Spirit Science

PatchLogoSMLSpirit Science is the animated series that started it all. The show follows Patchman, a little multidimensional patch-doll who takes you on a journey into the unknown and begins a long discussion about what it means to be Spiritual.

Thoughts, Chakras, Sacred-Geometry, Astral Travel, and even Atlantis, through Spirit Science we look at all of these topics.

Most people don’t realize that there is a very powerful connection between Spirituality and Science. All of our modern scientific fields are slowly but surely coming full circle in understanding a very cosmic connection between all things.

All of the atoms, particles, plants, animals, humans, and galaxies, all function under very similar patterns and principles of existence. Through the understanding of these patterns, we can grow in awareness of who we really are, and where our place is in the cosmos.

Lesson Guide

Lesson 1 – Thoughts

Patchman begins your journey into the unknown with the basics. Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you.

Lesson 2 – Chakras

In this lesson, we take a look at Chakras, and how your body picks up energy on a vibratory level. Last week, a few people didn’t understand HOW thoughts affected you, but did you know that your body has a system for doing so?

Lesson 3 – Channeling

We talk about one of the methods to communicating with beings of consciousness both higher, and lower than ourselves. We also talk about animal communication and how you yourself can also do it.

Lesson 4 – Male and Female Energy

This week we talk about two parts of an incredible whole, Male and Female. No, not gender, but energy. There are 3 parts to this one, First, Energy. Then we look at Brain Hemispheres, and then the Indigo Children and Super Psychics (Because i promised we’d talk about that after lesson 2).

Lesson 5 – The Keys of Our Past

In this lesson, we cover 3 topics, ranging from alien life, all the way to the precession of the Equinox. Human history is more than we know.

Lesson 6 – The Flower of Life

Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It’s the ancient secret of the Flower of Life.

Lesson 7 – Dimensions

Patchman takes you on a quest to understand the dimensional levels, and where we are on that scale. We also take a look at some Particle Physics, and touch upon Leonardo Da Vinci!

Lesson 8 – Meditation

In this video, lets get Meditational!

Lesson 9 – Astral Projection

In this lesson we look at the phenomenon known as Astral Projection, and also other out of body states, dimensions, and even life and death! all wrapped up with a nice little surprise at the end :)

Lesson 10 – Math of God

This week, we dive back into the Sacred Geometry pool to talk about spirals and sequences that all life strives towards, and at the end we look at the 2nd informational unraveling of the Fruit of Life.

Lesson 11 – Evolution

Today, we look at the aspect that Consciousness plays in the role of Evolution, and the evolution that’s happening to us right now as a species on planet earth.

Lesson 11_11 ~ DNA Activation

This is an addendum of Lesson 11, which covers what it means to activate your DNA, and evolve as a being of light!

Lesson 12 – The Human History Movie

Human History in review – 2 Years Later

The story of Human History is not what we know. Modern society tells us that we just evolved from monkeys thousands of years ago and now here we are. But if our evolution was so natural, why is everything so broken and screwed up? Through communication with Astral Entities, along with many ancient texts across all religions, as well as many other sources, we have begun to see our history is not what we know. This 5 part episode is the Human History story according to the Atlantean being known as Thoth. Now, were not saying “THIS” is what happened in our history. This is only Thoth’s perception of it. That may even lead us to ask, who is Thoth…?

– The movie was originally split into 5 individual parts, if you would like to watch them separately, these videos are here –

– Part 1 – Rise of Atlantis –     – Part 2 – Atlantean Catastrophe –

– Part 3 – The Solution –       – Part 4 – The Fall –

– Part 5 – The New Beginning –

Lesson 13 – The Crystal Movie

This half-hour special is all about Crystals. What are they, what do they do, how do they work, in what ways can you use them, what is Orgonite and the Crystal Movement, and much, much more! This lesson goes into everything! We highly recommend checking it out and getting into Crystals!

-This episode was originally 4 parts long, you can see them separately here!-

~ Part 1 – What are Crystals ~     ~ Part 2 – Crystal Uses ~

~ Part 3 – Crystal Types ~     ~ Part 4 – Crystal Movement ~

Lesson 14 ~ Insights of Ascension

This lesson goes over the 9 insights of Ascension described in the book “The Celestine Prophecy”. The book follows the pathway from Waking up to becoming a consciously ascended being of love and light. Wake up, for the time is now. Also, check out the Celestine Prophecy if you have a chance!

Lesson 15 ~ Power of the Heart

The heart has an electromagnetic field that is 4,000x stronger than the brain! It also has its own neural-network of brain cells, as well as has the ability to change the world around you! You are a powerful being, and understanding the field around the heart has a lot to do with it.

Lesson 16 – The Shift of Ages

One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked is “What do you think will happen with 2012?”. We thought the best way to shed light on the situation was simply to make a video about it! So without further ado, here is our 2012 video!

Lesson Mailbag: Meaning

Where is meaning found? What is meaningful in your life? In this episode, we discuss that very topic.

Lesson 17 – Universal Geometry

Consider this “The Flower of Life – Part 2”, we round out the Flower of Life discussion, and open up some new topics as well.

Lesson 18 – The Four Elements

In this episode, we look more closely at how the platonic solids interact with the world, parallel realities, and a really cool painting :D

Lesson 19 – Cosmic Connections

Everything is connected. You are part of a hierarchy of awareness that you aren’t even aware of!!

Lesson 20 ~ Water

What is Water? Why is it so crucial to life? Lets ask some questions about water, and see what we find out…

Lesson 21 ~ The Torus

The Torus is one of the fundamental building blocks of all reality. How does it work?

Lesson 22 ~ The Light Movie (In Production)

Part 1 ~ EnLIGHTenment         Part 2 ~ Cycles n’ Sine Waves

Part 3 ~ The God Particles           Part 4 ~ Source Energy

If Light is the first form created, we should be able to map that out both scientifically, and spiritually…shouldn’t we?

The Debunker Showdown

This is a video response to some hecklers…. :P

666 thoughts on “Spirit Science”

  1. I am not sure of what your idea of “God” is or what book your going to for information, but from what I’m seeing here is a random mix of proving religions and practices that are contradictive or forbidden using math and science. For example, “channeling” or “mediums” in (Lev.19:31; 20:6) is forbidden by God, considered unclean and detestable. It is true, however, you can obtain information by spiritual beings but they are demonic. I have heard some use the argument that the “spirits” are very “nice” and “loving” entities, but demons can be transformed into angels of light to deceive the world (2 Cor.11:14). Necromancy is considered in abomination (Deut.18:10-12). This idea of contacting loved ones, people “watching over you” or séances; if you believe you are actually contacting “people” your duped, brother……isn’t Scriptural, but demons can forge the dead. My Bible says to be absent from the body (i.e. dead) is to be present with God (2 Cor.5:8). It would be rather contradictive to say the one you love is in a better place (i.e. with Jesus) then say they are floating around here with “unfinished business” or specific purposes. Sounds like Casper to me. Math and science do NOT have all the answers. Believing in evolution and God is like saying your a Christian Atheist…..these two worldviews collide. One that struck me, if I saw it correctly was communication with animals…? Did I read that right? Do you mean like through emotion or the mind? Heh, I mean….I’ve seen the Wild Thornberry’s. I am going to stick with what the Bible says. If you get a chance to response, please tell me what “God” is proved by math.

      1. “friend” doubt it. “feel better” nope. You didn’t prove anything. By your ignorant statement, you have no answer to anything I said. Defending the claims of this religion you fell into is laughable.

    1. With all due repect, i think your missing the bigger picture. Man shouldnt seperate science from religion because they are two sides of the same coin. Science essentially just describes how things happen and why. /it just explains why the earth rotates on its axis why people astro project or why babies are born with anomolies. Religion is just annother explanation in a more historical ppoint of view. Seperating the two is just another way to beseperated into a duality fram of mind. The bigger picture is there just view science and religion as a whole.In the video he did say that beings that a person can come in contact with can trick you. Like you said be dressed as beings of light. and yes the bible will say your not supposed to and all this i wont say otherwise. All i will say is for the first king james version of the bible to be printed it first had to be authorized by the king him self. revisions and corrections mybe even rearangements to be what it is now. Im all for god, i dont want to piss him off or anything so im just going to end with this, im not trying to shake your belife sysytem here but i used to be a practicing christian myself so i know where your comming from. I want you to grow as do i want my self. Can i extend my hand to help you. Could i ask for your help questioning my faith? please let me know. I love you and i hope for the best

      1. I agree with you on some things here, but please here me out. Science confirms, but shouldn’t be the core of any faith otherwise faith would be dismissed. If you regard the two parallel, you will have trouble with faith. Science can not prove the existance of God nor can it prove any of the miracles spoken by His lips. Jesus’s walk on water, healings, virgin birth, resurrection and exorcisms can not be proven, but have been recorded by eyewitnesses. These are all taken in by faith. Science is correct, but science has also suffered scrutiny over the years because of man’s fallible interpretation on the evidence. Evolution is a prime example of this. Fossils are also an example. There have been many claims discovered fradulent. Haekel’s embryonic drawings were fake. Piltdown man was a hoax, crop circles, Nebraska man, and big bang. I know the KJV has some grammer issues and added verses. I refer back to the Greek and Hebrew, as well. I am well solid in my faith, brother. It can not be shaken, I promise you. You can try me, if you like…? :D You say you “used” to be practicing Christianity. Did something shake your faith? Well, as far as questioning your faith….I was actully questioning the guy who made the video his faith, unless this is you. In the video is revealed the star of David and refers to God here and there. However, when I saw astral projection, M/F energies, channeling , animal communicating, and evolution all on the same website I question which god was being referred because it cannot be the God of the Bible. They don’t mix. In Christ, I love you as well, brother. To tell you how I even landed on this website, a guy at work and I has a discussion on the big bang and God. He said the reason he didn’t believe in the big bang was because of “PHI.” That is how I found this website. I didn’t know what “PHI” was.

  2. I have watched most of these now and absolutely love them, many thanks for putting it all together and sharing on the net :).
    In the Human History movie you briefly mention Adamus which fascinated me. I have been following Crimson Circle since 2007 and Tobias and Adamus teachings have transformed my perception of life and people. For me the key to understanding yourself and therefore others is the material borne from the Sacred Sexual Energy School. This would make another excellent Spirit Science lesson. For me understanding that stuff helps you reconcile with much and move on to greater things which is the sentiment of the majority who have done the workshop. It sets you free. Best wishes to you and your team. A xx

  3. i love spirit science its accurate, but unfortunaly with a too quick digitalist voice, some other have slowed i down and then its a brilliant program :-) so please give us an opportunity there i slower just 15 %

  4. the new website is really weird and it needs work in my opinion. i have come across some stuff that i haven’t seen here before so thats cool. please update this page to show the missing episodes of spirit science and every next one!! the spirit science page that does show them is all mixed up and impossible to navigate to specific things…

  5. Namaste!
    Thanks for such a wonderful insight to spiritual world. Even before watching this series, I did have information about most of the things mentioned in the series through various sources. But the way you have managed to connect everything has just blew my mind and made me understand everything else better.

    However, I would be grateful if any of you guys can clear this confusion for me.

    From what I understand, everything is made of male and female energy. Only when it is balanced out, we are at peace.
    But Orgonite basically converts negative energy to positive energy. Isn’t this contradicting the whole male female balancing theory?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Well in a sense yes, but with the worlds modern technologies mostly creating negative energies (like the cell phone towers mentioned in the series.) someone has to create the counter balance to that, i guess you could say we must bring yin back to matching the size of yang.

  6. I’ve been doing a lot of this in my life and mostly alone been trying to build a community here in montreal about spirit science and I’m also going to university so that eventually i will be able to teach this in a class room, any advice on how my progression could work better and also i would like to do a collaboration in montreal the way i see it if we bring our communities together more will be aware of what we are doing here and be able to expand the knowledge of life itself too everyone if any is willing to do this then message me at my email [email protected] name stay everyone and happy new year too all

    1. hello i really want to give alot of thanks to spirit science of this amazing teachings, but also patch man(Jordan Davis)for his good teachings in his own words made by light, peace and happiness.

  7. This stairs at me like when you stair at a mirror, it’s craving in a sense of Yes,this is more of what we need.Instead of dripping in are gold fashions,an less likely to grab the foundation that shakes us.I am seeking me out,an yet feeling like,we and,I are living through you as much as if we were doing it together,we living the same somebody we are.
    Letting go now,if we are guidance to are body to know are selves as I,and then you find you can not have one without the other.So we run the cover of are illusions, the thing that is some of that what becomes the favorite vibration, aka reality, “wonderland”. Even if you want to change the vibration your in it, also, has now become WE,as a collected,with a view of that person.”aka me” (ego).
    I’m not looking at what I have said through the eye’s of some in prison or some that are homeless.
    Now they are still in power of there dissensions in yet the collected sees them as this. (“Problem”)
    As a Collected this is a reflection as what we do to are own body’s,we in slave the mind to in slave the body,only to come full circle, with experience to see the light in us as WE.Do we really want to stop,harming people who we deem,that they don’t fit in? Yes, we want what WE can not have the most. To live or try to live “To be Or not to be” in the dream,consciousness,forth dimension,and enlightenment, or liar,murder,selfish,ego,and etc…both roads lead back to self.
    Where then do we go from here, the old the young still play the drama with them selves,so how do we change if the thought of everyone can determine by thought of how we see a individual.Fiat by the though of, “they will never amount to….” this bring emotions that resonates at it’s own vibrations. Is it living?
    If Light is the some of all mass an light is vibrations.It seems that we are in a act that seems to fit the change.Like a map,clock,body,it takes the functions of a beginning to end to beginning.
    So conclusion it all sums up to we are in the change,an it is. LIFE
    p.s. If money is seen as value an lives in its vibrations and we give the energy it needs to live is it alive?

  8. Hi,Patch and fellow vibrations not only do I think that is the first step of many in this,now we are in together,it’s that it shakes the foundations.Please do here me we all try to get the voice out,an you have got the believe in you and me as together.I only wish to here from YOU on a topic that seems to be at one with what WE already know,”Manly P. Hail,-Love Of Truth”.I know we would have the most factual-single-nourished conversations,but this ways on my heart now,an we but know are journey’s are different an in the same time,together.I just want more people to talk to about this,but no one is ready around me to see.
    To sound Mental feed back to our self to know thy self.
    Please Help
    Thank you so much you are new life. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS.


  9. Hello all, I’ve just registered to this site, however, I have watched the entire Spirit Science series and I have to send my deepest gratitude to Jordan David for not only creating the series, but to have all concepts explained in such a fashioned that anyone can understand it easily. I’m a Magnified Healing (MH)practitioner and a lot of the series coincide with what I had learned in MH, and the series help me a lot in understanding topics (flower of life, sacred geometry, 12 strands of DNA….etc.) in vast details. Though I would like Jordan David (if possible) to also do a series/episode on Five High Bodies (the electromagnetic body, the epi-kinetic body, the eka body of many relativities, the inner body of Gematria, and the outer body of many Zohar). The materials I can find on the internet are so conceptual and hard to understand.

    Wishing you all the best and once again, NAMESTE!!

  10. Howdy All! I was watching Part 3 of the ISON Cover Up and the planetary model you used. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdXxrp8GmnM
    The first thing that caught my eye was the pattern formed by the moon’s rotation. The flower of life, wow. Then how the earth orbit and the moon’s orbit changed. Is this what creates the 3 1/2 time of void, with the renewal of all?
    Hopi Indian’s knowledge of the blue star? Hmmm, very interesting. I posted on his site’s comment —
    I got started on this journey by the way of http://www.thespiritscience.net
    Spirit Series – Spirit Science 20 lessons.
    Anyway-become one with the all-life is eternal.

  11. Funny my twin brother and I talked about spiritual health and we talked about events that did not make senses, but I would like to share my thoughts and feelings.

  12. Also, I would like to ask, I saw the video already has lesson 22 part one, but apparently not the end, my heart was so excited ?but could not find the next of the video, so i come here to looking for, but do not know why there are only 20 lessons, continue to look forward……

  13. hello?i am a Chinese?my English is very bad?and this website can not display Chinese?but i want to learn this science with you?and I’m new to your video, Chinese have a website for your video done translations, this site is http://www.awaker.net/, perhaps you can work with them, huh. Anyway, although I just started watching your video, but I heard a little of ancient Chinese culture, when I discovered Chinese and Western research toward a common point forward, I think this is not a coincidence, indicating that the universe is really only one rule I hope that the path of truth can not be blocked by differences in language, thank you, bless every one of you!

  14. Thank you so much to Jordan David for creating and animating this wonderful series. My 14 year old son and I have found every episode illuminating and also exciting to watch. We sincerely hope you create some more as you have the ability to reach people of all ages and understandings too. A truly brilliant series. It has connected everything together that I am interested in and have been researching for many years, so was a joy to discover! Best wishes, Becky

  15. I briefly saw somewhere on this site that there is a Spirit Science Lesson 21 and a Lesson 22. I can’t find them now. Can someone PLEASE upload them to this page with the rest of the Spirit Science videos? I’d be grateful…would very much like to see all the Spirit Science videos! :)

  16. Hello everyone! I love this animated series and I check out about the translations. I am spanish and I would offer my support and help in order not to translate but to dub it to spanish language. It would be easier for most of spanish speakers to follow them.

    I suggest to do an spanish version of the site as well. I could give a hand with the translations. If the staff of the site agree with my idea send me a mail to: [email protected] and we can start talking about this :)

  17. I did not want to believe it, but there has been heresay that Jordan is not coming back to create these videos anymore. I did not want to believe it, but after not seeing a video for quite some time and no confirmation that he won’t, I would like to comment here in hopes that I will receive my answer by waiting patiently for someone to respond. I hope you continue to make these videos as it gives people an interesting perspective on life that helps people break out of their barriers and create a unity whether it be with others or within themselves. If nothing else, at a very basic level, you get people to think about the world around them in a new way, which not many are used to doing in this “Question nothing, money driven” society. So I thank you from the bottom of my hearts and hope that you (Jordan David Pearce)will still be with the community you helped start and are an essential part of.

    1. Hey Matazan!
      This is news to me! No more SS vids? That is a bit disappointing, however, I’m sure Jordan deserves a break. If ya check out the 4th to last Spirit Quest vid, Jordan states that he feels he has come to point were he is done teaching and needs to “shut up” to learn more. :-) But that’s just what I got from it. Anyhow….. You said that you were going to continue with making SS type vid? Very awesome! I started myself. I just take my camera and record damn near everything I do. Granted it’s not all “educational” content, lol, but I get a kick and a laugh out of it. So, the point I’m gradually making is that I would like to colaborate? You can find me on FB: Micah Gathercoal, if interested.
      Love, Life & Light

    2. Hey there Matazn,
      Just wanted let you know the rest of the videos are on Youtube! I have seen almost all of them and I’m bummed that there aren’t more. This format that these are put in makes it so fun and easy to watch with an open mind. I have a lot to share to but I am not set up for videos yet. Take care and let me know if you have trouble finding them.

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