and have not discredited anything but just added a “what if” element. This “what if” element gives others a chance to branch out a bit, stretch their….spiritual perspectives to draw their own conclusions just like there are many versions of the Good Book out there because different people need different perspectives to better see the whole picture sometimes.
        I think the concept of community and light runs parallel to many organized belief systems. The idea of…if we all come together and help each other then we would finally be free from the darkness and anguish that currently resides in the world due to corrupt governments, war, pollution, etc etc., is kind of cool. The Bible gives the same message of free will and choice to do for your fellow man or go in the “other” direction.
        Anyway, I am not here to play devils advocate (no joke intended here) but just want you to know Anonymous that you are acknowledged and appreciated for your view, I hope you will reciprocate that respect and appreciation and I wish you all the very best in your continued spiritual journey.

        With lots of love and light….

  7. Thank you for beginning the enlightenment process for me as well as my friends who continue to support and grow with the series.

  8. Hello, Jordan. I just wanted to tell you how impressed and fascinated I am with your series, concepts, and lessons of spirituality. Though I find a few concepts a bit too far out for me to accept, I am a devout Buddhist and consider myself open to any and all possibilities. Your lessons are inspirational as well as entertaining, intelligent, and overall just plain pleasant to watch. I am going through some trouble in my life right now, and your videos have given me a spiritual boost. You probably get this a lot, but my favorite video of yours so far is the Human History video, because it’s so mind-boggling, strange, and contradictory to common knowledge, but at the same time it makes so much sense.

    Kudos to you and all your associates!

    1. The sign of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in mind at the same time and retain the ability to function.

  9. Hi Jordan, cant seem to find a way to mail you!
    But i would really like you to watch this clip about Rael and his Raelian symbolism.


    Look through appearences and see what you see.

    What i see?
    The journalist pretty much just moves focus from the important message to sexism that he so eagerly wants to talk about. Or How much the swastika is disturbing the jews

    Pretty much being a “ufo” religion and what he has to say it might have relation to something.
    Couldnt stop thinking about the human history movie. :D

    Nevertheless just a thought. :)

  10. Love what you have done with this place. Wading through it all, making a mental note to revisit the best bits (and there are a lot of those!)
    I am amazed that you seem to cover every aspect of esotericism. How do you find the time? I am 5 years into the BOTA correspondence course and still feel like I am wading through mud. I started with Aleister Crowley when I was 13. Now 43 and definately none the wiser. I do have a library of theory in my brain though. Shame it doesn’t come out and get done as much as I want it too. lol

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